Exam study Flashcards
The word Agnostic may be defined as belief in the existence of God
False they believe in nothing because they claim to know of anything
No matter which people groups one investigates a common thread is belief in the existence of a superior being
False Atheism doesnt believe there is a superior being
Cosmology is the study of being or existence Universally mankind has a concept of an infinite and perfect being without limitations.
False that is the Ontological Argument
Cosmologists believe that the universe is not self-existent and happened through some cause
Theophany refers to times when God chooses to manifest or reveal himself in a way people can relate.
Because God is outside of time he sees the whole spectrum at once
Omnipotence means God is all present
No it means God is all powerful Omnipresent means he is all present
Gods Grace is his undeserved favor freely giving us what we do not deserve
The Bible teaches that we have been made in the image and likeness of God and therefore ought to display something of his character.
Gods name Elyon means God the creator
No it means High and exalted one. Elohim means God the creator
Whenever God wished to give a special revelation of himself, he used the name Jehovah, His covenant name
The old testament was written in Greek and the New Testament was written in Hebrew
Disagtree the Old was in Hebrew the New is in Greek
Pater Means Father and is a term often used in the Old Testament
Each person in the Godhead expressed the whole fullness of the Godhead with all his attributes
Each member of the trinity is distinct from the other yet coequal
Each of the tree persons is eternal and all three manifested as one Being
Our Faith is in one God existing in Three Distinct persons
The Material universe is eternal
Creation has been marred by sin and the Glory of God cannot be seen
Man is created in the image of God This divine image has been sadly defaced but mankind still reflects something of his glory.
Man cannot ignore the Sovereignty of God.even though man himself is a free moral agent
God never forces man to behave like a robot This is know as Decretive Sovereignty.
Disagree this is preceptive sovereignty
Gods fatherhood can be applied to all people in that he is the father of creation
Use of Father in connection with Israel by covenant may also be applied to believers today.
We become his children because of Christs sacrifice on the cross, redeeming us from our lost state of sin.