Exam Review Unit #1 Part 1 Flashcards
Why do companies engage in International Business?
- Cheaper labor and manufacturing
- To get resources that a hard to obtain
- To gain resources there country might lac
- To build relationships in foreign markets
- Increase the standard of living
Drawbacks of international trade for Canada
- Shows support for non-democratic countries like China
- Leads to more manufacturing which negatively impact the environment.
- Can cause social welfare issues(minimum wage, safety standards, worker compensation) costs Canadian companies and increases cost of goods
What is Globalization and Interdependence?
On going process where nations and their economies become closely integrated with one another
What is a Multinational Corporation/Enterprise
A company with operations in at least one other country
What is Subsidiary? + Example
A company that’s run or owned by another company.
Ex: Walt Disney owning ESPN
What is Service Importing?
Services bought or sold between countries or companies
What is balance of trade?
(Surplus + Deficit)
Surplus (Favorable)= More exports than imports
Deficit (Non Favorable)= More imports than exports
Formula= Exports-Imports
What is Franchising:
Allows other companies to sell products, services, and or brand name for a fee or royalty.
What is a Joint Venture?
2 or more companies from different companies joining together to form a new company. (Shared Ownership)
What is Licensing? Exclusive distribution?
Licensing allows another company to manufacture a given product or service.
Exclusive distribution rights is a form of licensing that gives a company the ability to be the only manufacturer and producer of a product in a particular region
What’s the difference between direct and indirect exporting?
Direct is a company forming there own plan to distribute and sell to there countries.
Indirect is when a company uses a broker to connect them to buyers and sellers in a foreign market.
What is foreign direct investing?
When a foreign company invests money to control some or all of a business operations.
Management Contracting?
When a company sells management skills to a business.
Usually done when exporting to another country. To assist a business in selling a product