Examen 1 Vocab: Educación Flashcards
La cátedra
Chair, desk, podium (the teacher’s)
El claustro de profesores
Faculty meeting
La clase magistral
Master class
El crédito
Loan, credit (as in financial)
El decanato
Deanship, the dean’s office, position of the dean
El/La decano/a
The dean
El doctorado
Doctorate, PhD
El/La doctorando/a
Doctoral student
To award a doctorate
El grado
Year, grade (mi sobrino está en tercer grado)
El/La lector/a
The reader
La licenciatura
Bachelor’s degree
La maestría
Master’s degree
La memoria
- Memory
2. Report, statement
Las oposiciones
Entrance exams, public examinations
El/La rector/a
Dean, chancellor
La tesina
The thesis, the dissertation
El tribunal de examen
Exam board
La calificación
The grade, the marks
El control
The control, the monitoring, the regulation
Matrícula de honor
Outstanding, excellent, with honors
La Prueba Accesso Universidad (PAU)
Entrance exams
La rectificación
alteration, correction
La valoración
valuation, assessment, worth
To get accredited (confirm, prove)
Adecuarse a
To adjust to, adapt yourself to, grow accustomed to
Ajustarse a
To stick to, stay within, adjust yourself to
To grade, or mark.
To close, end, shut down
Constar de
To consist of, to be made up of, to have
To validate, recognize, honor, accept
- To deduce, work out
2. To deduct, subtract
To deny, refuse, turn away
Emitir un informe
To announce, broadcast a report
Count, list, enumerate
To specify