Examen Flashcards
(Tema 1) Define Interacion persona-computador
Discipline related to the
- Draw
- Implementation
- Evaluation
of information systems for the human use and the study of the most important behaviours related to it.
Describe como la Usabilidad puede ser entendida.
Related to the processes, usability can be understood as:
- Usability understood as a process = measure a product in terms of being used by some user to obtain their specific goals. Mesure effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in the context of the specific use.
- Usability as a product = capacity of a product being understood, learned, operable and attractive to the user following the standards/guides.
Que critérios de usabilidad debemos dar prioridad en los Sistemas Críticos?
- Critical systems = air traffic, military operations or medical instruments.
- !! - Execution speed, error rate
- High learning period in exchange for high execution speed
- ~ Subjective satisfaction is not a drawback (motivated professionals)
- Recall over time (frequent use of the most common functionalities. Practical sessions take place to use functionalities that handle emergency situations).
Que critérios de usabilidad debemos dar prioridad en los Sistemas para uso industrial y comercial?
- Industrial & Comercial use systems = trading, insurances, orders, business managing, …
- !! - Ease of learning, Speed of execution ( !! - reduce training costs & increase profits)
- Frequent use grants recall
- Subjective satisfaction !
Que critérios de usabilidad debemos dar prioridad en las Aplicaciones de entretenimiento?
- Entertaining Applications = Emails, music player, social media, ….
- !! - Ease of learning, low error rate and satisfaction (if not, user will try to find an alternative app)
- Mechanism to adapt to the characteristics of the user.
Que critérios de usabilidad debemos dar prioridad en los Sistemas sociotécnicos?
- Socio-technical systems = campus virtual, government systems, … (lots of acesses)
- !! - Ease of learning and low error rate
Cual es la diferencia entre Usabilidad y Experiencia de Usuario? Describe también la relación entre ellos.
Usability = Closely related to how easy it is for the user to reach their
user to reach his objectives
User experience = Related to the emotions and feelings experienced by the user when interacting with the system.
- Good usability level + Good user experience => Needs User involvement.
- Product made for the user and not for the developer.
Describe el proceso de desarrollo de diseño centrado en el usuario.
- Involve the user
- Watch the common actions of the user
- Make prototypes the user can interact and evaluate
Describe los diferentes métodos de análisis de tareas.
- HTA (Hierarchical Task Analysis) = Operations (activities done by people to get to an objective), Plans (restrictions to do each activity)
- GOMS (Goal, Operations, Methods and Selection)
- CTT (ConcurTask Trees) == !
Indica los diferentes tipos de prototipos.
- Sketch = done by hand on paper. Obtain a preliminary idea of the draw without much details.
- Wireframe = low-quality representation of the interface that allow to structure the information and the main content groups.
- Mockup = Show the information structure, content visualisation and basic functionalities. The user obtains a visual aspect.
- Storyboard = Draw sequence that show the use of the system in determined circunstances (follow by explanations).
- Software prototype = Preview of the final product. The user can interact with the system and navigate though the interfaces.
Define el concepto de metáforas y su aplicabilidad.
Metaphors = way to communicate abstract concepts with accessible and familiar way
– Global metaphor = office metaphor => use certain mechanism to represent task
- Example 1 => scrolling bar as a metaphor for scrolling, menus and windows.
- Example 2 => You want to design as part of an operating system a functionality that takes as input a set of files of the same type (pdf, doc, etc.) and generates as output a single file that groups all of them. Which metaphor could facilitate user interaction? One metaphor that could facilitate user interaction for this functionality would be the “file folder” metaphor. This metaphor is commonly used in operating systems and file management software to represent a collection of files as a physical folder.
Define paradigma de interacción.(Tema 3)
Interaction paradigm = abstraction of all the possible models of interaction organized by groups with similar characteristics
Indique los principales paradigmas de interacción actuales.
The main current interaction paradigms are:
The desktop computer
- Traditionally, the dominant paradigm
- Interaction done isolated from the environment.
Ubiquitous computing
- Refers to the idea that computing will be seamlessly integrated into everyday objects and environments, rather than being confined to dedicated devices such as personal computers or smartphones. This would allow people to interact with technology in a more natural way, using whatever device or interface is most convenient or appropriate for the task at hand. Examples of ubiquitous computing include smart homes, wearable technology, and the internet of things.
Augmented reality (AR/VR)
- Idea = increase the information which the user receives
- First device to be used to interact with systems
- DVORAK (more efficient)
RFID(Radio-frequency identification) Cards
- Can transmit with some metters of distance
NFC(Near Field Communication) Cards
- Transmition distance restricted to 10 cms
Haptic interfaces
- “Mechanic hand”
Eye tracking
Gesture recognition
Implicit interactions
– Agent = some system considered by the user as a helper/tool
- Examples = Sensors, communication devices, …
- Check pdf table
Define estilo de interacción. (Tema 4)
Interaction style == generic term to group the different ways which users can communicate or interact with the computer.
Examples of principals (Shneiderman), Guideline type (advantage)
Define los conceptos de Principio, Directriz y Guia de estilo relacionados con el diseño de sistemas interactivos. (Tema 5)
Design principals == statement in a very broad sense that is usually based on research done on how people learn and work.
Examples of principals:
– Simplicity
– Structure
– Consistency
– Error tolerance (prevent the user from making mistakes)
– 8 Golden Rules of Shneiderman:
Addresses (Directrices) = action recommendation based on previous principals => aim to assure consistency
– Comercial guidelines (Apple, Windows, ..)
– Corporative guidelines
Advantage => provide a better usability given the desired consistency