exam study Flashcards
tinea capitis
fungul infection
vibrio cholerae bacterium
5 common symptoms fo Covid 19
- shortness of breath
- muscle aches
- fever
- headache
- fatigue
- sore throat
- headache
describe mechanism of steaming in treatment and prevention of covid 19
- home remedies for upper respiratory tract illnesses for soothing the airway and opening the nasal passages
- mild symptoms of the virus are usually benefited from steam inhalation
- severe symptomatic patients usually suffer from dyspnea and need ventilator hence they are unable to do the steam inhalation
- the virus is sensitive to heat and can be destroyed by mild infections tolerable to human bodies
difference between rapid diagnostic test and the polymerisation reaction
- pcr requires trained personnel
- pcr is highly sensitive
- pcr is more expensive
- pcr has a long turnaround time
- impractical for clinical settings especially with limited resources
prehistoric medicine short notes 5
- definition
- basis of study what it relies on
- life expectency
traditional medicine short notes 5
- Prescientific forms of medicine are now known as
- They remain commonly used with, or instead of, scientific
medicine and are thus called alternative medicine - In contrast, alternative treatments outside the bounds not just of scientific medicine, but also outside the bounds of safety and efficacy are termed quackery
- This includes chiropractic
- form of holistic health care system organized into three levels of specialty, namely divination, spiritualism, and herbalism.
- divination,spiritualism, and herbalism.
- obstacles, poor quality control and safety concerns
germ theory of disease short notes 5
- states that microorganisms known as pathogens or “germs” can lead to disease
- developed from ancient Israel, mosaic law book of hebrew which contained earliest thoughts on contagion in the spread of disease
- instructions on quarrantine washing in relationto leprosy and venereal disease
- Roman poet Lucretius stated that the world contained various “seeds”, some of which could sicken a person if
they were inhaled or ingested. - Galen, patients might have “seeds of
fever and that plagues were spread by “certain seeds of plague which were present in the air - in the susruta samhita, susruta theorized that disease spread thorugh sexual union and any from of physical contact
- John snow, fecal oral route spread of malaria and that replication occured in the stomach
- louis pasteur, formal experiments relation of germ to disease, discovered pathology of purperal fever and pyogenic vibrio in blood and suggested using broic acid to kill the micro organisms
- robert Koch postulates
Laboritory short notes 5
- provides controlled conditions in whichscientificor technological research,experiments, andmeasurement may be performed
public partners of health short notes
- academic
* institutions are the forefront of research for studies and investigations into causes of disease prevention and treatmet
* provide education and training
* public service in form of community engagement fostering participatory approach to public health - government
* provide education by establishing schools
* city planning and sanitation measures establishing side walks and cycle tracks to promote exercis e
* health policies
3, business
* employer sponsered health insurance programs
* wellness initiatives and benefits
* healthy workplaces and communities - media
* vehicle for public disclosure
* educate the public through news and entertainment media - faith based organizations
* community engagement support and counselling
* global health partnerships with international organizations
advantages and disadvantages of traditional medicine 5
- Advantages
* accessibility and affordability- beneficial for marginalized populations with limited access to healthcare facilities
* holistic apprach- focuses on the wellness of an individual as a whole mental physical and spiritual not just treating symptoms of a single illness
* use of natural remedies- with fewer side effects and more compatible with our natural body processes - disavantages
* misdiagnosis and delayed treatment due to lack of diagnostic tools and medical knowledge
* lack of scientific evidence
* safety concerns due to lack of scientific evidence, herbs may have side effects and incorrect dosages
differences between covid 19 and malaria
- causative agent
* malaria- parasite called Plasmodium
* covid- novel coronavirus SARS - mode of transmission
* malaria- bites of infected mosquitoes.
* covid- person-to-person transmission, primarily through respiratory droplets - symptoms
* malaria-fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, and sweating
* covid -fever, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, sore throat, and loss of taste or smell - global burden
* malaria- long-standing global health issue prevalent in tropical and subtropical regions
* covid- emerged as a pandemic in late 2019 - preventive measures and treatments
* malaria- insecticide-treated bed nets, indoor residual spraying, and antimalarial medications for high-risk populations.
* covid- vaccination, wearing masks, practicing physical distancing, frequent handwashing, and proper respiratory hygiene
role of the female doctor in the community 5
- improve health care access particulalry for women and girls
- bring a unque perspective and understanding of women’s illnesses
- can adress sensitive topics as reproductive health and periods in girls
- empower women and inspiration
- representation and diversity within the medicin profession
role of statistics in medicine 5
write short notes on differential diagnosis and diagnosis 25
difference between illness and sickness
10 remedies used in tradional medicine
4 differences between traditional medicine and modern medicine 4
four pandemics and their causes that have affected the world 4
role of traditional healers in the health system of a country
importance of bridging course at unilus
sole of statistics in medicine
how to eradicate covid 19
louis paster