Examination (2) Flashcards
[V] Fifth Commandment
You shall not kill. Right to existense.
Fifth Commandment as enriched by Jesus
That you love one another as I loved you.
Absolute owner of human life
Permission to defend oneself when under attack.
Taking the life of an innocent person.
Murder or Homicide
Permitted only in case of extreme gravity.
Death Penalty
Causing the death of a child before it can survive outside the mother’s womb.
Unavoidable abortion
Miscarriage or spontaneous abortion
Abortion brought about through the intervention of man.
Procured abortion
Abortion caused by malformation of fetus
Eugenic abortion
Abortion for medical reasons as in cases of rape.
Therapeutic abortion
Abortion undertaken for psychological, economic, or social motives
Psychological/psychosocial abortion
Proclaimed the sinful nature of abortion
Punishment for those who procures or cooperate in an abortion
Automatic excommunication
Origin of death
An act or an omission which of itself or by intention causes death
Right to make a decition to forego aggressive medical treatment when death is clearly imminent and inevitable
Right to End Unnecessary Medical Treatment
Attitude or behavior which leads another to do evil
Conflict where military action is the last resort, is sufficient and grave, waged by proper authority, leads to better good, and does not target civilians
Just War
Removal of an organ or limb to save the life of a seriously ill person.
Organ Transplant
Technology which aims at producing human beings selected according to gender or other predetermined quality.
The reduction of man to a non-human animal by hindering the ability to think as a free person
Effect of abuse that causes serious harm to the body and mind.
Alteration of reproductive organs
Sterilization intended to destroy procreative capability
Direct sterilization
Sterilization caused as by a different medical procedure or accident
Indirect sterilization
Sterilization caused as by a different medical procedure or accident
Indirect sterilization
Use of methods that prolongs agony
Therapeutic Tyranny
Primary intention of marriage
Property of marriage wherein spouses give what is specific and proper to each of them
Property of marriage that states the permanency of its stability
Circumstances where marriage can be dissolved on the account of non-baptism
Natural, not sacramental
Circumstances where marriage can be dissolved on the account of non-baptism of one party
Natural, not sacramental (Pauline Privilege)
Circumstances where marriage can be dissolved for just cause if the other party is willing
Non-consummated marriage
Confirmation of the church that marriage was not valid ab initio due to lack of consent or deficiency in form.
Normative expression of human sexuality
Sexual intercourse
Personal and loving meeting between man and wife
Causes the need for limits of moderation in marital love
Sexual pleasure
Complimentary of man and woman, reason for rejection of same-sex marriage
Synthesis of affection, pleasure, and genitalia
Sexual relations between a married person with someone other than their spouse
Another term for pre-martial sex
Deliberate and solitary seeking of sexual pleasure outside of the conjugal act
Prevention of the natural completion of the sexual act
Solicitation of sexual acts that leads to destruction of those who engage in the activity
Sexual relations with animals
Sexual relations among relatives
Sexual relations between the members of the same sex
Entertaining oneself with impure thoughts and desires
Using infertile times for the expression of marital love and to postpone a new birth
Natural Family Planning
Virtue which consists in moderating sexual appetite according to one’s state in life. Integrates sexuality in the unity of a person
Act of living together between unmarried persons
Abstaining from any type of sexual act, as well as from those activities that excites the passion
Finding of an ecclesiastical court that a valid marriage never existed in the first place
Declaration of nullity
Authority given to a civil magistrate to separate spouses joined in a civil matrimony
Exaggeration of the passion for sex and sexual pleasure
Philosophy which considers pleasure as the supreme end of life
Inordinate desire for sexual pleasure
Bond between man and woman joined in conjugal union for life
Virtue which regulates dress and conduct in relation
Group of anatomical or physiological conditions that characterize many organic beings and through which they are male or female
Fundamental and innate vocation of every human being
Vatican II Constitution that states that things would be shared fairly by mankind
Gaudium et Spes
Social actions carried out at the appropriate level, where an individual acts on behalf of himself through his work, family, and community
Principle of Subsidiarity
Principle that every man must have the things necessary for living a human life.
Right to Private Property
Function of property where it does not lose its character to help every man
Social Function of Property
Social doctrine issued by Pope Leo XIII on January 15, 1891
Rerum Novarum
Social doctrine issued by Pope John Paul II on May 1, 1991
Centissimus Annus
Treaty with nature which should be considered as the house of all. Deals with the protection of the residence in which human life is developed
Taking of another’s good against his reasonable wishes
Taking of property by force
Theft or Robbery
Obligation to return things to the state in which they were before theft
Trait that distinguished man from other creatures
The Truth
The principle that states “good is diffusive” because truth is also good
Bonum diffusivum sui
Lie told about someone, accusing him of something which he is not guilty
Sin against a person’s fame or honor
Disparagement or Slander
Declaring the defects or the faults of the other without valid reason and taking away the other’s good reputation
Interior or exterior decision in the reputation of a person without sufficient reason
Rash Judgement