6 Marker Structure
Analyse One:
- Benefits
- Method, Factor, Effect
Analyse Why:
- if it’s an issue
It is important
9 Mark Structure
Recommend question
“Yes or no” 2v1 or 1v2
I recommend
It depends on
On the other hand
It depends on
What is MALIB (9 mark)
M ake point
E xplain point (w logic chain)
L ink to case study
I mpact on business and
B usiness Areas
25 Marker structure
Define - Key words in the question
Quick Answer - (May be true, or May not be true to some extent…)
One argument for (chains of analysis)
Evaluate (It depends on, However, In the short/long term)
One argument against (chains of analysis)
Evaluate (It depends on, However, In the short/long term)
Conclude - AJKO (on side of 2 points)
Conlusion (AJKO)
- Answer the question
- Justify why - provide support
- Key problem - it depends on/tradeoffs
- Overall why is it the winner