Examination Flashcards
Ophthalmoscopy: Large aperture
Standard use
Ophthalmoscopy: small aperture
Macular area
< Corneal reflex
> Pupil size
Ophthalmoscopy: Target
Locate foveola
Ophthalmoscopy: Slit lamp
Elevation of fundus lesion
Clarity of anterior media
Ophthalmoscopy: Cobalt blue filter
Fluorescein staining
Ophthalmoscopy: Red-free filter
Ophthalmoscopy: 400 degrees K color temperature filter
Color representation
Lover intensity illumination
Ophthalmoscopy: Polarising filter
< Corneal reflex
Ophthalmoscopy: Decrease corneal reflex
Darken room Tilt ophthalmoscope slightly Polarising filter Small aperture Direct light beam through edge of pupil
History 5 questions
- Visual disturbance
- Visual discomfort
- Photophobia
- Discharge
- Eyelids stick in mornings
Flashes of light
Retinal traction and detachement
< VA
Refractive error or visual systemic disease
< VF
Retinal or neuronal abnormality
Coloured halos around light
Corneal oedema
Mucus: Allergy
Water: Anterior uveitits, gluacoma, lacrimal drainage abnormality
Puss: Infection
Exam sequence
History VA VF Pupils Motility and alignment Anterir uveitits
Eclipse test
Lid eversion
Corneal sensation
VA: Pre-schooler
0-3m: Responds to light and mothers face
3m-2yr: Fix and follows, objects occlusion
2-6yr: 100 & 1000s, ID tests, orientation tests
meters/number on chart
Snellen chart
Counting finger
Hand mvements
Light perception
Anterior uveitis test
- Consensual light reflex
- Accommodation test
- Kerititis vs uveitis: cornea clear in AU
Positive eclipse test
Half of iris light
iris diaphram bulges forward–> anterior chamber shallow
Eclipe test goal
- Can dilate or not
- risk acute angle glaucoma
- dx acute angle glaucoma attack
Red reflex def
Reflection of light on choriocapillaries
Abnormal red reflex
- Medial opacities
- Retinal detachment
- Choroid/RPE abnormality
Position of opacities methods
- Parallax:
- Move oposite direction than you: infront of pupil
- Move same direction as you: Behind pupil
- Does not move: In pupil plane - Focal
- +20-+10: Anterior chamber
- +10: Iris lens diaphram
- +10-0:vitreos humour to retina
Examine fundus
- optic disc: margin cup colour vv pulsation
- vascular arcades: uniformity colour crossings diameter
- retina
- macula
- Foveola: look into light, target appature
How to find optic disc
White spot
How to find macula
Temporal disc margin–> move 2.5 disc margins temporally and inferiorly
How to find foveola
Patient look into light, target appature