Exam Study Flashcards
Failing to work safely can result in the health and safety regulator doing what?
- Suspending their license
- Canceling their license
- Refusing to renew their licence if the matter arises at license renewal
- Direct reassessment to determine competency
- Prosecute
List four things your employer must provide prior to you undertaking work on an unfamiliar forklift?
- Supervision
- Instruction & Information
- Training
What are the four main types of Work Health & Safety requirements?
- Acts
- Regulations
- Codes of Practice
- Australian Standards
HRW license operators must:
- Take reasonable care for their own health and safety
- Take reasonable care for the health and safety of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions
What are three actions an employer should take to ensure the health and safety of a worker?
- Provide and maintain a work environment without risks to health and safety
- Provide and maintain safe plant and structures
- Provide and maintain safe systems of work
What is a hazard?
What is a risk?
A hazard is a thing or situation with the potential to cause harm or damage.
A risk is the chance of a hazard causing harm (injury or death) or damage.
Who should you talk to if you identify a hazard or risk (3)?
- Safety officers
- Supervisors
- Other workers
It is important to communicate with other personnel and safety officers before starting on a worksite to ensure that:
- We identify (or be made aware of) any workplace-specific hazards/ ground conditions.
What are some ‘up high’ hazards you should check for in the work area?
- Overhead service lines
- Bridges
- Electrical power lines
- Lighting / illumination
- Wind, poor weather conditions
- Obstructions
What are some ‘eye level’ hazards you should check for in the work area?
- Pedestrians and workers
- Plant and equipment
- Vehicle traffic
- Surrounding structures
- Dangerous materials
- Blind corners
What are some ‘ground level’ hazards you should check for in the work area?
- Wet surfaces
- Ground conditions
- Potential non-weight bearing surfaces
- Underground services
- Loading docks
- Surface conditions
Other than hazards, what are the things we need to plan for the safe operation of the forklift task?
S. Size of the load
P. Permits required
A. Attachments requires
C. Capacity of the forklift
E. Emergency exits
S. Safe work method statement (SWMS)
When working closer than the safe work distance from powerlines you must:
- Contact the local electrical authority for permission to work closer (this is called an exemption)
- Have the power lines shut off. Or if this is not possible, have the power lines insulated.
- Use a qualified spotter
For information about the voltage of overhead electric power lines you should do what?
- Contact the authority responsible for the overhead electric power lines
What steps should you take if the forklift you are operating comes into contact with overhead electric power lines? Q. 12
W. Warn others to stay away
A. Attempt to break contact with the electric lines if required
S. Stay in the machine it safe to do so.
I. Incident report
D. Do not use machine until checked and ready to use
What are some visual indicators used to identify overhead electric power lines?
- Tiger tails
- Markers of different colours
- Safety warning / danger signs
Where else can you find Work Health and Safety information at your job site?
- Policies and procedures
- Supervisor
- Manufacturers instructions
- SWMS document
- Signage
Why is rear-end swing very dangerous?
Rear-end swing is dangerous because the rear end of a forklift swings 3.5 faster than the rest of the forklift meaning it could strike/hit people and injure or kill them, structures, plant, and or equipment.
What could happen if you operate a gas forklift in a container or confined space?
People could be overcome by dangerous gases and could be killed.
What type of forklift would be the safest in an enclosed work area?
Electric forklift
List four (4) types of weather hazards.
- Snow and or ice
- Wet and or slipper condiditions
- Strong winds
- Lightning
In Victoria, what are the minimum safe distances for forklifts near electric power lines?
- For distribution lines, 6.4m or up to 3m with a qualified spotter
- For transmission lines, 10m or up to 8m with a qualified spotter
List two (2) control strategies for traffic and pedestrians.
- Traffic controller
- Barrier
What do you need to operate a forklift at night time?
Adequate lighting needs to be used across the entire work area.
List three (3) workplace communication methods that you could use during forklift operations.
- Verbal communication
- Written instructions
- Two-way radio
When operating a forklift if you are given a signal by a co-worker which is not clear, you should?
Stop all motions of the forklift and ask your co-worker to clarify their last signal.
Where can you check the rated capacity of the forklift?
Data plate attached to the forklift.
If the forklift data plate is missing, what do you need to do?
- Do not operate the machine.
- Effectively isolate the machine
- Tag out of service
- Report to an appropriate person
- Fill in the log book
What is the most common load centre distance?
List two (2) effects of load, if it is not hard against the heel of the forklift arm.
- The forklift truck’s capacity is reduced
- Stability may also be affected
List ten (10) pre-start inspections that need to be carried out before operating a forklift.
- Check tyre condition, pressure, and air
- Fluids are checked for levels and leaks
- Check structure of damage
- Check tynes/ fork arms for condition and wear
- Check mast for obvious damage
- Check that battery is secured
- Check controls
- Check data plate is secured and legible
- Check lights and beacons for damage
- Check guards for damage
What are two guards fitted to a forklift and what do they do?
- Overhead guard to protect the operator from falling objects.
- Foot guards to protect the operator’s feet.
Re-fuelling, while the engine is running, may cause?
- The fuel to ignite (catch fire and explode).
If air-filled tyres are not at their correct operating pressure, how would it affect the forklift?
It may affect the stability of the forklift.
What type of faults could you find when inspecting wheels and tyres? List 4.
- Large pieces of rubber are missing
- Tyres are worn down
- Tyres and wheels insecurely fitted
- Flat or underinflated tyres
What document needs to be referred to before securing an attachment?
- Check the modifications are approved and that the attachments are fitted to the manufacturer’s instructions or specifications.
List five (5) different types of attachments that can fit forklift.
- Work platform
- Carpet spike
- Jib attachment
- Rotating attachment
- Drum clamp
What do you do if the forklift loses control of the brakes, steering, and failure of the hydraulic system?
- Stop the forklift where possible
- Tag out of service and report to the appropriate person
What are the things that may cause a forklift truck to tip over sideways (lateral instability)?
- Turning at an unsafe speed
- Unevenly distributed load
- Operating across a slopping surface
What are the things that may cause a forklift truck to tip forward lengthways (longitudinal instability) or backward?
- Overloading
- Severe breaking
- Carrying a load too high
Where is the point of balance of a forklift (fulcrum)?
- Where the front tyre touches the ground.
How can a seatbelt help you in an accident? (2)
- It stops the operator from falling out in the event of a tip-over.
- It stops the operator from being propelled into the forklift structure or out in the event of a collision.
What may happen if you lift a load on only one fork tyne/arm?
- Damage to the fork tynes
- Stability of the load is affected
- Stability of the forklift is affected
What do you need when loading onto a truck from a loading dock?
- Secured dock plates
- Bridge plates
What may happen if you attempt to turn across a ramp or incline?
- You could lose the load
- You could tip the forklift
When placing your load what should you make sure of?
- Loads are stacked on a firm-level site
- Heavy goods are place on the bottom
- The stack does not become unstable because of the height
What should you do if you lose control of the forklift, and it begins to tip sideways?
- Remain in the forklift
- Brace yourself until the forklift is stationary and is safe to exit
- Do not try to jump from the forklift
List three (3) places where you should not park a forklift.
- Near emergency exits
- On slopping surfaces
- Near fire fighting appliances
Why should you remove the keys from the forklift after you have finished using it?
- To prevent unauthorised movement of the forklift.
Why do we need to charge batteries in a well-ventilated area?
- Batteries five off explosive gases when under charge and they must be ventilated to avoid explosion.
What should you do when travelling with a load on a ramp?
Always face the load up the ramp.
When parking the forklift, make sure:
- Fork arms lowered and tips to the ground
- Forklift to neutral
- Park break applied
- Remove key
- Shut off the LPG gas cylinder valve (if applicable).
Rotation and side shift attachments need to be centred before travelling with a load in order to:
Maintain stability of the forklift and the load.
When using a forklift with a jib attachment (or other attachments), the forklift could have the following effects:
- Reduced load capacity due to the attachment
- Change the centre of gravity due to the attachment
- Reduced stability due to the effect of the change to the centre of gravity
- Swinging load.
What are three ways to help make sure you operate safely on wet or slippery surfaces?
- Reduce speed
- Avoid using ramps or other inclined pathways
- Avoid sudden braking
- Proceed with caution
What should you do when travelling with a load?
- Keep the load at about axle height while travelling and tilt the mast backwards for stability.
Why is it unsafe to travel or turn the forklift with the load raised up in the air?
This creates a hazard that could result in the forklift tipping over.
If the load blocks your view you will need to do what?
- Operate in reverse
- Use a guide if required
- Repack the load (if possible)
What are the ways you can check the weight of a load?
- Obtain the content or weighbridge notes or other information
- Weigh the load
- Calculate the load
- The load’s weight may appear on the load itself or on the packaging in which it is transported and delivered
- Check inventory systems
What are the operational checks you must complete once the forklift has started?
- Brakes
- Hydraulics
- Warning devices
- Reverse buzzer and horn
- Lights
- Gauges
- Steering
The stability of the loaded forklift is affected by a number of factors including:
- Load size
- Load weight
- Load shape
- Load position
- Height to which the load is lifted
- The amount of forward and backward tilt
- Tyre pressure
- Speed and momentum created when the forklift is moving, turning or coming to a stop
- Uneven surfaces and inclines
Why should you never lift a load over someone’s head?
- If the load falls it may cause injury or death.
When is it ok for a passenger to be carried on the forklift?
- If the forklift has been designed to do so and has been fitted with two seats and two seatbelts.
Why is it important to obtain a weather forecast and to check weather conditions?
- Helps prepare for suitable risk controls
- Helps plan for the work environment
- Helps to schedule work activities
Why is it important to obtain a weather forecast and to check weather conditions?
- Helps prepare for suitable risk controls
- Helps plan for the work environment
- Helps to schedule work activities