examen 2 Flashcards
true or false
When performing a sensitivity analysis Variable costs change as the output changes
true or false When performing a sensitivity analysis: Fixed costs are not dependent on the amount of goods or services produces during the period
A corporate finance manager is considering how to finance an investment project and wants your help create a strategy to avoid signaling.
Use pecking order theorem to find the appropriate strategy. Prioritize the means of financing and drag the financing method from the left to the appropriate numbered box to the right, then assign the method´s signal to investors. With 1 being the highest order and 3 being the lowest order.
strategi 1= finance internally => signals prowide no signals
strategi 2 = finance using bonds => signals signal that the shears is underprice
strategi 3 = finance using shares => signal that the shears is overprice
When considering the Payback period method which of the following is correct?
A) The payback period disregards the time value of money
B) The payback period does account for what happens after payback, taking into account the overall profitability of an investment.
C) The shorter the payback, the more desirable the investment
D) Shorter paybacks mean more attractive investments, while longer payback periods are less desirable.
E) The payback period is the cost of the investment divided by the annual cash flow.
The payback period disregards the time value of money
The shorter the payback, the more desirable the investment
Shorter paybacks mean more attractive investments, while longer payback periods are less desirable.
The payback period is the cost of the investment divided by the annual cash flow.
The term structure of interest rates are constructed of?
A) Interest rate risk premium
B) Inflation premium
C) Real rate
D) Discount factor
E) Bond rating
F) Growth rate
G) Share value
Real rate
Inflation premium
Interest rate risk premium
On risk and return, which is true?
A) Market risk can be eliminated with diversification
B) Expected return on a security is positively related to the security´s BETA
C) A diversified portfolio can eliminate all the risk associated with individual securities
D) Unsystematic risk increases proportionally with increased number of securities in a portfolio
Expected return on a security is positively related to the security´s BETA
Assume that the risk-free rate is 5% and the market risk premium is 8%. Security A has a beta of 0.75 and Security B has a beta of 1.25. Suppose that Security C has a risk-return characteristic such that it lies below the security market line. Is Security C a desirable investment? Why or why not?
A) Security C lies above the SML and so it is underpriced. In other words, it is yielding a return greater than what can be expected.
B) It is a desirable investment and can be purchased.
C) It is not a desirable investment and should not be purchased
D) Security C lies above the SML and so it is overpriced. In other words, it is yielding a return lower than what can be expected.
E) Security C lies below the SML and so it is underpriced. In other words, it is yielding a return greater than what can be expected.
F) Security C lies below the SML and so it is overpriced. In other words, it is yielding a return lower than what can be expected.
Security C lies below the SML and so it is overpriced. In other words, it is yielding a return lower than what can be expected.
It is not a desirable investment and should not be purchased
When considering investment projects using IRR. Which are correct?
A) When considering mutually exclusive investments. One can always reach a correct decision by accepting the larger project if the incremental IRR is greater than the discount rate
B) If we choose independent investment projects with highest IRR, NPV always gives the same decision
C) When a project has cash inflow followed by one or more outflows: One should accept when the IRR is below the discount rate
D) IRR does not give the same decision as NPV when considering independent investment projects where the initial outflows are only followed by a series of inflows
When considering mutually exclusive investments. One can always reach a correct decision by accepting the larger project if the incremental IRR is greater than the discount rate
When a project has cash inflow followed by one or more outflows: One should accept when the IRR is below the discount rate
Oppgave 16Financial statements
(1 point)
You are given the following information for Arion ASA in $ million
What is the change in net working capital in 2020?
diferansen fra 2019 to 2020 on curent assets - current libilties
(520-165) - (361-129) = 123
According to the course literature, it is suggested that a firms price-earning (PE) ratio is a function of which three factors?
A) The per share amount of the firm´s valuable growth opportunities
B) The risk of the stock
C) The type of accounting method used by the firm
D) Financial leverage
E) Operating leverage
F) Last years EBIT
G) Next years forecasted EBIT
The risk of the stock
The per share amount of the firm´s valuable growth opportunities
The type of accounting method used by the firm
According to the course literature and considering the Profitability index (PI), which is FALSE?
A) We reject independent projects if PI < 1
B) For mutually exclusive project the PI method does not have the same scale problem as IRR
C) When choosing mutually exclusive projects and using the profitability index on the incremental cash flows with PI >1, we get the same result as using NPV
D) PI has an arbitrary cutoff date
E) PI is affected by accounting judgements
F) With capital rationing, the PI is is a useful method of adjusting the NPV
PI is affected by accounting judgements
For mutually exclusive project the PI method does not have the same scale problem as IRR
PI has an arbitary cutoff date
disse stemmer ikke. alså de er false
Is it possible that a risky asset could have a beta of zero and why/why not?
No, as it is not possible to construct a portfolio of risky assets whose return would be equal or less than the risk free rate.
Yes, as it is possible to construct a zero beta portfolio of risky assets whose return would be equal to the risk free rate.
Unable to determine,
Yes, as it is possible to construct a zero beta portfolio of risky assets whose return would be equal to the risk free rate.
Given the following alternatives, capital asset pricing theory asserts that portfolio returns are best explained by:
pick one:
Systematic risk
Specific risk
Economic factors
Systematic risk
When considering risk analysis, which of the following is correct?
A) With scenario analysis, one variable is examined over a broad range of values.
B) With sensitivity analysis, all variables are examined for limited range of values
C) Forecasting risk is the risk that a bad decisions is made because of errors in projected cash flows.
D) From a shareholders perspective. A project that exceeds the accounting and cash break even points should under all circumstances be accepted.
Forecasting risk is the risk that a bad decisions is made because of errors in projected cash flows.
Consider the following sentence and fill in the blanks.
Both _______ and _________ measure the responsiveness of a security to movement in the market.
Select one or more alternatives:
Financial leverage
Net present value
Operating leverage
On bond price sensitivity. All other things being equal, which of the following are true?
A) The longer the time to maturity the greater the interest rate risk
B) The lower the coupon rate, the greater the interest rate risk
C) The higher the coupon rate the greater the interest rate risk
D) The shorter the time to maturity the greater the interest rate risk
A) The longer the time to maturity the greater the interest rate risk
B) The lower the coupon rate, the greater the interest rate risk
From a shareholders perspective, which break even point(s) is the most important?
A) Financial break even
B) Accounting break even
C) Cash break even
D) All equally important
A) Financial break even
Operating cash flow reflects:
A) Tax payments
B) Change in net working capital
C) Capital spending
D) Financing
A) Tax payments
An investor is considering adding shares in Biotech to its existing portfolio of well diversified assets the investor is concerned whith the risk effects of Biotech shares on portfolio. Give the investor’s consideration, which of the following Biotech metrics should the investor be most concerned whith ?
WACC of Biotech
Required rate of return on Biotech shares
Expected return of the on Biotech shares
EBITA from on Biotech operations
Variance of the on Biotech shares
Covariance between on Biotech shares and portefolio
Correlation between on Biotech shares and portefolio
Covariance between on Biotech shares and portefolio
According to the course literature and considering the Profitability Index (PI) which is true For mutually exclusive project
The PI method does not have the same scale problem as IRR
PI has an arbitrary cutoff date
With capital rationing, the PI is a useful method of adjusting the NPV
Pi is affected by accounting judgments
When choosing mutually exclusive projects and using the profitability index on the incremental cash flow whit PI>1, we get the same result as using NPV
We reject independent projects if PI<1
With capital rationing, the PI is a useful method of adjusting the NPV
When choosing mutually exclusive projects and using the profitability index on the incremental cash flow whit PI>1, we get the same result as using NPV
We reject independent projects if PI<1
According to security market line, the expected return of any security is a function of
Specific risk
Systematic risk
Diversifiable risk
Unsystematic risk
Unique risk
Systematic risk
In the figure above, what is line from Rf through M called? With M being market, where M is located on. (1, E(Rm)) in the graph
Characteristic line
Portfolio asset line
Security market line
Individual security line
Capital market line
Security market line
The term structure of interest rates are constructed of?
Bond rating
Discount factor
Share value
Interest rate risk premium
Real rate
Growth rate
Inflation premium
Interest rate risk premium
Real rate
Inflation premium
According to the course literature, it is suggested that a firms price-earning (PE) ratio is a function of which three factors?
Next years forecasted EBIT
Last years EBIT
Financial levrage
Operating levrage
The type of accounting method used by the firm
The per share amount of the firm’s valuable growth opportunities
The risk of the stock
The type of accounting method used by the firm
The per share amount of the firm’s valuable growth opportunities
The risk of the stock
On risk and, which is true?
Expected return on a security is positively related to the security’s BETA
Market risk can be eliminated with diversification
Unsystematic risk increases proportionally with increased number of securities in portfolio
A diversified portfolio can eliminate all risk associated whit individual securities
Expected return on a security is positively related to the security’s BETA
From a shareholders perspective, which break even point(s) is the most important
Cash brake even
None of them is important
All equally important
Financial brake even
Accounting brake even
Interest rate brake even
Financial brake even
According to the course literature and consider the Profitabillity Index (PI) which is false and which can be true in at list some cases.
1)PI has an arbitrary cutoff date
2)PI is affected by accounting Judgements
3) Whit capital rationing, the PI is is a useful method of adjusting NPV
4) When choosing a mutually exclusive projects and using the profitability index on incremental cash flows whit PI>1, we get the same result as using NPV
5) We reject independent projects if PI<1
6) For mutually exclusive project the PI Method does not have the same scale problem as IRR
PI has an !NOT! arbitrary cutoff date (så statement 1 e feil )
PI is !NOT! affected by accounting Judgements (så statement 2 e feil )
For mutually exclusive project the PI Method does have the same scale problem as IRR
(så statement 6 e feil)
3) Whit capital rationing, the PI is is a useful method of adjusting NPV (kan vere sant)
4) When choosing a mutually exclusive projects and using the profitability index on incremental cash flows whit PI>1, we get the same result as using NPV
(kan vere Sant)
5) We reject independent projects if PI<1
(can vere sant)
A corporation finance manger is considering to finance an investment project and wants your help create a strategy to avoid signalling.
Use pecking order theorem to find the appropriate strategy. Prioritize the means of financing and draf the financing method from the left to the appropriate numbered box to the right. The assign the method’s signal to investors. With 1 bing the highest and 3 bing the lowest.
Finance internally
Finance issuing shares
Provides no signal
Finance using bonds
Signal that share price is overpriced
Signal that share price is under-priced
Finance internally
Provides no signal
Finance using bonds
Signal that share price is under-priced
Finance issuing shares
Signal that share price is overpriced
When considering risk analysis, which of the following is correct.
Form a shareholder perspective a project thet exceeds the accounting and cash brake even points should under all circumstances be accepted.
With scenario analysis, one variable is examined over a broad range of values
With sensitivity analysis, all variables are examined for limited rang of values
Forecasting risk is the risk the a bad decisions is made because of error in projected cash flow
Forecasting risk is the risk the a bad decisions is made because of error in projected cash flow
Putt the steps in monte carlo simulation in corecto order. 1 is the first 5 the last
Repeat the procedure
Specify the basic model
Calculate the npv
The computer draws one outcom
Specify a distribution fo each variable in the model
1) Specify the basic model
2) Specify a distribution fo each variable in the model
3) The computer draws one outcom
4) Repeat the procedure
5) Calculate the npv
Consider the following sentence and fill in the blanks both ______ and ______ measure the responsiveness of a security to movement in the marked
Operating lavrage
Net present value
Risk free rate
When considering the Payback periode method which of the following is not correct and which can be correct in some circumstances
Shorter paybacks men more attractive investment while longer payback period less desirable
The payback period disregards the time value of money
The shorter the payback the more desirable the investment
The payback period is the cost of the investment divided by annual cash flow
The payback period does account for wat happens after payback taking into account the overall profitability of an investment.
Shorter paybacks men more attractive investment while longer payback period less desirable. (ja Som regel)
The payback period disregards the time value of money. (Ja Som regel gjør den det )
The shorter the payback the more desirable the investment (ja svert ofte er det slik )
The payback period is the cost of the investment divided by annual cash flow. (Ja du kan kalkulere det slik spesielt om chas flow e constant. )
The payback period does account for wat happens after payback taking into account the overall profitability of an investment.( no it doesn’t. denne er den eneste som er not corect )
1 Q
On bond price sensitivity. All other things being equal, which of the following are true:
The higher the coupon rate the greater the interest rate risk
The shorter the time to maturity the greater the interest rate risk
The lower the coupon rate the greater the interest rate risk
The longer the time to maturity the greater the interest rate risk
1 A
The lower the coupon rate the greater the interest rate risk
The longer the time to maturity the greater the interest rate risk
2 Q
The key to NPV is its following attributes: (select one or more)
NPV uses all the cash flows if the project
NPV has an arbitrary cut-off date
NPV is affected by accounting judgements
NPV discounts the cash flows properly
NPV uses cash flows
2 A
NPV uses all the cash flows if the project
NPV discounts the cash flows properly
NPV uses cash flows
4 Q
Assume that the risk-free rate is 4% and the market risk premium is 10%. Security A has a beta of 0,8 and security B has a beta of 1,15. Suppose that security C has a risk-return characteristic such that it lies above the security market line. Is security C a desirable investment? Why/why not? (Select one or more)
Security C lies above the SML and so it is under-priced. In other words, it is yielding a return greater than what can be expected.
It is not a desirable investment and should not be purchased
Security C lies below SML and so it is under-priced. In other words, it is yielding a return greater than what can be expected.
Security C lies below SML and so it is over-priced. In other words, it is yielding a return lower than what can be expected.
Security C lies above SML and so it is over-priced. In other words, it is yielding a return lower than what can be expected.
It is a desirable investment and should be purchased
4 A
Security C lies above the SML and so it is under-priced. In other words, it is yielding a return greater than what can be expected.
It is a desirable investment and should be purchased
5 Q
On liquidity, which statement(s) are true?
Liquidity refers to how well a company is able to pay off its long term dept
Liquidity measures how quickly and easily an asset can be converted into cash
Liquidity has opportunity cost associated with it
Liquidity asset usually carry high rates of return
5 A
Liquidity measures how quickly and easily an asset can be converted into cash
Liquidity has opportunity cost associated with it
6 Q
In the figure, what is line II called? (Select one)
Characteristic line, Portfolio asset line, Security market line, Individual security line, Capital market line
6 A
Capital market line
7 Q
What three factors determine the beta of a stock?
Inflation, Financial leverage, Cyclicality in revenues, Operating leverage, Investors appetite for risk, Quality of management
7 A
Financial leverage, Cyclicality in revenues, Operating leverage
8 Q
Market risk is also called… (select one)
Systematic risk and diversifiable risk
Systematic and unsystematic risk
Special risk and non-diversifiable risk
Non-diversifiable risk and systematic risk
8 A
Non-diversifiable risk and systematic risk
9 Q
When considering investment projects using IRR, which is correct? (select one or more)
If we choose independent investment projects with highest IRR, NPV always gives the same decision.
IRR does not give the same decision as NPV when considering independent investment projects where the initial outflows are only followed by series of inflows.
When a project has cash inflow followed by one or more outflows: one should always accept when the IRR is below the discount rate.
When considering mutually exclusive investments. One can always research a correct decision by accepting the larger project if the incremental IRR is greater than the discount rate.
9 A
When a project has cash inflow followed by one or more outflows: one should always accept when the IRR is below the discount rate.
When considering mutually exclusive investments. One can always research a correct decision by accepting the larger project if the incremental IRR is greater than the discount rate.
10 Q
Which of the following is true?
When cash is invested at compound interest, each interest payment is reinvested.
Present value analysis tells us today’s value of a payment in the future.
Annuity is a constant stream of cash flow without end.
The discount rate r must be greater than the growth rate g for the growing perpetuity formula to work.
A perpetuity is a stream of payments over a fixed number of periods.
The future value of an asset is under all circumstances higher than the present value of the same asset.
10 A
When cash is invested at compound interest, each interest payment is reinvested.
Present value analysis tells us today’s value of a payment in the future.
The discount rate r must be greater than the growth rate g for the growing perpetuity formula to work.
12 Q
Given the following alternatives, capital asset pricing theory asserts that portfolio returns are best explained by (select one):
Economic factors, Systematic risk, Specific risk, Diversification
12 A
Systematic risk
3a Q
Relate the limits of debt to Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and Net Present Value (NPV).
3a A
WACC is a great starting point for the discount rate r used in NPV-calculation. However, there are limits to the use of WACC, since WACC (with taxes) recommend a high debt-to equity ratio, as debt is a cheaper financing than equity. At the same time, both debt and equity should take into account riskiness, i.e. a company with high debt-to-equity ratio requires a higher interest rate for debtholders and a higher required return for shareholders, due to the increased bankruptcy risk. Consequently, WACC should increase and thus the discount rate should increase, eventually reducing NPV of a project.
Finally, it is important to adjust the discount rate to a project’s risk. The risk in a project may differ from the risk in the company in general, and therefore WACC for the company might not be appropriate for project discount rate.
3c Q
Provide a short summary of the pecking order theorem.
3c A
The pecking order theorem provides a ranking for financing, in order to provide positive signals to the market.
First, finance internally – no signals.
Second, finance using debt (issue bonds) - signalling undervalued stocks
Third, finance using equity (issue stocks) - signalling overvalued stocks
Explain sensitivity analysis and its advantages/disadvantages.
Sensitivity analysis compares the outcome of a project by varying the value of one input at a time. e.g. a project that is dependent on oil price and construction cost, may choose to do sensitivity analysis by varying the oil price by +/- 10% and 20% or vary the construction cost by +/- 10% and 20%, and study how the NPV of the project varies as the input varies.
Major disadvantage is that we only vary one variable at the time, while there is a chance many of the variable may experience changes at the same time due to correlation. Moreover, we do not know what change is more likely, e.g. is a reduction in oil price by 20% equally probable as a 10% increase in construction cost?
Explain the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).
CAPM is defined by:
And calculates the expected return of an asset i by using a risk premium against the market and the risk associated with the market, as defined by Beta.
A Beta of 2 means that the asset is twice as risky as the market, and with a 10% increase (decrease) in the market the asset will increase (decrease) with 20%.
(do we have the formulas for these?)
Explain the opportunity cost of capital.
The opportunity cost of capital is the expected rate of return investors could earn in financial markets at the same level of risk as the asset the investor considers investing in. I.e. opportunity cost from using a warehouse for a new project, instead of continuing earning a rent for the warehouse.
This implies the two options are mutually exclusive.