Exam Revision Flashcards
What is the full accounting equation?
Assets = Liabilities + Capital + (Income - Expenses) - Drawings
An asset is a present economic resource controlled by the entity because of past events.
A liability is a present obligation of the entity to transfer an economic resource because of past events.
The residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities.
What is left of assets after taking away all liabilities.
What the business’ financial assets are that are available to spend.
Increase in economic benefit.
Decrease in economic benefit.
Money taken out of the business for personal use.
Why should the accounting equation balance?
It should balance because according to the dual aspect concept every transaction impacts the business in two ways which must be equal and opposite.
Annual Depreciation Charge
Cost - Residual Value
Useful economic life (in years)
Straight Line Depreciation
Given percentage rate X historical cost
Reducing Balance Depreciation
% rate of depreciation X net book value of asset
Net Book Value
Cost - Accumulated Depreciation
(accumulated depreciation is previous accumulated depreciation not the same as the one you calculate)
SOPOL OR SOFP? / Debit or Credit
Depreciation Expense
Statement of Profit or Loss / Debit
SOPOL OR SOFP? / Debit or Credit
Accumulated Depreciation
Statement of Financial Position / Credit
Prudence Concept for Year-End Inventories
Prudence concept means we use the value lower between cost and net realisable value.
How is closing inventory presented on SOFP?
As a current asset.
How is closing inventory presented on SOPOL?
As a reduction of the cost of goods sold.
Explanation: Cost of goods sold = opening inventory + purchases - closing inventory
SOPOL OR SOFP? / Debit or Credit
Statement of Financial Position / Credit
Outstanding payments that the company hasn’t recorded or paid yet.
SOPOL OR SOFP? / Debit or Credit
Specified accruals e.g. marketing expenses
Statement of Profit or Loss / Debit
How do you include Accruals in SOPOL?
E.g. marketing expenses get added to the marketing expenses given in the trial balance to get total marketing expenses for the year.
How do you include Accruals in SOFP?
Under current liabilities.
SOPOL OR SOFP? / Debit or Credit
Statement of Financial Position / Debit