Exam2-Algorithms Flashcards
Depth First Search
- Input
- Output
- Arrays available to access
- Graph types applicable
- Runtime
- Input
- G=(V,E)
- Output
- topological sort on a DAG
- Arrays available
- prev, visited
- pre, post on DIRECTED graphs
- Graph types
- Unweighted
- Undirected and Directed
- Runtime
- O(n+m)
- Input
- Output
- Arrays available to access
- Graph types applicable
- Runtime
- Input
- G=(V,E)
- Start vertex v in V
- Output
- visited[], which is set to True for all vertices reachable from v
- Arrays available
- ccnum[]
- visited[]
- Graph types
- Unweighted
- Undirected and Directed
- Runtime
- O(n+m)
Breadth First Search
- Input
- Output
- Arrays available to access
- Graph types applicable
- Runtime
- Input
- G=(V,E)
- Start vertex v in V
- Output
- dist[]
- For all vertices u reachable from v, dist[u] is the shortest path distance from v to u. If no such path, infinity.
- dist[]
- Arrays available
- prev[]
- This provides the immediate parent vertex of a vertex. If there is no immediate parent, the array has Null/0.
- prev[]
- Graph types
- Unweighted
- Undirected and Directed
- Runtime
- O(n+m)
- Input
- Output
- Arrays available to access
- Graph types applicable
- Runtime
- Input
- G=(V,E)
- Start vertex v in V
- Output
- dist[]
- For all vertices u reachable from v, dist[u] is the shortest path distance from v to u. If no such path, infinity.
- dist[]
- Arrays available
- prev[]
- This provides the immediate parent vertex of a vertex. If there is no immediate parent, the array has Null/0.
- prev[]
- Graph types
- Weighted
- Undirected and Directed
- No negative weights
- Runtime
- O((n+m)log n)
- O((m log n) if the graph is strongly connected
- Input
- Output
- Arrays available to access
- Graph types applicable
- Runtime
Bellman-Ford is used to derive the shortest path from s to t using only a single vertex s.
- Input
- G=(V,E)
- Start vertex s
- Output
- Shortest path from s to all other vertices
- Arrays available
- Detect negative weight cycles
- Graph types
- Weighted
- Undirected and Directed
- Can negative weights
- Runtime
- O(nm)
- Input
- Output
- Arrays available to access
- Graph types applicable
- Runtime
FW is primarily used to find the shortest path from ALL nodes to all other nodes where negative weights are allowed.
- Input
- G=(V,E)
- Output
- Shortest path from all vertices to all other vertices
- Arrays available
- We can detect negative weight cycles by checking the diagonals (T[n, i, i])
- Graph types
- Weighted
- Undirected and Directed
- Can negative weights
- Runtime
- O(n^3)
Strongly-Connected Components
- Input
- Output
- Arrays available to access
- Graph types applicable
- Runtime
- Input
- G=(V,E)
- Output
- meta-graph (DAG) that contains the connected components, represented as an adjacency list
- Topological sorting of the meta-graph
- With a source SCC first and a sink SCC last
- Arrays available
- adjacency list of meta graph in topological order
- ccnum
- Graph types
- Directed
- Runtime
- O(n+m)
- Input
- Output
- Graph types applicable
- Runtime
Kruskal’s algorithm is used to find a minimum spanning tree of a connected, undirected graph. The strategy here is all edge weights are sorted, and the algorithm chooses the lowest edge weight to process.
- Input
- G(V,E) - connected, undirected
- Output
- Graph types applicable
- connected, undirected, weighted
- Runtime
- O(m log n)
- Input
- Output
- Graph types applicable
- Runtime
Prim’s algorithm is used to find a minimum spanning tree of a connected, undirected graph. The strategy here is a start vertex is chosen, and then Dijkstra’s is used to choose the lowest weight, unvisited neighbors for exploration.
- Input
- G(V,E) - connected, undirected
- Output
- Graph types applicable
- connected, undirected, weighted
- Runtime
- O(m log n)
Ford Fulkerson
- Input
- Output
- Arrays available
- Graph types applicable
- Runtime
A greedy algorithm to find max flow on networks. The algorithm continually sends flow along paths from the source (starting node) to the sink (end node), provided there is available capacity on all edges involved. This flow continues until no further augmenting paths with available capacity are detected.
- Input
- G = (V, E)
- Flow capacity c
- Source node s
- Sink node t
- Output:
- Max flow
- Arrays available
- Residual network G_r
- Max flow of G
- Graph types applicable
- Directed, weighted
- Runtime
- O(C * m)
- C is the maximum flow in the network
- m is the number of edges
Edmonds Karp
- Input
- Output
- Arrays available
- Graph types applicable
- Runtime
The Edmonds-Karp algorithm is utilized to determine the maximum flow in a network. This is analogous to the Ford-Fulkerson method but with one distinct difference: the order of search for finding an augmenting path must involve the shortest path with available capacity (BFS for G where all edge weights equal 1).
- Input
- G = (V, E)
- Flow capacity c
- Source node s
- Sink node t
- Output:
- Max flow
- Arrays available
- Residual network G_r
- Max flow of G
- Graph types applicable
- Directed, weighted
- Runtime
- O(nm^2)
RSA Procedure
- Choose primes p and q. Let N = pq
- Find e where gcd(e, (p-1)(q-1)) = 1
- (p-1)(q-1) is used because of Fermat’s Little Theorem z^((p-1)(q-1)) === 1 mod N
- e is part of the public key used to encrypt
- Let d === e^-1 mod (p-1)(q-1)
- Use Extended Euclid to find d
- This is the private key used to decrypt
- Publish public key (N,e)
- Encrypt message m: y === m^e mod N
- Decrypt y: m = y^e mod N
If graph G has more than |V| − 1 edges, and there is a unique heaviest edge, then this edge cannot be part of a minimum spanning tree.
False. Consider a graph with two connected components and the heaviest edge is the only one connecting them.
If G has a cycle with a unique heaviest edge e, then e cannot be part of any MST.
True. Consider the order in which edges would be processed by Kruskal’s.
Let e be any edge of minimum weight in G. Then e must be part of some MST.
True. e will belong to some MST if running Kruskal’s.
If the lightest edge in a graph is unique, then it must be part of every MST.
True. The cut property assures that it is safe to select the lightest edge across any cut.
If e is part of some MST of G , then it must be a lightest edge across some cut of G.
True. Suppose there are vertices u and v and e is the edge that connects them.
If G has a cycle with a unique lightest edge e, then e must be part of every MST.
False. Consider:
1 1 A---B---C | / \ | 1 | /4 5\ | 1 |/ 6 \| D--------E
The shortest-path tree computed by Dijkstra’s algorithm is necessarily an MST.
False. Consider:
6 A---B 3 | | 1 C---D 3
Start Dijkstra’s from node A. It will find this as the shortest path:
6 A---B 3 | C---D 3
However the MST is:
3 | | 1
The shortest path between two nodes is necessarily part of some MST.
False. Consider:
v / \ 11/ \2 / \ u--------w 10
The shortest path between u and v is the single edge (u,v), but the MST would be (u,w) and (w,v).
Prim’s algorithm works correctly when there are negative edges.
Let G = (V,E) be a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with exactly one sink vertex v. True or False: There is a path from every vertex u to the sink vertex v.
In a directed acyclic graph (DAG), there can be only one sink vertex, which is a vertex with no outgoing edges. Since there are no cycles in the graph, there is a clear direction from every vertex to the sink vertex. Therefore, there exists at least one path from every vertex u to the sink vertex v.
Let G = (V, E) be a directed graph with exactly one sink component. True or False: The reversed graph has exactly one source component.
True. Here’s the explanation:
Sink Component Definition: A sink component in a directed graph is a set of vertices where all directed paths end at a specific sink vertex. No outgoing edges exist from this specific sink vertex within the component.
Reversing Edges: When we reverse the edges of a directed graph, the direction of all paths is also reversed. This means:
Any sink vertex in the original graph becomes a source vertex in the reversed graph (no incoming edges).
Any source vertex in the original graph becomes a sink vertex in the reversed graph (no outgoing edges).
Uniqueness of Sink Component: Since the original graph has only one sink component, all vertices within that component ultimately reach the same unique sink vertex.
Reversal Impact: When we reverse the edges, all these vertices will have outgoing edges (previously incoming) towards the original sink, which becomes the source in the reversed graph. Thus, all vertices from the original sink component become a single source component in the reversed graph.
Therefore, if a directed graph has exactly one sink component, reversing its edges will result in the reversed graph having exactly one source component.