EXAM: Social Justice & Universal Church Flashcards
A sweatshop is a factory or workshop, typically in the clothing industry, where manual workers are employed at very low wages for long hours under poor conditions.
List four facts related to sweatshops that are problematic
- Over 200 million children are forced to work in sweatshops
- Women make up almost 80% of sweatshop workers
- Young women in Guangdong, China, are forced to work 150 hours of overtime every month
- Garment workers in Bangladesh earn £44 per month
Outline two arguments which support the use of sweatshops
- Sweatshops gives people jobs, as many would be unemployed without sweatshops. Sweatshops help lift the living standards in developing countries, as employees CHOOSE to work in sweatshops in order to make little money for their families.
- Sweatshops provide us with cheap products to buy.
Outline the four issues related to sweatshops
- Supports endless greed
- Breach the human rights of each individuals
- Disregards feministic issues
- Has disastrous impacts on the environment
Outline the Catholic Church’s stance on the use of sweatshops and explain why the Catholic Church takes this stance
The Catholic Church is against the use of sweatshops as it contradicts with the principles of the Catholic Social teachings.
Human Dignity
Everyone has an inherent worth that should not be disrespected
The human race is one big family
Common Good
Sacrificing self-interest to provide for the basic human needs of everyone makes the whole community flourish
It is our duty to care for the earth as a God-given gift to all
Preferential Option for the Poor
Those who are most vulnerable should have their needs prioritised over others
Everyone has the right and the duty to take part in the community
People should have a say in their lives
It has allowed people from different countries to exchange information more efficiently, especially in situations like COVID.
An encyclical is a long letter written by the Pope. Encyclicals provide analysis, in light of the Gospels and of the Tradition of the Church, on relevant issues within our society.
Rerum Novarum
Talks about the issues regarding the brutalities of the working industry, as many of the working class were exploited by factory owners and exposed to horrific working conditions.
Why is the Catholic Church described as ‘universal’
The Church always tries to be welcoming and accepting of all people, just as Jesus was
How has the Catholic Church “made positive contributions to society”?
Healthcare, education and helping the poor