EXAM Review Flashcards
Classification of Hip Joint
- Ball and Socket synovial joint
- Articulation between pelvic acetabulum and head of femur
- Multiaxial joint
1. Ant. & Post.
2. Med. & Lat.
3. Rotational
What is a hip pointer
Contusion on iliac crest ; usually anterior border
MOI: Direct blow
Treatment - compression wrap w/ donut pad
Treatment for hip sprains
- X-Rays and MRI to rule out fx
- Crutches depending on severity
- ROM and PRE are delayed until pain-free
How do you determine severity of Hamstring Strain
Level of Pain
Point tenderness / palpations
Sounds and sensations
Ultrasound, MRI, CT, X-Ray, ect
Legg-calve Perthes
MOI: avascular necrosis of femoral head (4-10 year olds), trauma =25% cases
- Articular cartilage becomes necrotic and flattened
S/S: px in groin that referred to abdomen or knee, limping
ROM may be limited
M: (1st) bed rest, (2nd) brace, treat early or else develop into osteoarthritis later in life
Hip special Tests
- ELY’s
Testing rec fem tightness
+ve will be heel not to butt - Trendelenburg
Testing glute med weakness
+ve test is NWB hip drops - Thomas
Testing hip flexor tightness
+ve test is extended hip cannot stay flat on table and is forced into slight flexion (hip contracture) - Kendalls
Testing rec fem / hip flexor tightness
+ve test Knee flexion < 90 degree (rec fem)
Thigh not parallel to table (hip flexors) - Patrick (FABERS)
Testing iliopsoas / SI / Hip joint abnormalities
+ve test — injured leg does not abduct below the level of the non-injured - Modified Thomas
Testing rec fem / hip flexor tightness
+ve test Knee flexion < 90 degree (rec fem)
Thigh not parallel to table (hip flexors)
Ligaments of hip
pubofemoral, iliofemoral, ischiofemoral
prevent extension of hip
Acetabular labrum
What is the true shoulder Joint
Glenohumeral Joint
the labrum of the shoulder is what?
Thick piece of tissue attached to the rim of the glenoid fossa that helps keep ball of the humerus in place
Resists Ant. and Post. movement and assists with blocking shoulder dislocation and subluxation at maximal ROMs
muscle movement of Rotary Cuff function & Special test for injury
- Abducts arm 0-15 degree, then assists deltoid to abduct up to 90 degrees; drop arm palms down
Teres Major
- Ext Rot (w/ infra). Assists in adduction and ext
- Ext Rot (W/ teres minor) assists in ext and abducts inf angle of scapula
- Int Rot. and assists in adduction and ext certain position
Bursa of Shoulder
Subacromial, Subdeltoid, Subcoracoid
General Function:
- Protects and brakes the shocks of the joint and allows surrounding structures to move friction-free
MOI: direct blow to shoulder / overuse abduction and overhead motions
S/S: ↑ shoulder px in abduction from 80-120 degrees
M: rest, correct biomechanical causes, NSAIDs, cortisone if no response to other treatment
AC joint MOI
Direct contact or blow causing shoulder to raise
Shoulder Special tests
Olecranon Brusiti MOI
MOI: direct blow to posterior elbow
S/S: px, swelling, redness, won’t be warm, limited ROM
M: PIER, compression pads, if persists refer
Volkmann contracture
Possible Elbow# complication to blood Vessel and nerve damage
Loss of blood flow 4-6hr to the forearm muscles can result in necrosis subsequent contracture of the involved muscles
Contracture leads to deformity
Metatarsal finger joints in ext
Wrist and ip finger joints in flexion
S/S: Pn in forearm increased w/ passive ext of fingers
Pn is followed by cessation of brachial and radial pulses and coldness in arms
Decreased motion
gamekeeper’s thumb
Ulnar Collateral ligament sprain
Thumb is forcefully extended & abducted (valgus force)
S/S: pain (w/ AROM & PROM), swelling, bruising, joint laxity, loss of function (unable to pinch grip)
M: PIER, NSAIDS, protect with splinting or taping, referral to physician to r/o fractures
DeQuervain’s Syndrome
MOI: Tenosynovitis of Extensor pollis brevis + abductor pollicis longus and repetitive motion (screwdriver)
what is a complication to a scaphoid Fracture
MOI: FOOSH into hyperextension
S/S: acute px / swelling in the area (snuff box)
20% of pop only have blood supply to one side of scaphoid resulting in improper healing and avascular necrosis may result
M: refer, cast / immobilize, at 10 days re xray for callus formations (healing) no sign of healing = bone scan
If it is not allowed to heal properly avascular necrosis may result
mallet vs Boutonniere finger
Mallet Finger:
DIP joint bent (flexion), Extensor tendon is torn away from it’s insertion on the base of the distal phalanx
Boutonniere Deformity:
DIP joint Extension, Rupture of the extensor tendon at the middle phalanx
Football pad design
Cantilever pads -disperse force over entire shoulder girdle
Epaulette = AC joint
Forming Spring = holds the shape of breastplate + raises pad off shoulder
Cantilever Strap = holds outer shell away from shoulder
Clavicle Channel = like a donut over the clavicle
Breast plate = protects sternum + pectorals
Dorsal plate = protects the upper vertebral column and scapular regions
Deltoid cup = protects the head of deltoid and humerus
Bones of pelvis
Ilium, Ischium, Pubis, cocux and sacrum
Shoulder landmark palpation
Humeral Head
Greater and Lesser Tuberosity
Intertubercular groove
Bicipital groove
Deltoid tuberosity
Clavicular Shaft
Acromion Process
Coracoid Process
Spine of Scapula
Scapular Vertebral border
Scapular Lateral border
Scapular superior angle
Scapular inferior angle
Acromioclavicular Joint
Sternoclavicular Joints
Sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, and coracoclavicular ligaments
Coracoacromial ligament
Rotator cuff muscles and tendons
Subacromial bursa
Biceps and tendon
Triceps muscle and tendon
Deltoid muscle
Rhomboid muscles
Latissmus dorsi muscle
Serratus anterior muscle
Levator scapulae muscle
Trapezius muscle
Teres major and minor muscles
Special Tests of RC
Drop Arm
- Supraspinatus Rupture
Empty Can
- Supraspinatus tendonitis (Atrophy)
- Infraspinatus tendonitis (Atrophy)
Neer’s impingement
- Supraspinatus impingement
- Supraspinatus impingement