Exam References Flashcards
Thompson & Nicoll
Metatherian & Eutherian BMR variation
respirometry in Opossum and Elephant shrew
eutherian 30% higher BMR
facilitate higher reproductive output
Tilkens et al.
Support Allen’s rule: limbs smaller w/ lower temp
human volunteers
longer leg = higher RMR
Neanderthal short limbs; bad for walking good for thermoregulation
Fossorial mammals dont conform to Bergmann’s
lit data + energetics from 4 fossorial mammals
BMRs lower than expected
adaptions to high burrow temps
existing sp. limited geographical distribution
Porter & Kearney
Intergrated shape into Bergmann’s
Bergmann=body size increases with temp
create model incl. shape & fur
predict TNZ more accurately
BUT shapes discrete categories
Shrestha et al.
Heat dissipation depends on SA:V
S.Africa, activity data logger
Eland activity -tivly correlates w/ temp all year
Impala only correlates in summer: greater SA:V
exacerbated by climate change?
Cooper & Withers
Maintenance of EWL
ash grey mice, Australia
under heliox = x1.6 heat loss
respirometry, maintained constant EWL
But: n=8, other sp, research sensory/control systems
Hacklander et al.
Cost of reproductive supression
Alpine Marmots, Germany
live traps, marked (tattoo/dye)
reproductive sucsess decreased as no. subs increased
costly to dom female
Advantage of developmental delay
Panama Neotropical bats
dissection of 450
blastocysts implant, remain dormant sept-nov
implantation coincides with peaks in rainfall
Huchard et al.
Advantage of polyandry
captive grey mouse lemurs
healthly females more promiscuous
favoured over precoupulatory mate choice
confuse paternity? infanticide defence?
But: captive not wild, ethical?
Opperbeck et al.
Infanticide increases with male turnover
bank voles, controlled field study
juvenile recruitment decreased w/ increased male turnover in low densities
in high densities, females defend better?
But: n=small, test has low power
Gale et al.
Response to novel male
house mice
bruce effect only early in pregnancy
late exposure= growth of offspring slower while weaning
alter investment/counter to infanticide
research: wild pop.’s
Brilliant & Terhune
Group predator avoidance
Harbour seal vigilance
decreased over time since haul-out and with increasing group size
But: couldn’t ID so duplicates? couldn’t measure when seals scanned without raising heads
Schradin et al.
Reproductive competition drives solitary living
African striped mice, S.Africa
radio collars & ear tags, 8yrs
breeding season= all solitary living if no. of territories not limiting (female infanticide/aggression)
Post-breeding= all group living (thermo reg. predator avoidance)
Cvikel et al.
Sociality improves bat foraging
mini GPS ultrasound recorder
bats activly aggregate compared to model
in eavesdropping range 41% of time
jamming when density too high: stop attacking, resume 5s later= sensory trade-off
But: n=12 Research: other sp. birds?
Funk et al.
Fitness benefits of group living
Red fox, Bristol, ear tags/radio collars, 6 groups
more stayed than dispersed
yet dispersal= more likely to become dom
subs gained fitness benefits?/behaviour manipulated by doms
But: what happened to dispersed? Research: non-urban