Exam References Flashcards
Sirohi et al.
Urbanisation & solitary bees
- Northampton, hand netting & pan traps
- greater species richness in town vs. medows & reserves
- due to higher flower diversity? Value of gardens & small weedy sites
- But: every town different
Cocco et al.
Mating Disruption Technique
- Sardinia, Tuta absoluta in greenhouses
- up to 85% less plants infested
- up to 89% less damage (leaves/fruits)
- 97% less males caught in traps
- But: expensive long term
Ushio et al.
Microbial communities used as fingerprint
- DNA of microbes sig. different in 3 bee sp.
- Fingerprints on plants corr. w/ observed pollionator visitors
- But: micobial community could change in time/space and visit doesn’t = pollination
- Reseach: fingerprints on pollen grains→what carried it?
Keesey et al.
Specialisation of Pests
- D.suzukii & D.melanogaster
- baited traps w/ leaf volatiles caught only suzukii
- explains earlier arrival to ripening fruit
- Research: use in pest control, concentrations?
Mensah et al.
Augmentation Inundation: Fungus
- BC639 on Helicoverpa spp.
- Australia, visual transect counts
- controlled to same level as current insecticide
- sig. less negative effect on natural enemies
- Reseach: use within IPM (large larvae too big for predators)
Knauer & Schiestl
Bees associate signal w/ reward
- Sugar per flower & gas chromotography → which volatile gave honest signal
- B.terrestris showed preference for this after foraging on B.rapa
- learnt to associate different scent w/ reward on artificial flowers
- Used to improve foraging efficiency
- Research: other pollinators? use in management?
Douglas et al.
Neonicotinoid disrupts bio-control
- in lab: grey slugs unaffected by treated soyabean
- but transmitted toxin to ground beetles, imparing or killing >60%
- in field: reduced density of predators caused 5% reduction in yield
- neonicotinoids not as specific as thought
- Research: bioaccumulation to birds?
Henneman & Memmot
Bad classical biocontrol
- Hawaii, 122 releases since 1945
- Caterpillar samples collected & paracites raised
- 83% were introduced, only 3% native
- 58 moth sp. paracitised, only 4 of those alien
- Research: irreversible damage?
Mallinger & Gratton
Bee abundance vs. richness
- 12 orchards, half w/ managed honeybees
- bee traps: flourescent plastic cups
- fruit set positivly corr. w/ sp. richness
- not sig. higher w/ managed
- selective foraging of honeybees?
- But: post pollination factors?
- Research: measure pollen deposited
Vreysen et al.
SIT: Tsetse flies
- annual losses of $2 mil
- pyrethroid pour-on / blue cloth traps ineffective near forests
- 8.5 mil steriles
- rapid reduction in trap catches
- disappearance of nagana & tsetse
- Unguja Island, Zanzibar
Narla et al.
IPM of nematodes
- Kenya, tomatoes
- biocontrol agent, crop rotation & organic amendment
- Combination of 3 treatments gave biggest increase in yield: 63%
- But: bio agent expensive for small farmers
Bouyer & Lefranoçois
Boosted SIT in mosquitoes
- can’t get density low enough for SIT
- hard to coat wild females for auto-dissemination
- combination→ release sterile males coated in growth regulator hormone (pass to females when mating)
- Integrated approach
- sterile sperm prevents spred of resistance
- Research: does coating affect fitness?
Gill & Raine
Neonicotinoid & bees
- radio frequ. ID tagging of Bombus
- control group improved foraging as gained experience
- exposed bees got worse at foraging
- chronic behavioural impairment
- ecotoxicological testing protocol needs revising
- Research: other pollinators
Murúa & Espíndola
Genera specific pollination syndromes
- oil collecting bees: Centris sp. & Chalepogenus sp.
- visitors to Calceolaria recorded
- strong corr. b/w floral & pollinator traits
- But: visitor doesn’t = pollinator
Fürst et al.
Transmission of disease to wild bees
- Survey, 26 sites, netting, UK
- prevelence of DWV and Nosema Ceranae in Bombus increased w/ Apis abundance
- But: DWV prevelence underestimated and correaltion not cause, doesn’t show directionality