EXAM3 Flashcards
A List of Hard problems(NP COmplete)
LOngest Path
3D Matching
Integer Linear Programming
Rudrata Path
Balanced Cut
A list of Easy Problems
Shortest Path
Bipartite Matching
Unary Knapsack
Independent set on trees
linear programing
euler path
min cut
Input:C is a CNF with any number of variables and clauses
Output: Assignment of each variable such that the CNF is true
Input: C is a CNF whose clauses have at most 3 literals
Output: assignment of each variable such that the expression is true
Input: G is an undirected unweighted graoh. k is the target size of the IS
Output: CLiquewith >= k vertices
Independent Set(G,k)
Input: G is an undirected unweighted graph. is the target size of the IS
Output: IS with >= k vertices
Vertex Cover(G,b)
Input: G is an undirected unweighted graph. b in the budget size of the vertex cover
Rudrata Path(G)
Input: G is an undirected, unweighted graph
Output: A cycle that visits each vertex in the grph just once
Input: G is an undirected weighted graph. b is the budget cost of the path
Output: A cycle that visits each vertex in the graph exactly once and returns to the original vertex and has a total cost <= b
SubsetSum(A, t)
Input: A is an array of integers. t is the target integer sum
Output: An array of integers which is a subset from A that sum to t
Knapsack search(W,V, B, g)
Input:W is the array of weights. V is the array of values. B is the capacity of the knapsack. g is the target value
Output: Array of items of total weight <= B and total value >= g
Input: An mxn matrix A all of whose entries are 0 or 1 such as Ax=1 where 1 denotes the all-ones vector
3D Matching(X,Y,Z)
Input:disjoint sets X,Y,Z of things to be matched. Collection of ordered triples X,Y,Z
Output: Macthes set of triples
Difference between IS and CLique
CLique is connected(all edges within S) and IS is disconnected(no edges within S)
NP Proof
GIven an input we look for a solution if it exsits and return NO if it doesn’t
Given an input I to 3SAT and a solution S, we can tale each T/F assignent from S and check them in each clause of I. It is O(1) to check each clause. m clauses results in O(m)
Let c in C be clauses in the input I
Let c’ in C be clauses in our input to 3SAT
for each c in C
if c has k<= 3 literals, c’=c
if c has k >3 literals:
create k-3 new variables as y1, y2…yk-3
c’ = (X1 v X2 v Y1) ^ (!Y v X3 v Y2) ….. (!yk-4 v Xk-2 v Yk-3)….
Replacing n varaibles - O(n)
Replacing m clauses - O(m)
If 3SAT returns NO return NO for SAT
Return the 3SAT solution without the created variables as the SAT solution
FOr each c’ that is set to the original c, no logic is changed. For each c’ that is set to a conversion of c, if ci-1 has all false literals for X in c, then yi-1 must be set to true to satisfy ci-1. So then c’i must have !yi-1 set to false. So then either X in ci is true or yi is true. This carries forward until c’ and c are satisified by some X in c being set to true. This shows that c’=c are satisified by some X in c being set to true. This shows c’’ = c. If c’= C then c’ is satisified in 3SAT then C is satisified in SAT. If C’ is not satisified in 3SAT then C is not satisified in SAT. This proves that 3SAT is NP-Complete.
3SAT -> IS
Np Proof
GIven an input, we look for a solution if it exists an return NO if not
GIven an input G=(V,E), g to IS and a solution S, we can verify that for all pairs x,y in S that (x,y) not in E. This takes O(n^2) time. We can check that |S|>= g in O(n) time. Overall, O(n^2)
3SAT -> IS
Let c in C be clauses in the input I. For each c in C:
Encode c into edges of a graph such that each literal in c are connected by undirected edges to each literal. O(m)
We want to prevent literals fro contradicting each other. For each variable x, add an edge between all literals X and all !X. This takes O(nm) to check every clause for every variable
Finally, we need a target g for the IS problen. We use g=m where m is the number of clauses in the 3SAT. Satisfying m clauses requires a g sized independent set of variables. This takes O(m)
Total O(nm)
3SAT -> IS
If the IS algorithm returns NO then the 3SAT algorithm also returns NO.
For a solution S to the IS algorithm, take each vertex in S assign the atching literal in the 3SAT to True. This takes O(n) polynomial
3SAT -> IS
If the IS algorithm is able to find g vertices that do not neighbor each other, then that means v in S are not hte same clauses nor do they contradict each other. This is how we constructed G. Then setting each corresponding literal to True in the 3SAT would result in a valid assignment that satisifies each clause and has no contradictions. If the IS algo retturns NO then it could not find a IS that is >= g and so the 3SAT will not be able to assign a literal in each clause to True without some contradiuction
This is due to us setting g=m to satisfy all clauses. Then there must be an IS of least size g found. This proves NO complete
VC to IS
SAT->3SAT NP and Input
SAT->3SAT Output and Correctness