Exanthems Flashcards
3 phase virus
- prodrome: 3 Cs
- enanthem: koplik spots
- exanthem: red rash x 7 days from top down
supportive treatment
Mumps virus
Measles virus
fever, myalgia, malaise, HA, parotitis
Rubella virus
prodrome: fever, cough, LAD,
rash on face to trunk and extremities for 3 days
treatment: supportive
congenital rubella
neonate born with hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice, continuous machine-like murmur, blueberry muffins ash, cataracts, hearing loss
Erythema infectiosum virus
parvovirus B-19
erythema infectiousum
viral symptoms followed by slapped-cheek and circumoral pallor
then comes pruritic lacy reticular rash on extremities that spares palms and soles
treatment: supportive
hand foot mouth virus
cocksackie virus
hand foot mouth
viral symptoms
oral exanthem: red macula’s that become painful vesicles and then ulcerate
then the body rash: grey-ish yellow lesions on distal extremities, usually including palms and soles, not painful or pruritic
treatment: supportive
Roseola Infantum
3-5 days of fever prodrome
rash: pink/rose colored blanch able rash starting on trunk and moving up lasting hours or days
treatment: supportive
roseola virus
HSV 6/7