Example Questions Flashcards
You get a prescription from a NP from Arkansas where they can legally prescribe. They signed the prescription with their name, credentials, and identification number. Can you fill this prescription in Indiana?
YES, we can fill out of state APRN prescriptions
T or F - United State Code (USC) is an area that lists Federal Rules
lists Federal laws or statues
Which of the following lays out Federal Statutes:
USC - United States Code
Which of the following lays out Indiana Rules:
IAC - Indiana Administrative Code
What type of action applies to a patient believing they were harmed when a pharmacist dispensed a prescription from their physician?
NOT: administative or criminal
A pharmacist provides the citation 21 CFR 1306.07 (f)(2)(i). What does the (2) indicate?
The 2nd subsection under subsection (f)
Which of the following are included in BOTH the defition of drug and device: (select all)
- found in the USP
- does not achieve its primary intended purpose through chemical action
- found in the NF
- intended for the use of a disease in man or animal
- found in HPUS
Found in USP, NF
Intended use
A new drug that requires lab tests to monitor for ADR at normal doses would likely be approved as:
- C-II
- C-V
- hazardous drug
- Rx
Rx with REMS
***hazardous drugs are toxic at LOW doses
Pharmacy Compounding have the following requirements:
- follow cGMP
- must be for an individual
- need clinical trials to prove efficacy
- based on a valid prescription
Must be for an individual
Must be based on valid prescription
Must be compounded by licensed pharmacist or physician (or under direct supervision)
A manufacturer recently recalled a specific lot of prescription birth control that had the pills in reverse order. What type of recall most likely was called?
Class II
Rank Classes of Devices from MOST serious to LEAST serious
Class III (most)
Class II
Class I (least)
Contact lenses are in what device class?
Class III (require a prescription)
Syringes are in what device class?
Class II
require special controls
Select all of the following situations that would NOT be considered adulterations:
a. a pharmacy repackages a drug and forgets to put an expiration date
b. a company follows cGMP when manufacturing a product
c. a drug product doesn’t conform to standards but is labeled “not USP”
d. a drug product has a lower strength than what the label says
e. a drug product in a conatiner that is radioactive
Select all situations that would be considered misbranding:
a. an oral controlled substance is not dispensed with CRC
b. a brand name drug lists the generic name on the label
c. a drug product can develop a precipate and there is a warning on the PI
d. a prescription drug is dispensed without a prescription
e. a drug product is manufactured with an unsafe coloring agent
What class of device requires pre-market approval?
Class I
T or F: a surgeon is allowed to write a prescription for a non-surgical issue
Which of the following ar CORRECT in regard to MAX refills and expiration: (select all)
A. Tylenol #3, 0 refills, expires 6 months
B. Codeine, 5 refills, expires 1 year
C. Gabapentin 5 refills, expired 6 months
D. Lisinopril, unlimited refills, expires 1 year
E. Sertraline, 11 refills, expires 1 year
Which prescription medication cannot be called in by an agency nurse for a provider?
- Pentazocine
- Sonata
- Syndros
- Ketamine
- Potiga
Syndros (C-II)
Which of the following must ALWAYS be on a prescription label according to Federal Law:
- Name and address of pharmacy
- Drug name
- Drug dose
- Directions
- Name of patient
- Cautionary statemnets
Name and address of pharmacy
Which of the following may be on a prescription label if its on the prescription according to Federal Law:
- Name and address of pharmacy
- Drug name
- Drug dose
- Directions
- Name of patient
- Cautionary statemnets
- patient name
- directions
- cautionary statements
*** name and address of pharmacy must ALWAYS be on a prescription
Which of the following are NOT required to be on a prescription label according to Federal Law:
- name of dispenser
- address of dispenser
- name of prescriber
- address of prescriber
- date of prescription or its filling
- prescription number
Address of prescriber
What are the max refills for a Xyrem prescription?
5 refills
Xyrem (GHB) is a C-III
What are the max refills for a Carfentanil prescription?
C-II drug
What is the expiration date for a Demerol prescription written on 5/4/23?
Demerol (Meperidine) is a C-II
What is the expiration date for a Amobarbital suppository prescription written on 6/30/23?
C-III amobarbital suppository
Amobarbital tablets are C-II
For a product with the NDC number of 01777-3523-01, 3523 indicates what?
- manufacturer
- package size
- drug product
- dosage form
Drug product
What is NOT required labeling:
- Anti-tampering technology used on an OTC product
- MedGuide given with a Prevacid prescription
- Patient Package Insert given with a Mirena
- “Not reviewed by FDA” on a dietary supplement
PPI for Mirena (not an estrogen product)
What is NOT seen as required law to follow federally?
- USP 797
- OBRA ‘90
USP 797
Which is TRUE regard the PPPA?
a. CRC are required for all drug products
b. CPRC provides full exemptions of drugs
c. prescribers can issue a blanket waiver for patients
d. there are no standards for what is special packaging
e. all children shound struggle to open CRC within the first 5 minutes
Which of the following can make a blanket waiver for all of their precriptions to NOT be in special packaging?
Patients and patient reps
Which drug products always require special packaging when dispensing without a waiver (choose all)
a. Errin tablet
b. Mebendazole tablet
c. Amoxicillin suspension
d. Methylprednisolone tablet
e. Pancrelipase powder
Which drug products require special packaging when dispensing without a waiver (choose all)
a. Voltaren gel
b. Naproxen sodium tablets
c. Isosorbide dinitrate SL tablets
d. Latanoprost eye drops
e. Ondansetron ODT
What is the BUD for a compounded drug with the following prescription: Amoxocillin suspension diluted with sterile water to a concentration of 5 mg/ 10 mL
14 days
What is the BUD for a compounded sterile cream using hydrophobic components?
180 days
Which of the following is NOT a crime by the Anti-Tampering Act?
- opening a bottle of OTC pain reliever to see what it looks like
- placing a tablet you made in a bottle of OTC cough suppressant
- Removing the shrink wrap from a Rx product
- calling the police to report an OTC was tampered when it had not been
- Planning to switch the liquid in an OTC eye drop
Removing the shrink wrap from a Rx product
Which of the following is WRONG about dietary supplements?
- all dietary supplements must contain a disclaimer
- products may claim to benefit a classical nutrient deficiency
- required to undergo premarket approval
- dietary supplements cannot make misleading statements
required to undergo premarket approval
Select all that are prohibited by the PDMA:
a. a doctor selling drug samples
b. a patient purchasing manufacturer coupons for a drug
c. a manufacturer importing their own drug into the US from Canada
d. a hospital selling drugs to a retail pharmacy
Which of the following is true about inspections:
- DEA can copy sales
- pharmacist can deny of FDA agent with an adminstrative inspection warrant
- A state board inspector can be denied entry without a warrant
-Pharmacist can revoke permission to inspect from a DEA who provided a NOI
- Inspectors cannot view any patient information due to HIPAA
Pharmacists can revoke permission from a DEAagent with a Notice of Inspection
Select all of the following where a drug manufacturer would have to go through the NDA process:
a. approved drug with new dosage form
b. approved drug with new condition
c. approved drug with new strength
d. two previously approved drug as a combination product
A prescription drug is found to cause serous decrease in neutrophil count. Through proper monitoring the ADR can be prevented. What type of REMS is required?
Elements to Assure Safe Use
What is sufficient for a drug to be added or removed as a controlled substance schedule: (select all)
a. relative potential for abuse
b. history and current pattern of abuse
c. risk to public health
d. pyschic or physiological dependence
e. scientific evidence of its pharmacologic effects
A new drug has found to have a higher dependence than Vimpat but has a lower addiction potential than Phenobarbital. What should the schedule be?
DEA registration is based on which of the following (select all):
- drug schedule
- drug dosage form
- activities engaged
- type of practitioner
drug schedule and activities engaged in
The following DEA number for dentist, Dr. James Jones, is obviously fraudulent at a glance:
a. BS1435038
b. FJ2798201
c. MJ8716891
“M” indicates midlevel prescriber
Which of the following activities has NO coincident activies: (select all)
- Importer
- Exporter
- Distributor
- Narcotic Treatment Program
- Research (I)
Exporter and Narcotic Treatment Program
What DEA form must a manufacturer fill out to register?
DEA Form 225
What form must a provider fill out who wants to start a narcotic treatment program?
DEA Form 363
What DEA form must hospitals fill out in order to handle Controlled substances?
DEA Form 224
What type of CS should a provider check off on their registration if they only need to prescribe opioids?
*** 2N and 3N are for non-narcotics
An alprazolam prescription was written by a resident working in the ED using the institution’s DEA number. The patient was discharged and was a neighbor of the resident. Can you legally fill this?
a. yes, meets all requirements
b. no, not issued in the resident’s scope of employment
c. no, prescribers cannot issue to people they know
d. yes, it is not the pharmacist job to ensure appropriate use of DEA numbers
T or F: all methadone and hydromorphone products must be stored in a pharmacy in a locked safe
When filling controlled substances, what are the two systems you can use?
3-file: C-II, other schedules, non controlled
2-file: C-II and everything else file
Which of the following can be stored in a central recordkeeping of controlled substances:
- Executed order forms
- Blank DEA 222 Forms
- Records of inventory
- prescriptions
Black DEA 222 forms
For which drug(s) do you NEED to fill out a DEA 222 form to order:
- Provigil
- Levorphanol
- Versed
- Halcion
What is NOT required on a DEA 222 order form:
- Drug name
- Drug quantity
- Drug strength
- date
- Signed by POA or Registrant
What is FALSE about the DEA 222 order form:
- the supplier must add the NDC to the form for each drug
- pharmacies do not have to keep VOID DEA 222 forms
- Partial fills from the supplier must be provided within 60 days of the order date
- Only should write one drug and strength on each line
Pharmacies do not have to keep VOID forms
*** they DO!
The only time a DEA supplier cannot endorse the order to another supplier:
When the C-II order is through a CSOS
Select everyone who you can hire for that handling controlled substances:
a. tech who was arrested for dealing cocaine
b. pharmacy student with a felony conviction involving benzos
c. pharmacist who surrendered their DEA license
Which of the following is TRUE?
- a pharmacist can estimate percocet quanitities in bootles with 500 tablets or more
- initial inventory is recorded with you first have controlled substances at the loaction
- inventory must be taken every year
- a technician can estimate lorazepam quantities in bottles containing 1000 tab or more
- if a product becomes controlled between inventory dates, the pharmacy will first count the product during their next official inventory
A technician can estimate lorazepam 1000 tab or more
Select all of the following that are required on a rx for dextroamphetamine:
a. date written
b. patient name
c. prescriber DEA
d. patient address
e. directions for use
Select all that can be done to a prescription for Focalin XR without a new script:
a. adding a date
b. correcting the patient name
c. correcting the strength from 20 mg to 10 mg
d. correcting the prescriber from Jane Doe, NP to supervising physician John Smith, DO
e. correcting the drug from Percocet to oxycodone
What can you change on a Dexedrine prescription without obtaining a new script?
a. drug dosage form
b. directions
c. date
d. drug name
e. prescriber name
Drug dosage
What can you NOT change on a prescription for Xanax without a new script?
- patient name
- patient address
- prescriber name
- drug name
- drug quantity
Patient name
Drug name
Prescriber name
What is NOT required on a controlled substance prescription:
- date
- patient address
- patient DOB
- prescriber address
- directions for use
Patient DOB
A Vyvanse prescription is partially filled because there was not enough in stock. How long does the pharmacy to provide the remaining?
36 hours
What prescriptions are required to have the cautionary statement “Caution: Federal law prohibits the transfer of this drug to any person”?
Which is TRUE?
a. Vimpat can only be partially filled for 30 days after the date written
b. prebagalin can only be partially filled one time
c. norco can be partially filled for no more than 15 days in a terminally ill patient
d. Codeine can be partially filled for up to 60 days after date written in a LTCF
E. Adderall can only be partially filled if requested by the patient
T or F: a prescriber must write a covering prescription within 14 days of the mergency C-II prescription
FALSE it is 7 days
T or F: When writing multiple prescriptions for Codeine, a prescriber must write the date it was issued and indicate the earliest date it can be filled.
T or F: A prescriber can prescribe methadone to a patient who was previous enrolled in a narcotic treatment program.
When should you NOT accept a fax as an original precription:
- Codeine prescription for a patient in hospice
- Amphetamine prescription for a patient in LTCF
- Oxycodone prescription for a patient going home
- Xyrem prescription for a patient in hospice
What is NOT required you provide on a transfer sheet when transferring CS?
- refills original
- refills remaining
- patient dob
- pharmacy DEA number
- prescriber
- locations of previous fills
patient DOB
What are the only medications approved to go through DATA 2000?
What form must you submit to request destruction of controlled substances?
DEA Form 41
What form must you fill out in order to report theft?
DEA Form 106
WITHIN 1 business day
Which of the following can be transferred on 7/7/23?
a. Pentobarbital, written 4/20/23
b. Suboxone, written 2/12/23, transferred previously, 3 refills remaining
c. Tramadol, written 6/20/23, not be transferred previously, 4 refills
d. Meperidine, written 12/19/22
e. Ativan, written 3/2/23, transferred once through shared database, 1 refill
Select all the following prescriptions that can always be faxed as the original copy
a. Codeine
b Codeine/Guaigenesin
c. Ketamine
d. Cocaine
e. Diazepam
T or F: a pharmacists can accept prescriptions from out of state optometrists
If all licensed in Indiana, who can prescribe a topical retinoid to treat acne?
- APRN working under a family provider
- Optometrist
- Physician specializing in endocrinology
- Denist
- PA working under a dermatologist specializing
APRN, Physician, PA
T or F: a pharmacist who’s license is suspended cannot practice until the board re-enlisted the license
T or F: A prescriber is seeing a patient through telehealth. They can never prescribe an opioid to this patient.
*** they can prescribe partial agonist opioids
Which of the follow can we honor 7/1/23? (select all)
- a written script Zolpidem Rx by a med resident
- an electronic script for Norco written on April 2, 2022
- a faxed script for sertraline
- a written script for tramadol
a faxed script for sertraline
T or F: a medicaid patient should never receive a brand name prescription
Which of the following scenarios should have a days supple not exceed 7:
a. 55 year old patient is prescribed Norco for palliative care for the 1st time
b. 16 year old patient is prescribed suboxone for substance use disorder
c. 81 year old is prescribed oxycodone after a surgery for the 1st time
d. 34 year old patient refilling her norco prescription
T or F: pharmacist who is addicted to alcohol or other substances and has not otherwise come
to the attention of the board for the issue, can enter into a confidential agreement with
a Board approved recovery provider without losing their license.
All are true for vaccine administration except:
a. APRN can supervise a student pharmacist
b. pharmacists can vaccinate on protocol
c. must have CPR certification on file to vaccinate
d. pharmacists can provide vaccinations not on protocol if they receive a prescription
e. pharmacists cannot administer under the age of 18 years old
What is NOT required to be on a drug order:
- patient name
- bed number
- date
- drug name
- drug strength
- drug amount
- directions
- prescriber name
What is the BoP allowed to do: (select all)
a. make an arrest without a warrant
b. seize property
c. execute summonses
d. execute subpenas
e. execute warrants
When can pharmacists legally share confidential information (select all):
a. if it is the best interest of the patient
b. requested by the BoP
c. criminal prosecution
d. telling our technicians to rely patient info to law enforcement
The pharmacist can change the following without contacting the prescriber about a script:
a. drug name
b. quantity
c. directions
d. dosage forms
B and D
T or F: pharmacist must notify the patient’s prescriber within 10 days of obtaining a vaccine
FALSE 14 days
A pharmacist was initially licensed in Ohio in 1998. They decided to transfer their license
from Ohio to Indiana. They received their Indiana license on June 30, 2022. The biennium started on January 1, 2022 and ends December 31, 2023. Knowing this, how many hours
of CE must this pharmacist complete?
22.5 hourd
What is required for labeling a unit dose product (select all):
- drug name
- strength
- patient name
- prescriber name
- expiration date
Drug name
Expiration Date
Drug strength
What duties can a technician legally NOT do (select all):
a. complete final check on a drug order
b. provide counseling on a refill
c. take a refill authorization over the phone from a prescriber
d. Give advice to a prescriber based on the patient’s medications
B and D
A pharmacy technician forgets to add the auxiliary label saying, “Federal law prohibits the
transfer of this drug to any person other than the patient for whom it was prescribed.”
How long should you wait before submitting INSPECT information after dispensing?
24 hours
A 17 year old patient with a passport comes in to obtain 2.4 g of Sudafed. There is no history of Sudafed purchase. Can you dispense this medication?
NO, needs to be 18 or older