exam topics Flashcards
- Biochemical and cytological evaluation of the body cavity fluids, interpretation of results
BIOCHEMICAL EVALUATION: -Albumin/globulin ratio -Creatinine, urea concentration -Alpha-amylase, lipase -LDH activity -Triglycerol (TG) / Cholesterol (chol) ratio CYTOLOGICAL ANALYSIS a) inflammatory (exudate) - septic: bacteria, fungi, rickettsia - non septic b) non-inflammatory - reactive (transudate) - neoplastic (modified transudate)
- CSF evaluation – methods and interpretation
-Physical examination: Color, turbidity, Coagulation
-Cell count:
o Native sample: burker chamber or Fuchs-Rosenthal chamber
o Nucleated cell count: turk solution into liquor CSF
o Haemocytometer
-Cytology evaluation
o Preparation of smear
o Major cell types: Small lymphocytes, Macrophages, epithelial cells, Neutrophils granulocyte
o Causes of neutrophil pleocytosis
o Causes of high eosinophil granulocyte count
o Causes of the proliferation of mixed cell population
o Appearance of neoplastic cells
o Ultrasensitive protein concentration analysis
o Pandy method
-Glucose concentration examination
-Lactate concentration
-Enzyme activity examination
- Examine the protein content of the urine sample and explain the methods, how to determine WBCs excreted with the urine!
Methods: -Test strips -Refractometric method: -Sulphosalicylic acid method -Heller test -Spectrophotometric method -Urine protein: creatinine ratio UPC -Determination of Bence jones proteins -Microalbuminura Causes of proteinuria: 1. Pre-renal (non-renal) causes o Physiological or bening proteinuria o Pathological 2. Real proteinuria – nephrogenic o Selective proteinuria o Non-selective proteinuria 3. Pseudo-proteinuria (proteinuria spuria) o Physiological o Pathological -These can be differentiated by centrifuging Pus - pyuria - Methods: -Donne-test: NaOH (bubbles) -Microscopic evaluation the sediment
- Determination of ketone bodies in different biological samples, evaluation of blood lipid and cholesterol concentrations and interpretation of changes
-Detect acetone and acetoacetate: Ross reaction (nitroprussid, NH4-sulphate, Na2CO3: white to purple)
Blood lipid - Evaluate presence of lipaemia
•Freeze-reheat-centrigufe: differentiate chylomicrons (post prandial) from other lipids
•Causes of hyperlipidaemia
•Causes of decreased lipid content
•Lipid absorption test
Blood cholesterol: detection of incr fat mobilisation
o Hypocholesterolaemia
o Hypercholesterolaemia
- Methods to determine glomerular function and their interpretation
- BUN - Blood Urea Nitrogen concentration
- Urea-colour test
- Enzymatic urea method - Creatinine concentration in plasma
- Jaffe method: yellow-orange complex w. picric acid on alkaline pH
- Enzymatic method: creatinase/creatininase where red kinon derivate is prod. - Plasma urea : plasma creatinine ratio
- Creatinine clearance: C (clearance) = U x V/P
- Urinary total protein : Creatinine ratio
- Objective protein measurements: Biuret reaction, ultrasensitive protein measurement
- Specific protein determination: electrophoresis, immune-electrophoresis, western-blot analysis
- Evaluation of the urine sample with test strip, characterization of the test-zones on the test strip
Sampling: 1. Free catch sample 2. Catheterisation 3. Cystocentesis Test strip -Blood - Benzidine test -Urobilinogen -Ketones - nitroprusside reagent -Protein - brome-phenol-blue -Nitrite - alpha-naphthylamine (Griess-Liosvay´s reagent) -Glucose - GOD/POD reagents -pH -Specific gravity - precipitated polyelectrolyte