Examen primer parcial Flashcards
Has shaped itself through the creation of International Organizations such
as the UN, decolonization, globalization, etc.
Foreign policy
George Modelski defines foreign policy as
“the system of activities evolved by communities for
changing the behavior of other states and for adjusting their own activities to the international environment. Foreign policy must throw light on the ways states attempt to change, and succeed in changing the behavior of other states.”
The foreign policy serves as
an intersection point of domestic and international politics.
foreign policy has two determinants:
● International or external
● Domestic or internal.
According to Kissinger the domestic structure is…
not irrelevant in any historical period. At a minimum, it determines the amount of social effect which can be devoted to foreign policy.”
Was the president of Mexico during these periods of time (1824-29)
Guadalupe Victoria
Was the president of Mexico during these periods of time (1829)
Vicente Guerrero
Was the president of Mexico during these periods of time (1833-35/1839/1841-42/1843-44/1847/1853-1855)
Antonio López de Santa Ana
Was the president of Mexico during these periods of time (1858/1861-62/1867-72)
Benito Juárez
Was the president of Mexico during these periods of time (1876-80/1884-1911)
Porfirio Díaz
was the consequence of a political and social process resolved by means of arms, which put an end to Spanish rule in the territories of New Spain.
Mexico’s Independence
he war for Mexican independence lasted from….. until…..
The Grito de Dolores, on September 16, 1810, until the entry of the Trigarante Army into Mexico City, on September 27, 1821.
The independence of Mexico was made official with…
the signing of the Treaties of Córdoba.
Who signed the Treaties of Córdoba?
This document was signed by Agustín de Iturbide, (commander of the Triguarante Army) and by Juan O’Donojú (higher political leader of the Province of New Spain).
Reconquest attempts were made in…
1821 and 1829
Principal actors of the independence of Mexico:
- Priest Miguel Hidalgo
- Maria Morelos and Pavon
- Agustin de Iturbide
- Vicente Guerrero
When Mexico achieved its independence, Agustín de Iturbide proclaimed himself…
“Emperor Agustín I”
Was the only nation independent from Spain that adopted a monarchical regime after its independence.
The historical period of the First Mexican Empire includes the signing of…
The Treaties of Córdoba in 1821 until the proclamation of the federal Republic in 1823.
The first Mexican empire was dissolved in…
February 1823
what happened thanks to the Casa Mata Plan led by Antonio López de Santa Anna and Vicente Guerrero.
The first Mexican empire was dissolved
For which reason the Anglo-Saxon people in Texas started to grow the idea of independence
○ They had to convert to Catholicism and adopt their equivalent name in Spanish.
○ Abolition of slavery in Mexico
○ The adoption of the “7 laws” centralist constitution of 1835 took away their autonomy.
Texas independence war period of time
From 1835 to 1836
After what battle the war of Texas independence ended unexpectedly
the Battle of San Jacinto.