Exam Review Flashcards
What was the incident at the Lake of the Woods?
- A large Sioux war party surprised the French fur traders at their first encounter which led to a number of dead bodies being found, including, Jean Baptiste.
- The Sioux had attacked to avenge an earlier raid which the Assiniboine had used French guns supplied by French explorer, Pierre La Verendrye.
- The Lake of the Woods massacre marked the turning point in Verendryes career as an explorer and fur trader.
- Verendrye lost his monopoly following this massacre.
Who was Pierre La Verendrye?
- Canadian born, explorer
who was granted a large portion of land along the St. Lawrence River and became governor of the Trois-Rivieres. - Granted a monopoly to trade furs in unexplored territory west of Lake Superior.
- His explorations pressed the search for furs and religious converts westward.
- The pursuit of the three French goals - furs, exploration and spreading the faith - lead to the formation of alliances with Aboriginal groups, which lead to making enemies of other Aboriginal groups.
- La Verendrye sided with the Assiniboine and Cree peoples,. Unfortunately, these trade alliances resulted in French bloodshed such as the incident at the lake of the woods.
What are the three views of the Aboriginal peoples of Canada and the Americas?
- We Have Always Been Here - Based on creation stories where the elders speak of their ancient ancestors who were put here by powerful spirits and supplied them with all the resources needed to live off the land.
- The Land Bridge Theory - Researchers believe that during the last ice age 80-120,000 years ago, the northern tips of Asia and North America were joined by the land bridge and hunters and their families moved towards this area chasing game. Critics argue that this route would have been too cold and no evidence.
- The Coastal Route Theory - Considers the possibility that Asian hunters and fishers crossed the narrow Bering Strait during a warmer period, using islands as stepping stones following the west coast.
What is the Archaic Period?
- Between 6000 and 1000 years BCE
- Ancient period in the history of Aboriginal peoples which came as the last ice age melted away and the environment began supplying ancient peoples with more varied resources.
- The Archaic Period marked the development of great variety among the indigenous cultures of Canada.
What are the three stages in initial meetings between indigenous peoples and Europeans in the past?
- Contracts - short encounters, usually peaceful, sometimes with displays of flags or crosses
- Collisions - Subsequent meetings often marked by misunderstandings, leading to violence and death
- Relationships - Over time, trade, alliances, religious conversion and colonization took place.
Who was John Cabot? What was his significance?
- Italian navigator contracted by England’s Henry VII in 1497 to explore new lands across the Atlantic.
- Reached the “new found isles” (Newfoundland) where codfish was plentiful.
Who was Jacques Cartier?
European explorer who in 1534 was authorized by the kind of France to search for a passage to Asia and any riches he could find.
He took three expeditions to Canada in which he made contact with the Aboriginals.
His voyages along the St. law
What were the effects of early contact between the Aboriginals and the Europeans?
- The extinction of the Beothuk tribe is one of the most significant effects of contact
- In 1507, Corte-Real captured 57 Beothuk adults and shipped them back to Portugal for slavery where many of the captives died of smallpox, measles and the flu.
- By the early 19th century, the Beothuk were rarely seen as diseases, displacement and guns had all taken their toll and the Beothuk had become extinct.
What were the goals of exploration during the “Age of Exploration”?
- To claim new territories to increase personal and national wealth.
- To spread Christianity. Priests often accompanied the explorers and territories were claimed in the name of God.
- New knowledge - to learn about the extend of the world beyond Europe.
Age of Exploration
- These voyages of exploration helped spread European language and power worldwide
Who was Samuel de Champlain? What was his significance?
- French explorer who arrived in Canada in 1603.
- He was a skilled negotiator who recognized the importance of establishing and keeping friendly alliances with the Aboriginals.
- Gathered info about his Aboriginal allies by travelling widely himself to learn their language and culture
- Skilled designer and cartographer
- Mapped the St. Lawrence Valley and found the remains of the French settlements of Hocheleaga and Stadacona.
Acadia and Port Royal
In the 1600s, Champlain and soldiers, priests etc. were brought to build a colony along present day New Brunswick. In return for a monopoly, he had to convert them to Christianity.
- A small Acadian settlement was built. However, the island was not protected from Atlantic winds.
- Monts and Champlain moved the settlers to present day Nova Scotia and called it Port Royal.
- There was a strong sense of hospitality in Mi’kmaq culture that Europeans were allowed to take land for their own use, however, these values conflicted with the Acadians’ own sense of private property.
- Quebec settlement grew slowly
Describe the Fur Trade After 1604
- As the demand or beaver hats increases, so did the efforts to get more raw material.
1. French investors - Investors would be granted a monopoly which gave them exclusive rights to trade with Aboriginals within New France.
2. Fur Traders - Worked for the investors and were expected to establish trading posts and to take care of all the details.
3. Aboriginal Peoples - At the centre of the fur trade bc they were the middlemen who controlled the resource. The Huron used to bring their furs to Quebec, taking nearly a month.. They used alliances and travelled in groups for safety. However, the Dutch traders formed alliances with the rival Iroquois and supplied them with guns. By the 1640s, it became difficult for the Huron to bring their furs to Quebec and the company of One Hundred Associates ceased to exist.
4. French Hatters - Hat-making was a skilled trade so only a well-established master hatter could deal with the luxury item.
5. Customers -
Effects of the early missionaries in New France?
Following the reforms of Martin Luther, the power of the Catholic Church was challenged and as a result, the Catholic Reformation came about which led to the formation of two religious groups - the nuns of the Ursaline order and the Jesuit Order
- The Jesuits worked to gain the trust and confidence of the Aboriginals in order to convert them to Christianity. However, many of the Huron died due to diseases such as smallpox. The Jesuits also divided the culture and weakened its traditional structure.
- The aim of the Ursaline sisters was to establish residential schools in Quebec where they would educate the children of Catholic Aboriginals. This was the beginning of the dreadful Residential schools.
What was the long lot system?
A seigniorial system in which habitants were required to turn over a certain portion of their crops or provide days of free labour to pay the seigneur for the right to hunt and fish on the seigneury, access to the mill, etc.
It was a system of payment similar to the society of France but more lenient/
What was mercantilism?
System used in which countries sought colonies, either to supply valuable resources to to produce income to help the mother country pay for reserves.
- System by which nations acquired and used colonies to increase their national wealth.
- The French new colony of New France was vital for boosting their wealth.
Britian used this sustem in its North American colonies which was a factor that sparked the american revolution.
What were the Congés and the coureurs de bois?
Congés were legal fur traders with licenses and coureurs de bois were “runners of the woods” - men who would enter the western country illegally to live among the Aboriginals and trade with them.
How did Jean Talon increase New France’s population?
- Was the first intendent of New France, born in 1626.
- He rewarded early marriage with a monetary wedding gift for young men and women.
- He forced bachelors to marry: a law required young bachelors to marry potential brides sent to New France or they would lose their rights to hunt, fish, or trade furs
- Encouraged large families, offering an annual pension to families with 10 children, and even more for a dozen.
- This succeeded and Quebec continued to have the highest birth rate in Canada until the mid-20th century
- Effective administrator who a brought about peace and security. Because New France’s population increased, they secured France’s claim to the territory. The settlers grew more crops and began to export food to France.
What was the society of New France made up of?
- Aboriginal peoples - There were to groups in the eyes of the French - those with whom they made trade alliances with and the others. Policies were much friendlier toward Aboriginal trade allies. The French hoped to convince the Aboriginals of the St. Lawrence Valley to give up hunting and take up farming. They did this by converting them to Catholicism. The next was to enrol their children in residential schools.
- Women - Most women in New France either married or entered religious life in a Catholic convent. Women could not hold public office and mainly had a domestic role.
- Farmers - Farmers of the seigneurial system were about 80 percent of the population of New France. The centre of family life was the farm home.
- Towns and Townsfolk - Quebec was the largest and most important town in which commercial and administrative functions took place. Businesspeople, government officials, military, servants lived here. Townsfolk and habitants were connected by commerce. on market days, local farmers would bring crops, livestock into town to sell.
What was Acadia and who were the Acadians?
- Those in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.
- When Royal Government came to New France in 1663, Colbert, the finance minister, had little interest in Acadia as a source for wealth. As a result, no military was organized, making them an easy target for attacks by trade rivals which disrupted Acadian life through the destruction of property. France and England went to war over their colonial empires, and England gained control of Acadia.
- Small colony with 2-3k Aboriginals and 10k French Acadiens who shared good relations.
- Many Aboriginals settled near the Acadiens, and conversions to Catholic faith and intermarriage became common. The Church was the centre of community social life.
- Following the Treaty of Utrecht in which France gave up Acadia, tensions between Britain, France and Aboriginals grew. In 1755, the Acadians refused to sign a new oath of allegiance, which no longer excluded them from fighting against France. They seized all Acadian property and ships and deported it to American colonies.
- Most of Acadians were shipped away and their farmlands were taken over by British settlers.
European Conflict - France
Louis XIV (1643-1715) came to France’s throne at age 23 and was the best example of absolutism in which all the power belongs to the ruler. Reigned from 1643 to 1715.
- Remembered for saying “I am the state”.
- In order to establish his strong and stable reign he made some changes. He moved the central policy-making into the Palace of Versailles. By doing so, Louis was able to run his court, rule over his country and receive important visitors all under one roof.
- He removed the high-ranking nobles and royal princes from the royal council. He replaced these nobles and princes with minsters from upper middle class who had no blood relations at the court.
- Established three councils - the court of state, the court of finances and the court of dispatches - presiding over all three. This way he maintained a firm grim on all gov’t affairs.
- created a standing army - meaning it maintained even in peace time. This army allowed France to dominate European politics for years to come.
- became known as the Sun King, famous for a brilliant court and a sound successful reign. Because of him, France has become the dominant European power and the influence of French culture was evident all around.
- Appointed Jean-Baptiste Colbert as financial minister. Colbert believed in mercantilism in which the government regulates economic activity based on the idea that national wealth will lead to international power. Because of him, France went from owning only 18 vessels, to 276 in 20 years. Colbert wanted to increase the funds in the royal treasury and reduced income taxes and increased indirect taxes such as road tolls and shipping taxes. He believed that if the rich has more money at their disposal, they would spend it on local goods, therefore, improving the French economy.
European Conflict - Britain
During the early years of Louis XIV’s reign, England fell into political turmoil and went through a bitter civil war. Eventually, monarchy was restored, and was ruled under a constitution.
- Through mercantilism, britain gained control over several colonies, particularly, the Thirteen Colonies in North America who were rich in cotton, rice and tobacco.
- by 1740, over 900,000 people in these colonies contributed to britain’s wealth by buying british manufactures and paying taxes on every import, from stamps to tea which angered the colonists and led to the Boston Tea Party.
The commercial interests of France and Britain were colliding
The Seven Years War
- 1756-1763
- The Seven Years War (1756-1763) was the largest imperial war of the 18th century and pitted England and France against each other. The surrender of New France to the British was one of the most significant results of this war. It changed the landscape and increased trade and fighting around the world.
- Principle benefits were given to the colonizers.
- Aboriginal peoples look at this period as one of loss and destruction.
– Britain fought France for colonial supremacy. Britain took New France and made it into the British colony of Canada.
- Great Britain and Prussia vs. France and Austria
- British colonists wanted to expand into western American colonies (meant more trade, more wealth)
- Britain gained the final victory and emerged as the most important colonial power in the world. French were disorganized as their local militia had never trained together.
- Because the war was so expensive, to pay for the cost of the war, the British heavily taxed the colonists in the Americas on items like sugar, tea, paper etc.
What was the Treaty of Utrecht?
Religious differences split the union as the southern provinces formed a Catholic union called the Union of Arras in 1579, and accepted Spanish control, while the northern provinces formed a Protestant union called the Union of Utrecht and rejected Spanish control.