Exam Week 9 Term 2 Flashcards
What are the 5 types of health?
Cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual
What is cognitive health?
It relates to the mind, it includes dealing with stress and decision making.
What is physical health?
Includes the energy we absorb and how our body functions. You need to eat healthy and and do physical activity to have good physical health.
What is social health?
Concerns the ways in which an individual interacts with others
What is emotional health?
It is the ways and or emotions we show based on the situation on hand
What is spiritual health?
Being at peace with oneself and their environment. Having a set of values and beliefs you live by.
What are Values?
They are the principles that an individual or group considers important, desirable and beneficial. People have values because they will make their life better and easier. Different people have different values.
What are 4 styles of communication?
Passive, Passive-aggressive, aggressive and assertive
What is a passive communicator?
It is a person that avoids expressing their opinions or feelings, and struggles to stand up for themselves.
What is a passive aggressive communicator?
It is a person that is passive on the surface and doesn’t deal with the situation when it happens but acts anger out in subtle ways like spreading rumours.
What is an aggressive communicator?
It is person that expresses their feelings but violate the rights of others while doing it.
What is an assertive communicator?
It is a person that clearly states their opinions and feelings but doesn’t violate the rights of others.
Identify some features of an effective communicator?
Positive body language, eye contact, engaged in conversation and confident
What is peer pressure?
It is the effect that peers and friends have on people that can either positively or negatively influence individuals
What are some positive influences that peer pressure has?
Positive peer pressure can allow individuals to try something new and or change their life for the better.
What are some negative influences that peer pressure has?
Some effects that negative peer pressure has includes ruining life, getting injured or making choices that you know are wrong.
What is bullying?
It is a repetitive misuse of power over an individual or group. This misuse of power can happen physically, socially and or verbally.
What is stress?
Stress is a process where an individual is under a heightened amount of pressure or tension.
What are some things you can do to relieve stress?
Exercise regularly, eat well, have good time management, get a good amount of sleep and enjoy life