Exam References Flashcards
Huse et al.
Selectivity of fishing methods
Barnets Sea, Cod & Haddock
Trawler: harvests all fish in path, avoidance reaction bias
Longliner: no exclusion of small fish, caught larger cod than trawler
Gilnet: caught mean largest cod, selects for narrow range but young fat fish may be caught rather than old/slim
Fish exclusion methodd
Square-mesh windows & escape panels: allow fish with upward escape reaction to get out (haddock)
Seperator trawls: eg. horizontal panel of netting to seperate cod end, rely on behavioural differences
no quick global solutions- vary with fishery/region
Munoz et al
Enviromental effects of longlining
38 sets, N. Atlantic
weights damage corals incl. vulnerable indicator sp.( small glass sponge)
discards, seabirds- direct mortality
deepwater sharks are 80% of catch (ban 2008)
Pauly et al
Fishing down trophic levels
est trophic level of 220sp. from global fishery landing data 1950-1994
mean trophic level declined 3.3 to >3.1%
unstable ecosystem/cascades, unavoidable?
But: quality of landing stats questionable
Riesen & Reise
Effects of trawling on enviroment
Wadden Sea, grab samples, 9 sites
increase in r-strategists (polychaetes)
decrease in k-strategists (molluscs and crustaceans)
But: could be due to natural fluctuations/eutrophication
Zwolinski et al.
Accoustic trawl
California; sardine, jack makerel, pacific mackerel
gives multispecies info over large areas & is fisheries independent, towards EBM
But: accurate classification of echos difficult for morphologically similar fish
Use of fish otoliths
California; white seabass, 3 locations, different sampling techniques
similar estimated growth rates with otolith suggest single pop.
But: v.young and v.old otoliths hard to read
are sampling techniques comparable? representitive of all ages/sizes? biased catch data?
Hunter et al.
Fish migrations
DST tags record depth/temp of Plaice, N.sea
18% remained in english channel after spawing: mixing of stocks: should be managed differently
fisheries independent MPAs need to take migrations into account
Roberts et al.
Reserves increase catch
St. Lucia, 5 reserves
in 5yrs, artisanal catches increased by 90%
more & larger fish= more offspring
biomass of 5 commercially important families increased by 3% in 3yrs
But: would it work on industrial scale
Morandeau at el.
Why do fishermen discard?
Bay of Biscay, on board surveys
83% due to market issues
discards related to regulations minor
problem= selectivity & fishing methods no the quotes and catch composition
But: one area, small n
Tyson et al.
Bird behaviour influenced by discards
Lesser black-backed gulls, Wadden Sea
40 tracked via GPS
sig. reduced use of w.sea at weekends when fleets not operating
switched to terrestrial foraging: flexible response
but still shows specialisation to discards
Wikelski et al.
Marine Iguanas die from oil
only few killed immediatley- dispersed by strong currents
long term data on 2 pop.s: censuses and permanent marks
Santa Fe pop. 62% mortality
algal pastures didn’t change= deaths caused by sensitive fermenting endosymbionts in hindgut
corticosterone levels correlate w/ mortality
Hook & Osborn
Effects of dispersant on diatom
exposure to dispersant= growth inhibition at lower conc.s than oil & dispersant and oil alone
dispersant also= membrane damage
diatom at base of food chain
but: only 1 type of oil tested
Li et al.
CE causes respiritory epithelial damage
in vitro: human lungs, in vivo: mice, zebra fish, blue crabs
apoptosis of epithelial cells induced
changed permeability of brachial epithelium
swelling, reduction of airflow
research: effects in wild/ecosystem?
Liu et al.
Dispersant= no short term effect on organisms
Louisiana, shrimp, killfish, oyster
83% of each sp. survived after exposure
no sig. difference b/w oil and oil with dispersant
but: only 24 hours