Exam Review Flashcards
Telesat Canada
A government organization formed in 1969 to regulate our own telecommunications system (electronic transmission of information)
By 1973 Canada was the first country to have its own satellite communications system.
Gulf War
Canada acted with a U.S. led multinational force in 1991 to force Iraq out of Kuwait. Iraq surrendered after several months.
What was sent? 3 Ships, Air force
Casualties- 0
Free the Children
A non-governmental organization (NGO) set up by Craig Kielburger to speak out against unfair child labour laws in Asia. Later adopted the Me to We slogan.
What about Craig Kielburger? Brother of Mark, co-founder
Examples of nation building projects
- C.N. Tower 1976- Canadian National Tower, largest freestanding structure, Toronto
- Trans-Canada Highway 1955
- St. Lawrence Seaway late 1940s - inland waterway linking G Lakes with St. Lawrence river leading to the Atlantic
- Trans-Canada pipeline 1950s- Oil from Alberta - East
- Confederation Bridge 1995 - connects PEI to other provinces (N.B.) 12.9km
- Canadian Pacific Railroad 1885
- Canada Nuclear Reactors - nuclear power generators built in Canada
Conflicts last century (6)
- Boer War 1899-1902 British colonial war in South Africa against Boers
- World War One 1914-1918 Britain at war, Canada at war -alliances-
- World War Two 1939-1945 stop Nazis/Fascist world conquest
- Korean War 1950-53 stop the spread of Communism in Asia
- Vietnam War 1965-1975 - Canada did not participate. Welcomed American deserters from military.
- Gulf War 1991- Iraq invaded its neighbour Kuwait
New Political Parties (6)
- NDP 1961 It united farmers groups with organized labour groups (left of centre)
- Bloc Quebecois 1993 formed to work federally to get Quebec Sovereignty
- Parti Quebecois 1968 provincial party in Quebec- goal- Sovereignty for Quebec
- Reform Party early 1990s formed because of Western Alienation (right of centre)
- Canadian Alliance grew out of the Reform Party, more national in scope and interest late 1990s (right of centre)
- Canadian Alliance merged with the Progressive Conservatives to form the Conservative Party of Canada
Some groups and Organizations
- British Commonwealth-
- Francophonie
- NATO- military
- United Nations
- NAFTA- trade
- Free Trade Agreement
- World Trade Organization
- G-7 (G-8) G-20- economic
Events of the cold war
- Gouzenko Affair
- Suez Crisis
- Marshall Plan
- Arms Race (USA and Soviet Union)
- Space Race
- DEW Line
- Bomarc missile
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- Bay of Pigs Invasion (what?)
- Avro Arrow
- Building of the Berlin Wall 1962
- Fall of the Berlin Wall 1989
Who made the Canada flag? What Prime Minister adopted it?
The red and white maple leaf flag designed by George Stanley and adopted by P.M. Pearson in 1965.
Quebec Events
Quiet Revolution October Crisis FLQ Sovereignty Referendums 1980 and 1995 Bill 101 Bloc Quebecois Parti Quebecois
The generations since 1945
- Baby Boom Generation
- Generation X (After babyboomers 1660’s-1970’s_
- Generation Y (Children of the babyboomer 1980’s-1990’s)
When was official anthem made?
Our official anthem since 1980.
Originally written in French and has featured a few changes to lyrics over the years.
When was Prohibition? What was it?
- 1918
- Time where you could not sell, consume, smuggle, produce or transport alcohol products
When did WW1 start and end?
started: 1914
ended: 1918
When did WW2 start and end?
started: 1939
ended: 1945
Alliances of WW1, which alliance won?
Triple Alliance
- Germany
- Austria-Hungary
- Italy
Triple Entente (Won)
- Britain
- France
- Russia
Alliances of WW2 which alliance won?
Axis Powers
- Germany
- Italy
- Japan
- Hungary
Allied Powers (won)
- Britain
- France
- Canada
What sparked the start of World War I?
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28, 1914, in Europe.
Franz Ferdinand
Europe Archduke, assassinated on June 28, 1914, in Europe
Black Hand
A mafia that organized the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
Schlieffen Plan
The Germans army plan for war against Russia and France.
Attacking the enemy/the enemies trench
No-man’s Land
The ground between the two opposing trenches
A battle in World War I fought by Britain and France vs. the German Empire. Allies captured only 13 km of land. Newfoundland regiment lost 90% of its men.
A battle fought by Allies against the British Empire, fought in Passchendaele, a town in Belgium which was invaded. July 31, 1917 - Nov 10, 1917
Vimy Ridge
The battle was fought for over two years by the French and British forces as they tried to capture the ridge but were unsuccessful. Vimy had clear view of supply routes and enemy positions. Canada won Vimy Ridge by attack the enemy positions while secretly building an underground tunnel to the ridge.
Under-sea boot, or submarine
An aerial duel between aircraft.
A British passenger boat sank by a German U-boat in 1915. Killing close to 1200 passengers.
Convoy System
A group of ships travelling together protected by an armed force.
Dirigibles (inflatable air ships) developed by Germany’s Ferdinand Von Zeppelin
Halifax Explosion
3000 tons of explosives were transported on a ship to Halifax port and when exploded killed over 2000 people and over 9000 were injured.
Enemy Aliens
A national living in a country that is at war with his/her homeland.
War Measures Act
An act that gave the federal government emergency powers during wartime, including the right to detain people without laying charges.
Victory bond
Bonds issued by the Canadian government to support the war effort.
Nellie McClung
Canadian politician/feminist/author/social activist
Forced enlistment in the Armed Forces of all fit men of certain ages.
Treaty of Versailles
One of the treaties that ended the first world war. It imposed strict sanctions on Germany.
The banning of sale and consumption of alcohol.
Group of Seven
A group of Canadian landscape painters in the 1920s.
Residential Schools
Government authorized schools, for aboriginal children to be educated in the Canadian culture.
Foster Hewitt
Canadian radio broadcaster, famous for his play by play calls for hockey night Canada.
1922 Chanak Affair
The Canadian government’s refusal in 1922 to support British troops in defending the Turkish port of Chanak.
1926 King-Bying Crisis
A situation that occurred in 1926 when governor general Bying refused prime minister Kings request to dissolve parliament and call an election.
1926 Balfour report
The conclusion of the 1926 Imperial conference that acknowledge Canada as an autonomous community within the British Empire.
What is militarism?
An arms race; policy of building up military forces and threatening armed aggression.
What is imperialism?
The belief in the necessity of building up an empire by dominating other nations and by establishing colonies.
What are alliances?
Agreements or treaties to ensure the cooperation between two countries, intended to keep Peace in Europe
What is nationalism?
Having pride in your country; willingness to defend it and the belief that it is destined for greatness.
Who was R.B. Bennett?
The Conservative Prime Minister during the 1930s.
When did the Great Depression start?
What was ‘riding the rails’?
A term used to describe young unemployed men who rode freight trains looking for work.
What was the Bennett Buggy?
A nickname for a car pulled by a horse during the Depression
What was the “On to Ottawa Trek”?
Unemployed men traveling to the capital to protest lack of work.
What was Adolf Hitler’s role in WWII?
He came to power as the leader of the Nazi party in Germany, Commander of the Third Reich. He was a fascist, and committed suicide in a bunker in Berlin on April 30, 1945.
What was Joseph Stalin’s role in WWII?
He was the leader in Russia, and a communist. He was Hitlers “role” model.
What was Mackenzie King’s role in WWII?
He was the Prime Minister of Canada, a democrat, handled the conscription crisis, and created the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan
What was Winston Churchill’s role in WWII?
He was the Prime Minister of Britain, came to power in the beginning of the war, and was a democrat
What was Benito Mussolini’s role in WWII?
He was the fascists leader of Italy, invaded Ethiopia with illegal weapons, and was executed April 28, 1945 with his mistress.
What was Franklin Roosevelt’s role in WWII?
He was the President of the USA, and they got involved after the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor.
What was Blitzkrieg?
A new military strategy that relied on speed and coordination; known as ‘lightening war’ in English. Used by Hitler to conquer Europe
What happened in the Munich conference?
In 1938, Britain, France and Italy let Hitler have Sudetenland and the rest of Czechoslovakia go to Poland and Hungary, if he promised to not take any more land.
Which group of Canadians were placed in internment camps in British Columbia during WWII?
Where were the American nuclear bombs dropped?
Nagasaki and Hiroshima
What was Kristallnacht?
“The Night of Broken Glass”. In November 1938, Nazis destroyed thousands of Jewish businesses and synagogues in response to the assassination of a German diplomat in Paris by a Polish Jewish student.
When was the Battle of Hong Kong?
Canadian troops were assigned in early December 1941, Japanese began attacking on December 8th, and Canadians lost by Christmas.
What was the battle of Britain?
German take over english shore
What was NATO?
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, signed in April 1949 to defend against Russia in the Cold War.
What happened in the Suez Crisis?
Britain, France, and Israel plotted. Israel would attack Egypt and France and Britain would step in to safeguard the canal. Israel attacked on October 29, 1956, and the Franco-Britain coalition sent an ultimatum the next day for them both to withdrawal. Egypt refused on October 31, and Britain and France started bombing Egyptian airfields.
Who did the FLQ kidnap?
James Cross and Pierre Laporte
What is NORAD? Why was NORAD created?
- North American Aerospace Defense Command.
- It was created to protect North America from aerial threats from Russia over Canada.
In what province was free healthcare first introduced?