Exam Quotes Flashcards
Give the speaker and context of: “There’s no art to find the minds construction in the face: he was a gentle man on whom I built an absolute trust.”
S- King Duncan
C- talking about how McDonald betrayed him and the kingdom (act 1 scene 4)
Give the speaker and context of: “The Prince of Cumberland! That is a step on which i must fall down or else o’erleap, for in my way it lies. Stars, hide you fires; let not light see my black and deep desires”
S- Macbeth
C- talking about how for Macbeth to be king, he will have to get rid of the current king and prince of cumberland (threat of Malcolm) (act 1 scene 4)
Give the speaker and context of: “By th’clock ‘tis day and yet dark night strangles the travelling lamp. Is’t night’s predominance, or day’s shame, that darkness does the face of earth entomb when living light should kiss it?”
S- Ross
C- Ross and the old man are talking about the weird things that are going on in nature on the night that Duncan was murdered. It is nature’s reaction to Duncan’s death and covers the great chain of being. (act 2 scene 4)
Give the speaker and context of: “‘Tis unnatural, even like the deed that’s done. On Tuesday last, a falcon, tow’ring in her pride pf place, was by a mousing owl hawked at and killed….And Duncan’s horses (a thing most strange and certain) beauteous and swift, minions of their race, turned wild in nature, broke their stalls, flung out, contending ‘gaint obediance, as they would make war with mankind.”
S- Old Man
C- He is talking to Ross about how nature is behaving weird after murder (Same as quote #3) also demonstrates the great chain of being (act 2, scene 4)
Give the speaker and context of: “Come, thick night, and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, that my keen knife see not the wound it makes, nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark to cry ‘hold, hold!’”
S- Lady Macbeth
C- This is the night of the murder and Lady Macbeth is aksing for the darkness to hide her sins from God so that she is able to kill Duncan without feeling regret. This is after she recieves the letter from Macbeth and she is understanding her role in the plan. (act 1 scene 5)
Give the speaker and context of: “I am in blood stepp’d in so far, that should i wade no more returning were as tedious as go o’er”
S- Macbeth
C- reflecting on the magnitude of his sins (act 3 scene 4)
Give the speaker and context of: “There the grown serpent lies; the worm that’s fled hath nature that in time will venom breed… no teeth for the present.”
S- Macbeth
C- Macbeth and the murders are talking after he had Banquo killed and understanding the threat of fleance (act 3 scene 2)
Give the speaker and context of: “Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my mind? No: this my hand will rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine. Making the green one red.”
S- Macbeth
C- Macbeth and his reaction to the murder of Duncan- understanding that he is very involved. (act 2 scene 2)
Give the speaker and context of: “Despair thy charm; and let the angel whom thou still hast served tell thee, Macduff was from his mother’s womb untimely ripped.”
S- Macdff
C- exposing the truth about the witches prophecies (act 4 scene 8)
Give the speaker and context of: “Now does he feel his secret murders sticking on his hands… now does he feel his title hang loose about him, like a giant’s robe upon a dwarfish theif.”
S- Angus
C- We understand that the enitre kingdom knows Macbeth’s story and the truth. (act 4 scene 2)
Give the speaker and context of: “I have lived long enough. My way of life is fall’n into the sere, the yellow leaf, and that which should accompany old age, as honour, love, obediance, troops of friends, I must not look to hvae; but in their stead, curses, not loud but deep…”
S- Macbeth
C- Macbeth understanding everything he was trying to get, he actually lost. (act 4 scene 3)
Give the speaker and context of: “Then a smile played on my father’s lips. He opened his arms.I buried my face in the warmth of his chest and wept. Baba held me close to him, rocking me back and forth.”
S- Amir
C- after the kite tournament and the rape, Amir is reflecting on what happened that night.
Give the speaker and context of: “Hassan didn’t strugle. Didn’t even wimper. He moved his head slightly and I caught a glimpse of his face. Saw the resignation in it. It was a loook i had seen before. It was the look of the lamb.”
S- Amir
C- talking about Hassan’s reaction to the rape
Give the speaker and context of: “I flinched like i had been slapped. My heart sank and i almost blurted out the trut. Then i undrifice for me…And that led to another understanding. Hasssan knew. He knew I’d seen everything in that alley , that i’d dtood there an done nothing, and yet he was rescuing me again- maybe for the last time. I loved in that moment, more than i’d ever love anyone, and i wanted to tell him that i was the snake in teh grass, the monster in the lake,. i wasnt worthy of this sacrifice.”erstood: this was Hassan’s final sac
S- Amir
C- reacting to Hassan taking the blame for AMir putting the money and watch under Hassan’s mattress.
Give the speaker and context of: “‘I watched Hassan get raped,’ I said to no one… A part of me was oping that someone would wake up and hear, so i wouldnt have to live with this lie anymore. But no one woke up and in the silence that followed, i understood the nature of my new curse: I was going to get away with it.”
S- Amir
C- he was trying to rid himself of his guilt by telling no one.