Exam Review 9/4 PPT1 Flashcards
The Bohr’s model of the atom features?
Electrons orbiting the nucleus in orbital shells
Formula associated with Bohr model
Z is?
What is in it?
Atomic number
# of p+
A is?
What is in it?
Atomic mass number
# of nucleons (neutrons + p+)
Isotopes - same ___ or same # of ___
Z (atomic number), protons
Isotones = same number of ___, different ___
nuetrons, Z (atomic number)/protons
Isobars - = same ___, different ___
A (mass number), Z (atomic number)/protons
Isomers - same A & Z, but ___
metastable (diff nuclear states)
Difference of the mass of an
element versus the mass of all subatomic particles in that particular atom is the definition for?
Mass Defect
Can use ___ to find binding energy.
Mass defect
This graph shows?
Too many protons make the nucleus unstable. What is the rule of thumb?
Heavier atoms are less stable bc they have more neutrons and less protons.
About 1.4 Neutrons for 1 Proton
Which type of decay occurs more with heavier elements?
What is the following nuclear reaction?
Combination of two lighter nuclei
What is the following nuclear reaction?
Nucleus with atomic number >56 splits into two smaller nuclei and energy is released
PPT1 Slide 23
Rest mass for e-
1 J/kg = __ Rads = __ Gy
100, 1
1 Gy = __ cGy
1cGy = __ rad = __ Gy
1, 0.01
Which mode is used in PET?
Postron emission
1 Bq = ?
1 disintegration per sec
Which of the following is favored for heavier elements?
* Alpha (α)
* Beta (β-) or Negatron
* Beta (β+) or Positron
* Electron Capture
* Internal Conversion
Which of the following is favored for PET?
* Alpha (α)
* Beta (β-) or Negatron
* Beta (β+) or Positron
* Electron Capture
* Internal Conversion
Which is dominant for neutron to proton?
* Alpha (α)
* Beta (β-) or Negatron
* Beta (β+) or Positron
* Electron Capture
* Internal Conversion
Beta -
Characteristic beta + and emission of an Auger e- (electron capture) are ___?
Competing processes
An outer e- fills the vacant spot in a lower orbital she and a ___ is emitted.
Characteristic X-ray
E- capture creates a vacancy in an e- shell, the atom reabsorbs energy the ejects an orbital e- with that energy describes?
Auger electron
In e- capture,___ is more likely to occur with high Z.
In e- capture, ___ is more likely to occur with low Z.
Auger e-
In e- capture, energies greater than 1.02 MeV, __ and ___ occur
e- Capture & β+
In e- capture, at energies less than 1.02 MeV, ___ occur
E- capture
Nucleus has excess energy after an interaction and passes it to an orbital electron. E- ejected from the atom describes?
internal conversion
Alternative to positron decay; unstable nuclei deficient of neutrons seeks to increase n/p ratio
Electron Capture
Excess neutrons (high n/p) ratio, and it must be reduced. E- is emitted. This describes?
When half-life of parent is NOT much longer than the daughter describes __ equilibrium
When half-life of parent IS much longer than the daughter describes __ equilibrium
An element is bombarded with an alpha particle, gives off proton
Proton Bombardment (α, proton)
A Nucleus is bombarded with a deuteron and emits a proton or a neutron
Deuteron Bombardment
A high energy photon hits a nucleus and emits a nucleon(s). Most of the time, it emits a neutron.
A nucleus is bombarded with a neutron and emits an alpha particle
Neutron Bombardment (n,
Occurs when high Z nuclei are bombarded by neutrons. After absorbing the neutrons, it splits into nuclei of lower Z, as well as more neutrons