Exam Review 4 Flashcards
What are mutations?
Mutations are changes in the nucleotide sequence of DNA &; the ultimate source of new alleles.
Sexual reproduction shuffles alleles to produce new combinations in what 3 ways?
- Homologous chromosomes sort independently as they separate during anaphase 1 of meiosis.
- During Prophase 1 of meiosis, pairs of homologous chromosomes cross over and exchange genes
- Further variation arises when sperm randomly unite with eggs in fertilization
What are the 3 main causes of evolutionary change?
- Natural selection
- Genetic drift
- Gene flow
What is genetic drift?
A change in the gene pod of a population due to chance.
What is gene flow?
Results from the founder effect, when a few individuals colonize a new habitat.
Can a small group adequately represent the genetic diversity in the ancestral population?
No it cannot!
What does natural selection do?
Natural selection leads adaptive evolution and also is a blend of chance and sorting.
Finish the sentence: an individuals relative fitness is the contribution it makes to the…
Gene pool of the next generation relative to the contribution of other individuals.
Can everyone reproduce?
Not everyone gets to reproduce only the fittest individuals are those that produce the largest numbers of offspring.
What does stabilizing selection favor?
Stabilizing selection favors immediate phenotypes acting against extreme phenotypes
What does directional selection do?
It acts against individuals at one of the phenotypic extremes.
What does disruptive selection favor?
Disruptive selection favors individuals at both extremes of the phenotypic range.
Sexual selection is a form of?
Natural selection.
What is sexual dimorphism?
In animal species, males and females show distinctly different appearances.
What does sexual selection mean?
Individuals with certain characteristics are more likely than other individuals to obtain mates.