Exam Vocabulary Flashcards
All of the vocabulary through units 1-3
U1 - IPO (Input, Process, Output)
The input stage requires the programmers to create variables that allow for user input. The process portion involves the logic and calculations that place a new total value for a variable. The output portion is responsible for displaying a final message that the users can see.
U1 - Constants
A variable that is assigned to a value that cannot be changed (eg: Math.sqrt). Capital letters are used to help others define the constants.
U1 - Classes
Classes are another word for a program, classes act like the blueprint for creating an object along with its attributes and methods.
U1 - Methods
Methods are blocks of code which can only run once called. Calling a Java method requires you to write the method name followed by ();. For example: height();.
U1 - Variables
Variables are used to store data values. When declaring a variable, it is important to specify its data type. Data types include double, int or char.
U1 - Math Operators
Math operators are used to perform calculations on variables or values.
U1 - Header (Communication of Code)
Allows the user to gain an understanding of what the program is about as well as the major skills used in the program.
U1 - Comments (Communication of Code)
Helps viewers understand how a portion of that code operates.
U1 - Formatting Code (Communication of Code)
Helps with program organization and debugging. Formatting code ranges from proper syntax, indenting, spacing, etc.
U1 - Naming (Communication of Code)
Helps with clarity and readability within your program. Make sure that when you are naming variables they are related to the variable’s objective/purpose.
U1 - Input Unit
Allows data and computer programs to obtain information from input devices.
U1 - Output Unit
Allows processed information to be sent outside the computer.
U1 - Memory Unit
Located in the RAM and holds all volatile (temporary nature of stored data) processed information until the computer can output the data.
U1 - Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
Conducts mathematical calculations and is shared in the CPU.
U1 - Central Processing Unit (CPU)
Controls and operates all logical units of a computer.
U1 - Secondary storage unit
Continuously stores processed information. This unit may store data in a secondary storage device if the programs are not frequently used by other logical units.
U1 - C (Programming Language)
Used to code general-purpose operating systems. C is the evolution of B
U1 - C++ (Programming Language)
A hybrid language used for coding object-oriented programs. C++ is the extension of C.
U1 - Java (Programming Language)
Used to code web pages and applications. Java is the evolution of C++.
U1 - Edit (Environmental Phases)
Allows programmers to write a program using any language and is stored in .java files.
U1 - Compile (Environmental Phases)
Java compliers translate source code into bytecode. Bytecode is stored as .class files.
U1 - Load (Environmental Phases)
The class loaders read these files and stores it into the RAM.
U1 - Verify (Environmental Phases)
The bytecode verifier examines the bytecode to make sure it does not break any security restrictions.
U1 - Execute (Environmental Phases)
The JVM and JIT work together in order to run the program.
U1 - Machine Language (Programming Languages)
Made up of binary code and performs very basic tasks.
U1 - Assembly Language (Programming Languages)
Uses “English-like” phrases that represent elementary computing operations.
U1 - High-Level Language (Programming Languages)
Uses single statements that accomplish substantial tasks.
U2 - Algorithm
Well-defined structures that help programmers code specific tasks or solve problems in a certain order.
U2 - Pseudocode
Pseudocode is written in simple English and is a step by step description of an algorithm
U2 - Flowchat
Provide a visual representation of the process/runtime of a program.
U2 - If statements
Used to test a condition, if the condition is true, the blocks of code inside the if-statement will run.
U2 - If-else statements
Used to test if a condition is true or false. If the conditional is true, the blocks of code inside the if-statement will run. If the condition is false, the else statement runs a different block of code.
U2 - If-else if statements
Used to test multiple conditions in an exact order. If one condition is true, the program will only execute that certain code and discard the rest.
U2 - Switch statements
Use to test a variable that has multiple values.
U2 - While Loop (sentinal-controlled loops)
Checks the condition first before running the block of code. The code will continue to run until the condition is false (top test). While loops are often used when the programmer does not know how many times they want to repeat a block of code.
U2 - Do- While Loops
Runs the block of code first and then tests the condition, Meaning that the block of code will always run once (bottom test).
U2 - Break statements
Used to exit a loop or switch statement regardless if the condition is met.
U2 - Continue statements
Used to exit a current iteration and move onto the next iteration.
U2 - For loops (count controlled loops)
For loops are a type of comma-separated repetition structure that allows the user to reiterate a certain portion of a code for a set amount of time. For loops are often used when the programmer knows how many times they want to repeat a block of code.
U2 - “off-by-one” error
The off-by-one error occurs when a loop repeats one extra or fewer times. This error occurs due to loop initialization issues.
U3 - Modular
To divide and conquer a complex problem. The idea of dividing and conquering breaks down a larger task into smaller and easier components.
U3 - Final
A keyword used for a constant or a method that stays the same throughout the program. Final is used to define a constant.
U3 - Static
A keyword used to define a value that stays the same throughout the class. Static is used for global variables above the main method.
U3 - Java API
Java Application Programming Interface. A collection of pre-written classes, interfaces that help programmers build applications more conveniently and efficiently.
U3 - Parameter
A parameter is a variable that is passed inside a method to pass data in the method’s heading (receives). For example: (String name, int age).
U3 - Argument
A value that is passed to a method when you call it (sends). For example: (“Sally”, 16).
U3 - Scope
The scope refers to the access range of the variable. Some variables might have a local scope (only accessible in a certain method) or global scope (accessible throughout the whole code and can be reused).
U3 - Casting
Converts a variable from one data type to another. For example: (int), (double)
U3 - Enumeration
A data type that allows a variable to hold a set of predefined constants. A list of constants that gives numbers to names.
U3 - Concatenation
Joins two or more strings to form a single string. You can use the + operator or concat() method.
U3 - Stack
A data structure that follows the LIFO (Last-In, First-Out) principle. The LIFO principle states that any element added to the stack is the first one to be removed.
U3 - Data Structure
Data structures are a collection of related data items. For example: Arrays, Stack (LIFO), Queue (FIFO).
U3 - Array
A numbered list that stores data of the same type.
U3 - Dynamic Resizing
Dynamic resizing is the action of resizing an array (with the help of ArrayList).
U3 - Array Element
An array element is a variable inside of an array.
U3 - Array Index
The location or position of an element inside of the array.
U3 - length (instance variable - field)
A final variable that stores the number of elements in an array.
U3 - Array initializer
A line of code that sets the number of elements in an array. This is formatted using int[ ] array = {element1, element2, etc}.
U3 - Bounds Checking
The JVM checks the array elements to ensure that their index (position) is greater than or equal to 0 and less than the array length.
U3 - Enhanced For Loop
A for loop that iterates through an array. This is formatted using the data type: array name.
U3 - Pass-By-Value
A pass-by-value takes a copy of the argument value (not the variable itself to ensure that the original variable remains unchanged) and passes it onto the called method (Send values as arguments).
U3 - Pass-By-Reference
A reference of the argument value is passed to the method, allowing for the method to access the argument parameter and modify its value. (used to modify the original variable of a value. Sending the memory location (address) in an array.).
U3 - Two Dimensional Array
An array inside of an array is mainly used for making a table of values that are arranged in rows and columns.
U3 - Command-Line Arguments
Pass arguments from the configuration tab into the public static void main (String [] args) before it runs.
U3 - Array Class
The array class is from the Java utility package which allows for static array manipulation (sorting searching, filling, comparing or copying).
U3 - ArrayList
A class that helps programmers to resize their arrays automatically. ArrayLists automatically grow and shrink when elements are added or taken out.
U3 - Object
Objects are specific entitys (instances) of classes that store attributes/properties and functions/methods of a class.
U3 - Instance
A single occurrence of a class or object. One particular object of a class (which has different attributes and properties). Describes the individual objected created from a class.
U3 - Access Modifier (public/private)
Access modifiers help restrict the scope of a class, constructor, variable, method or data member.
U3 - Instance Variable (Fields)
A private variable that is specific to a certain object (adjectives).
U3 - Constructor Method
The constructor method is used to initialize objects.
U3 - UML Class Diagram (Unified Modeling Language)
A diagram that represents a system’s structure and relationships by showing its classes, methods and attributes.
U3 - Import Statement
The import statement in Java allows you to access classes, interfaces, and packages from external sources.
U3 - Parameter
A parameter is a variable that is passed inside a method’s heading (receives). Constructor methods has one parameter for each field.
U3 - Set Method
Used to assign the value of a property in an object. There is one set method for each field.
U3 - Get Method
Used to get a value from a class/method. The method that returns the value from the fields.
U3 - Primitive Type
A variable type that can store exactly one value of its declared type at a time.
U3 - Reference Type
A variable type is used to store the location of objects in the computer’s memory.