Exam Questions Flashcards
Why are consumers critical of the insurance industry? (3)
What can be done to educate and improve awareness? (7)
- When prices go and capacity tightens
- Leaves consumers with poor opinion
- Media portrays negative image as politicians
- promise to do something about the high rates
- Insurers want to educate
- Insurance protection is intangible
- Consumers are fortunate to pay so little for overall financial well being
- Premiums a nominal sum for possible million dollar claim
- or similarly to replace a house demolished by fire
- Would take a consumer many years to save to pay for a million-dollar claim
- Premiums of the many pay for the losses of th efew
- Plain language policies are more transparent
- cause less confusion leading to a positive consumer perception.
Using an insurer’s claim’s department or underwriting department, explain the following objectives contributes to an insurer’s success:
1) Multi-layered goal setting (10)
2) Managing Department workflow (5)
1) multi-layered goal setting:
- Claims manager establishes department goals to respond to those set by upper management and BOD
- These goals will look to control claims and expense costs
- Target for customer satisfaction
- units within the claims department also develop goals to improve performance.
- subrogation unit might choose to improve it’s recovery rate by 2%.
- Might choose to meet face to face with 95% of policyholders within 25 hours of a claim
- In each department, individual goals are also formulated to meet the needs of each employee.
- can apply to technical performance or personal growth
- subject to performance review
2) Experienced underwriters could be chosen to handle all new business submissions while the less experienced underwriters are responsible for renewal business
- Staff must be organized to promote not only efficient effective processing of business.
1) Accrual basis of accounting (2)
2) Dividend (2)
3) Balanced portfolio (5)
4) Liquidity (1)
5) Yield (2)
6) Asset liability management (3)
1) Accrual basis of accounting (2) - reporting business transactions in the accounting period or periods to which it belongs.
2) Dividend (2) - payment made to shareholders from the profits earned by the company
3) Balanced portfolio (5) - diversifying investments over a number of different securities and types of securities. Can diversify by industry, location. Any sudden problem will not significantly affect a portfolio.
4) Liquidity (1) - how easily a security can be converted to cash
5) Yield (2) - net rate of return from an investment
6) Asset liability management (3) - the management of assets in relation to liabilities to optimize the balance between risk and return.
What does a balance sheet show about a company? Identify the 3 main items included? (10)
Assets - things of value that a company owns. These include furniture, equipment, and vehicles, investment securities
Liabilities - Are debts owed to creditors. For insurance, these are likely to include unearned premiums, outstanding claims reserves, accounts payable, and bank loans.
Equity - Is a company’s net assets. The share capital put into the business, plus the total profits made by the company since it was formed.
Acadian General, prepare a presentation.
1) Explain how OSFI measures and assess a company’s solvency and why this should be a concern to them. (15)
2) Outline how reinsurance can help without causing undue financial concerns. Relating to solvency requirement.
1) -OSFI uses the minimum capital test (MCT) to measure solvency
-a single harmonized asset test applies to all Canadian insurers operating in Canada
-A similar test applies to branches of foreign insurers
-The test is intended to give regulators early warning of an insurers potential solvency problems
-OSFI communicates with insurers on the minimum amount of capital required to support premium volumes.
-The test requires that an insurer’s assets exceed it’s liability by a specified ratio
-The insurers have assets worth at least a certain multimple of their liabilities as well as a margin of additional assets.
-Over time when insurers grow or shrink they can become over capitalized or undercapitalized.
-Writing riskier business requires more capital, while writing less risky business requires less capital.
Reinsurance can be used for:
-offers unique method of financing to insurance companies
-frees up capital that would otherwise be tied up
-Way to meet solvency regulations
-Keep insurer’s growth and development
-Used to keep operational results reasonable without fluctuations
-Stability maintains confidence of investors
-Allows insurers to write business beyond their resources
-Take on risks they wouldn’t normally write
-Reinsurance to protect against catastrophic loss
-Insurers look to protect their capital, their loss ratio and investment position against catastrophic loss
Outline 5 situations an underwriter must consider when statistical analysis does not yield useful conclusions to rate a risk. Provide an example of each (15)
Insufficiant claims data
familiarity with the industry
sufficient data but difficulty in comparing risks
underwriter looks beyond loss
statistical improbability of loss that does not rule its possibility
Part of an insurers due diligence review in selecting a producer includes an analysis of the producers business plan and staff. Why would the insurer review these? (15)
-Looking at the producers business plan can tell the insurer a great deal about the producers plans for the future
-What has the producers record of growth been?
-insurer will want to see a history of good premium growth
-a solid income statement and balance sheet
-look at the history of planning and actual achievements
-See if there are any trends
-If the producer doesn’t retain as much as it plans, that may be a bad sign
-How does the producer plan to grow in the future?
-Does the growth strategy fit with the insurer’s strategy?
-A producers strategy to dramatically increase premium volume could sacrifice loss ratio and service to achieve premium volume and commission
-How can they handle the increased business due to growth?
-Does the producer have enough staffing to handle the work
-Are they qualified?
-What are the experience and skills of the producer’s staff?
-How do they deal with business processes
-If key people leave, will it adversely affect the producer?
-Strong relationships with clients can impact retention if they leave etc.
Explain 4 characteristics of a company that can affect the marketing strategy a company employs (10)
-Classified based upon market share and dominance in the industry
-Are they the market leader? Market challenger?
Or follower?
Competitive Advantage
-strategies relating to market penetration and sustainable competitive advantage
-Cost - Product - Market segmentation
strategies relating to organizations status with respect to innovation in products services or business model 1) pionner, close follower or late follower
Strategies related to achieving the organization’s growth
-increase sales to existing customers
-target new customers
-diversify market base
-intensify sales efforts
Explain why traditional insurance would not meet coverage needs against cybercrime. Include specific exposures that would need coverage (10)
- Traditional insurance products may not cover cyber exposures
- Cyber insurance is available when traditional products do not respond to computer loss situations
- Traditional insurance covers tangible products like hardware,
- But has numerous exclusions like loss arising from data issues
- Traditional policies cover physical loss or damage of hardware - not cybercrime
- Traditional policies do not cover denial of service attacks
- viruses or
- intellectual-property damage
- Insurers will offer supplemental policies that cover viruses, security breaches, and DOS attacks.
Two principal forms of commission (8)
- Regular commission
- Paid to borker
- In form of percentage of gross premium recorded
- Rates paid by insurers set by the market conditions
- Consistent among insurers
- Low rates for higher volume business
- Contingent profit commission
- Paid in addition to regular commission
- Insurance companies aknowlege profitability of broker’s book fo business by paying contingent
- Contingent agreements vary by insurers
- Part of contract between broker and insurer
List 3 assessment measures used by regulators to determine if a company’s reported liabilities are realistic fo for the company’s claims, unearned premium and other amounts owing? (3)
Reserves -
premium reserves and claims reserves are subject to annual review by a qualified actuary.
Premium reserve is a test of the adequacy of premium rates
Claims reserve is a test of the adequacy of reserves held to pay outstanding claims and IBNR
The collectibility of A/R and reinsurance recoveries are reviewed.
regulators do not allow an insurer to treat accounts receivable outstanding over 65 days as assets for the purpose of reporting capital or surplus.
Define: (10) Security Bond Common Share Preferred Share Dividend
Security: Certificate representing indebtness , in the case of bonds, or ownership in the case of common and preferred stock
Bond: Written promise by a borrower to repay money loaned, on a future stated date
Common share: security that represents part ownership of a company, common shareholder has voting rights
Preferred share: Security that represents part ownership of a company, has no voting rights but has priority with getting dividends
Dividend: Payment made to shareholders from profits earned by company
-paid like interest, when declared by BOD.
Describe, Stock companies and mutual companies (9)
Stock companies
-either privately held or publicly held
-insurers have the same capital structures as other capital enterprises
-Stocks sold to shareholders who hope for a reasonable return on profit
-Premiums fund liabilities
Mutual companies
-Companies operate for the mutual benefit of their members
-operates on a premium assessment plan
-policyholders sign premium assessment identifying the limit they are willing to pay if company suffers a setback
full premium calculated once operating costs are factored in
-if insurer suffers loss, policyholders will be assessed a levy to make up the deficit.
-Share in the profits, but usually redistributed by reducing premiums.
Outline 5 ways an insurance audit committee is distinct from audit committes in other industries? (10)
- the terminology used is quite distinct from that of other industries
- they operate in a highly regulated environment
- rely heavily on actuaries
- policies are sold and revenues collected well before costs are incurred, so the cost of the product is priced before the cost of the claims is known
- claims reserving practices have a significant impact on financial statements
What are 3 duties of companies conduct review committee?
- Encourage management to establish procedures to enable compliance with legislation on issues such as self-dealing
- Reviewing procedures and their effectiveness
- reviewing the board’s policies and procedures