Examination - subjective Flashcards
Key history findings
- Onset of pain with WB after non-WB
- noticeable in morning after 1st step
- pain decreases with activity
- recent change in level of activity
- pain in anteromedial aspect of _______
Chronic plantar heel pain - Plantar fasciitis
plantar heel
- pain most common at central band of _____
- linked to reiters syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, SLE
- Do they have back pain? Could be _______
- Fear avoidance is HUGE in _________
- education, positive exposure to activities
Chronic plantar heel pain – Plantar fasciitis
- Plantar fascia
- L5/S1 radiculopathy
- plantar fasciitis
altmans criteria
Test cluster 1.
Hip OA
- hip pain
- hip IR less than 15
- hip flexion less than 115
- mostly the same as something else
- Forced ext. rotation of foot and hyperdorsiflexion
- if hyper pronation of subtalar, could damage _____
- not much bruising
- painful endfeel or no endfeel.
High ankle sprain
- Deltoid ligament
- inflammation of distal pole of patella and patellar tendon
- associated with _____ weakness, lack of hamstring flexibility, patella _____
- repetitive ________
- minimal inflammation
- pain with _______ of _____ pole of patella
- fat pad swelling
- painful at _____ and ____ at end of activity
Patellar tendinopathy
- quad, alta
- jumping sports
- palpation , inferior
- start, resting
mechanism of injury
- direct trauma to _____
- eccentric ______
- cumulative microtrauma
- _____ impingement
- tendinosis of hip abductors
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
- lateral hip
- hyper adduction
- IT band
Indications for ______
- severe pain
- joint destruction
- Marked ____ deformity
- genu varum or valgum - extreme ____ limitation
- knee
1. acute or insidious pain in ____ that may radiate down to calf
pain exacerbated by:
2. lying on _____
3. repetitive ______
4. prolonged standing or single limb activities
5. repetitive ______
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
- lateral thigh
- affected hip
- hip flex/extension
- hip IR/ER
Sultive’s criteria.
- unilateral ______ pain
- _____ as aggravating factor
- active hip ______ causing lateral hip pain
- _____ test causing lateral hip or groin pain
- active hip _____ causing pain
- Passive hip ___
Hip OA
- hip
- squatting
- flexion
- scour
- extension
- IR, less than 25
Pain and reproducible tenderness in ______, ____, or _____
Greater trochanteric pain syndrome
greater tro
lateral thigh
altmas criteria
If hip rot. > 15 then use:
test cluster 2
Hip OA
- painful hip IR
- age >50
- morning stiffness
- was there any trauma?
- period of immobilization?
- post op complications?
- symptoms
- general _______ _____ pain
- _______ with movement
- symptoms inc. with _____, , squatting, prolonged —-
Anterior knee pain - patello femoral pain syndrome
- anterior knee pain
- crepitation
- stairs, sitting
- Pain scale- VAS
- red flags____
- Yellow flags _____
- how did injury occur?
Plantar flexion with hind foot inversion ____
Plantar flex with hind foot inversion and adduction of forefoot _______ - x rays?
- previous injury?
- growth spurt?
Low Ankle sprain
- tumors, infections, neuro damage
- beliefs about pain
- true low ankle
- low ankle and CFL
structures that comprise extensor mechanism
- passive lateral structures
- passive medial structures
- dynamic lateral stabilizers
- dynamic medial stabilizers
Anterior knee pain - patello femoral pain syndrome
- IT band, transverse retinacula
- medial retinacula, medial patellofemoral lig.
- max, med, TFL
- vastus lateralis - hip adductors
- moderate lateral or anterior _____ pain with WB
- can progress to ant. thigh or knee region
- > 50 yrs
- limited PROM in at least __ of 6 directions
- morning ___ stiffness that improves in less than 1 hr.
- pain in _____, ant. thigh, groin
Hip OA
- hip
- 2
- hip
- butt.
- classic tear is ____
2. medial and ____ are most often injured
Meniscal injury
- bucket handle
- posterior
Ligament injury classification 1. grade I - II- III IV
- microtears - no laxity
- 1/3-2/3 lig. damage,
0-5 mm joint gappin, firm end feel - 5-10 , soft end feel
- 10+, no end feel
- Classified based on _______
- can be ant., post., sup.
- 55% of pt with _____ have _____
- contact sports resulting in dislocation of ______
- _______ impingement (___)
- Pincer impingement
- boney over hang of _____ - Cam impingement
- exostossis along ____ neck
anterior labral tear – Hip
- location
- chronic hip pain, labral tear
- femoral head
- femoroacetabular impingement (FAI)
- acetabulum
- femoral
- anterior ___ or ____ pain
- constant dull pain with intermittent episodes
- clicking, locking, giving way
- _____ ___ pain in sitting
- walking, pivoting, prolonged sitting aggravate symptoms
Anterior Labral Tear
- hip, groin
- anterior hip
indications for surgery
- _____ traumatic injury with one or more ligs and severe _______
- ______ knee instability secondary to _______ injury
- ______ of knee plus ____
- acute, instability
- chronic, old
- buckling, pain
- damage to ____ causes ____ instability
2. Involved tissues: _____,, _____ capsule
- ACL, anterior
2. ACL, anterior