Exam Revision #1 Flashcards
Deputy President of SA
David Mubuza
President of SA
Cyril Ramaphosa
Mayor of East London
Xolo Paliati
Minister of finance
Tito Mboweni
Government responsibilities
Responsibilities of citizens
3 levels of Government
Deals with the whole country
Works with all ministers
The importances of Municipality
Each province is responsible for their own citizens
Money from national level
Types of taxes, definition and example
Direct Tax - directly on the person and cannot be transferred.
example: Income tax on wages and salaries
Indirect Tax - May be transferred.
example: VAT
Sin Tax - On goods that is harmful to the body.
example: cigarettes and alcohol
Sugar Tax - manufacturers are taxed according to the volume.
Another name for capitalism
Prices are determined by demand and supply and it’s called a
market system
South Africa is what kind of system
unemployment rate
the level of unemployment divided by labour force
population control
decreases in the size of families
labour force
number of people who are employed work
non-labour force
those who aren’t looking for a job