Examples Flashcards
I want to be rich
We decided to travel tomorrow
He promised to finish his work
They plan to sell the house soon
Please, don’t forget to take your umbrella
I know you were hopping to see her again
The girls offered to help me with the cake
Last night, we agreed to go to the supermarket together
The kids will learn to make their beds
The family needs to spend more time together
You have to go to school
The officer asked them to stay calm
The mothers arranged to have play date fot their kids
The workers refuse to stay after-hours
The group demands to talk to the manager
They enjoy spending time out
Last year, she didn’t mind staying home for her birthday
Can you imagine having to work on Sundays?
She avoided traveling during pregnancy
When I finish cleaning, I’ll call it a day
They miss staying up all night
The advisor suggested studying one hour a day
You have to keep trying