Examples of Constructions Flashcards
ablative of means (instrument)
Nautae gladiis pugnant = the sailors fight with (by means of) swords
ablative of manner
Verba (cum) venia audivisti = you heard my words with indulgence (indulgently)
indirect command
oro ut natueam superes (pres.subj) = i beg that you overcome the sailor
ablative of personal agent
puella a regina terretur = the girl is frightened by the queen
(can be confused with ablative of means but that has no preposition)
dative of possessor
corona est reginae = a crown is the queen’s (to the queen)
complementary infinitive
amicum videre opto = I desire TO SEE my friend
ablative of seperation
Homines incolas insulae servitute liberaverunt = the men freed the inhabitants of the island from slavery
(can use preps a/ab, e/ex or de but usually without)
ablative of origin
Aeneas (e) dea natus est = Aeneas is the son from a goddess
normal ablative of place from which
Ab Italia venit = he came from italy
can be e/ex or de
ablative of place from which with towns, cities, small islands, domus and rus
Roma venit = he came from Rome
Domus venit = he came home
ablative of accompaniment
ad urbem cum amico venit = he comes to the city with his friend
ablative of time when
illo tempore miser erat = at that time he was miserable
ablative of time within which
quinque annis hoc opus perficiet = within 5 years he will complete this task
ablative of respect
haec femina specie pulchra est = this woman is beautiful in (with respect to) appearance
double dative construction (dative of purpose + reference)
filii matri fructui sunt = the sons are (for the purpose of) an asset (with respect) to their mother
ablative of comparison
pater euis est altior hospite = his father is taller than the guest
(aternative = quam + same case as before quam)
ablative of degree of difference
nunc multo felicior est = now he is (by) much happier
partitive genitive
fortissimus omnium militum = the bravest of all soldiers
partitive ablative
quinque ex militibus domum venerunt = five out of the soldiers came home
ablative of cause
clamare gaudio coepit = she began to shout because of joy
ablative of description
vir magna sapientia = a man of great wisdom
genitive of description
vir magnae sapientiae = a man of great wisdom
objective genitive
amor patria = love of the native land
subjective genitive
feminae amor patria = the woman’s love of her native land