APA – American Psychological Association
Data – raw unprocessed facts and figures
Information – Useful knowledge created by manipulating and summarising data.
Data dictionary
Data dictionary – A design tool used to work out table and field name properties.
Constraints – limitations on the solution. Can be legal, economic, technical, social, etc. Main ones are time and money.
Design principals
Design principals – expectations around what needs to be considered when designing functionality and appearance.
Mockup – a sketch of a solution design.
Plagiarism – clamming or submitting someone else’s work as your own.
Scope – A statement about what the solution will and will not do.
Primary Data
Primary data – new facts and collected personally by a researcher to answer a specific question.
Secondary Data
Secondary data – Data collected by someone other than the researcher, which has often been processed.
Solution Requirements
Solution requirements – What the client wants from the solution, can be broken down into functional and non-functional requirements.
Testing- ensuring somethings works as intended and outputs are accurate.
Conventions – A way of doing things established by general consent or usage.
Formats – How something is displayed eg arranging the look or presentation of an object.
What are the Data types?
Text, integer, floating point, character, boolean, time, date, etc.
Types of ways to collect data
Survey, interview and observations.
Stages in Problem Solving Methodology
Analysis, Design, Development and Evaluation
Validation checks weather the data is reasonable. Types of Validation are Range check, Type check and existence check.
Data Integrity
Makes sure data is Accurate, Timely, Authentic, Correct, Reasonable and Relevant.
Data cleansing
Inaccuracies in the data are detected and corrected.
Existence Check
This validation ensures a field has data entered in it.
IPO chart
Diagram used to identify inputs, outputs and the processing steps required to transform inputs to outputs.
Layout Diagram
A hand drawn sketch that shows elements to be included on an input form.
Manual Validation
Process of visually inspecting data to check if there are any errors.
Removing redundant data and arranging it into appropriate tables to improve data integrity and reduce redundancy.
To select specific data based on a series of criteria.
Range Check
Validation rule to see if data falls within an acceptable limit.
Type Check
Validation rule that checks that only the correct data type is accepted.
Informal and Formal testing
informal testing is performed by solution developer while formal testing is the testing of the overall solution after its completed.
Gantt Chart
Shows the progress of a project by placing tasks on a timeline, often with comments or annotations.
Likert Scale
Used to encode qualitative data
Dynamic Visulisation
Presentation allows data and information to be updated , and the presentation will adjust to shows recent info.
functional requirement
Directly related to what the solution will do
non-functional requirement
Other requirements that the user or client would like the solution to have but do not affect what the solution does.
Non-technical constraint
A limitation that relates to areas other than hardware and software such as usability and users level of experience.
Technical Constraint
A limitation imposed by hardware or software on the solution
Evaluation Criteria
rules set out during design that include effectiveness and efficiency criteria and are based on the solutions requirements.
Disaster Recovery Plan Steps
Evacuation, Backup, Restoration and Testing.
Assesses weather the solutions achieves the goal it was designed for.
Back up
Making a copy of the data and storing it in a location that is separate than the original.
Biometric Security
Devices that check unique biological characteristics of a person.
Client/ server network
Central Server stores data and software and client devices request data from server.
Cloud Computing
Involves Storing data in a remote location, using an internet connection to transfer data.
Encoding or changing data so if that unauthorized people cannot read the data.
Software that monitors all incoming and outgoing internet traffic from a LAN. It examines each data packet and determines if it should have access to the LAN.
Full backup
Backs up all information and data at one time.
Incremental Backup
Creating a full backup from time to time and performing partial backups in-between full backups.
Malicious Software that is designed to damage, disrupt or gain unauthorized access to an information system.
Network Attached Storage
A device that offers data storage capabilities.
The principals of right and wrong which are accepted by an individual or a social group