Exam Study Flashcards
Sambil, sendangkan, sementara
Sambil- one person doing two things at one
Sementara- two or more groups of people carrying out different activities at the same time
Sedangkan- used for making comparisons (whereas)
Salah satu
one of (objects)
Salah seorang
one of (people)
Atas nama
Under the name of/ on behalf of
Kurang lebih
more or less
pagi-pagi benar
really early
Makan waktu
to take time/ to waste time
can be seen
once or ever. Can be used in questions Pernah ke Indonesia? belum pernah tidak pernah
Di sini
Di situ
Di sana
there (not far away)
there (further away)
mem verbs
meng verbs
Men verbs
meny verbs
Jauh, jarak
jauh- far
jarak- distance
both used to show distance
used at the end of the first word in a sentence to make it a question
words with ke-an mean suffering from
Simple 1st person object focus
Saya membaca buku
Buku saya baca
Simple 2nd person object focus
Anda melihat Film
Film Anda lihat
Simple 3rd person object focus
Dia memukul pencuri
Pencuri dipukulnya
To object focus: Anda ingin membeli pakaian
Pakaian ingin Anda beli
To object focus: Kami menonton film di bioskop
Film kami tonton di bioskop
To object focus: Hartono akan menonton film
Film akan ditonton Hartono
To object focus: Hartono menonton film di bioskop
Film ditonton Hartono di bioskop