Exam Questions Flashcards

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Question 1
a) State the primary function of passive fire protection. (2 marks)
b) Explain how passive fire protection measures contribute to limiting the spread of fire. (4


Passive protection measures should be designed in a way to break up buildings into compartments, these compartments are designed to keep fires small by limiting the fuel and oxygen available to the fire through the use of passive fire materials which are generally constructed from materials with low or limited combustibility. Further the compartments are designed to contain the fire for a period of time through the use of fire resisting walls and floors, limiting the number and size of penetrations through the fire resisting elements and providing fire stopping at penetrations, junctions and any other break in the fire resisting element.
Passive fire protection measures are built-in and are designed to be made of low or non-combustible materials therefore inherently resisting the growth of a fire. Passive fire protection measures are generally rated against three criteria, REI or structural stability (load bearing capacity in a fire)(R), Integrity (E), requirement not to form gaps or cracks in fire stopping items large enough to allow the passage of smoke, flames or toxic gases; and insulation (I) limiting the heat gain to the non fire side of the material to an average of 140 degrees above ambient of 180 degrees at any one point, this is to prevent the combustion of materials on the non-fire side.
a) The primary function of passive fire protection is to control the spread of fire and smoke within a given
fire compartment for a prescribed period of time, which might generally range from between thirty
minutes and four hours.

b) Passive protection measures should be designed in a way to break up buildings into compartments, these compartments are designed to keep fires small by limiting the fuel and oxygen available to the fire through the use of passive fire materials which are generally constructed from materials with low or limited combustibility. Further the compartments are designed to contain the fire for a period of time through the use of fire resisting walls and floors, limiting the number and size of penetrations through the fire resisting elements and providing fire stopping at penetrations, junctions and any other break in the fire resisting element.
Passive fire protection measures are built-in and are designed to be made of low or non-combustible materials therefore inherently resisting the growth of a fire. Passive fire protection measures are generally rated against three criteria, REI or structural stability (load bearing capacity in a fire)(R), Integrity (E), requirement not to form gaps or cracks in fire stopping items large enough to allow the passage of smoke, flames or toxic gases; and insulation (I) limiting the heat gain to the non fire side of the material to an average of 140 degrees above ambient of 180 degrees at any one point, this is to prevent the combustion of materials.

For Part a), most candidates scored one mark for correctly stating that passive fire protection
controls the spread of fire and smoke within a given compartment but failed to complete the
statement with ‘for a period of time’.

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Describe the process of smouldering combustion. (4 marks)


Some fires start off as smouldering hot spots. These fires do not have a visible flame, do not grow very quickly and do not produce very much heat compared to flaming combustion but can produce very toxic smoke/ gases. Smouldering fires may suddenly turn into full flaming fires and grow very rapidly after sufficient energy has been produced or when airflow speeds up the combustion rate. They are particularly dangerous in fires where people may be asleep, e.g. a hotel.

This question was not well answered. Most candidates did state that smouldering fires have
no visible flame and produce toxic gases but did not mention any of the following:
Smouldering is surface burning.
* Smouldering has a lower rate of heat release than flaming combustion.
* Smouldering fires may make a transition to flaming after sufficient energy has been
produced or when airflow speeds up the combustion rate.
* Smouldering is slower to spread and has weak combustion characteristics.
* Gases can be flammable and can be ignited in gas phase.
* Smouldering occurs in porous materials which form a solid carbonaceous char when

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Describe the fire tetrahedron and explain the implications for extinguishing a fire. (6 marks)


The fire triangle identifies the three elements a fire needs to ignite, i.e. heat, fuel, and oxygen. A fire will naturally occur when these elements are present and combined in the right mixture
A fire can be prevented or extinguished by removing any one of the elements in the fire triangle. For example, in the case of a deep fat fryer catching fire, covering the fryer with a fire blanket, will effectively starve the fire of oxygen, and extinguish it. In other words, by removing the oxygen part of the triangle the fire can no longer be perpetuated. This process is also further described by a second graphical illustration known as the ‘fire tetrahedron’
A tetrahedron essentially consists the four elements that must be present to enable a fire to occur, i.e. fuel, heat, oxygen, and in addition to the fire triangle, a chemical chain reaction.
Once a fire has started, the resulting chain reaction (called an exothermic reaction because heat is released) sustains the fire and allows it to continue until at least one of the elements of the fire is blocked or removed. For example, water can be used to lower the temperature of the fuel below the ignition point or to remove or disperse the fuel, or foam can be employed to deny the fire the oxygen it needs. Alternatively, certain gasses can be used to create a barrier of inert gas in a direct attack on the chemical reaction responsible for the fire.

This question was well answered by the majority of candidates, with many scoring full marks.

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In relation to fire development, explain what is meant by the term ‘flashover’ (4 marks)


This is the third stage of fire development, as the fire grows, a hot smoke layer at the ceiling of the room grows in depth, effectively trapped by the walls of the compartment. The radiated heat from this layer rapidly heats the surfaces of those combustible materials directly exposed in the room, causing them to emit flammable gases. When the temperatures of the evolved gases become high enough circa, 600 degrees, these gases will ignite throughout the smoke layer. This almost instantaneous event is known as flashover and is characterised by a very rapid rise in temperature and the involvement of all combustible materials in the room

This question was not well answered. Many candidates appeared to have their own
definition of “Flashover”. Candidates who scored good marks were able to state rapid rise in
temperature, occurred at 600°, and the third stage of fire development.

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In terms of product testing, assessment and certification, explain the following:
a) Certification from a Third-Party Certification body. (4 marks)
b) An assessment from an accredited fire test laboratory or suitable qualified fire consultant.
(4 marks)


a) An independent assessment is undertaken by a Certification Body, themselves accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS in the UK), declaring that specified requirements pertaining to a product, person, process or management system have been met.
In such situations, the third-party certification body will consider the testing and assessment data supplied but in addition will also:
a) Evaluate performance from range of tests (not just single test) and use these to create a scope of certification which covers the complete product range
b) Access evidence from tests used in assessments to create a scope of certification to cover performance of product range
c) Undertake factory production control audits / inspections of production of the products, typically these will be conducted annually.
d) Require the manufacturer to declare changes to products
e) Require manufacturer to label products sold to aid traceability in case there are any problems Revision 2 2020
f) Undertake ongoing product verification (audit tests / inspections) at predetermined frequencies

b)This level of assessment will offer some of the process required to achieve third-party certification,
such as an evaluation of performance from range of tests (not just a single test), and an assessment
of evidence from tests to enable a ‘field of application’ to be determined. It is the next best thing to
third party certification, but offers none of the quality control aspects.
In so doing the manufacturer will be able to present a comprehensive assessment of the product to
verify both use and limitations of use.
It is however important to ensure that those offering the ‘Assessment’ are qualified to make such a
judgement and can demonstrate their competency to so do.

Part a) was not well answered. Most candidates’ answers included UKAS, Certification
Body, but failed to expand their answers. Part b) was very poorly answered and many
candidates scored only 1or 2 marks.

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Good housekeeping is essential to maintain the fire protection provisions.
Describe the steps that building managers can take to ensure that provisions are
maintained. (4 marks)


Monitoring of activities that might affect fire protection measures e.g. maintenance and changes to the building fabric

Inspection of compartmentation particularly when building works are required.

Ensure all materials used have appropriate certification

Ensure all building works are carried out by competent/qualified companies and individuals

Ensure tenants are aware of fire evacuation procedures

Ensure appropriate fire drills are carried out

Ensure policy documents and manuals are in place and up to date

Maintain all fire protection systems and keep appropriate records

Provide and maintain adequate signage

This question was reasonably well answered with candidates picking up at least 50% of the
available marks.

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Explain how signage can be used to improve fire safety in a building. (4 marks


Signage is crucial to improving fire safety in a building. Typically there are multiple types of signage and all will contribute. For example, safe condition signs should be installed throughout the building, these will be green and will provide information on fire exit locations etc. Prohibition signs should also be installed for example no smoking signs will warn people not to smoke and in turn improve fire safety as this will eliminate this risk. Warning signs will notify building occupants of any specific risks, these could be risks that directly contribute to a fire. Mandatory signs and fire fighting signs will provide building occupants with information of what to do in the event of a fire and provide locations of any portable fire fighting equipment such as fire extinguishers. Consideration should be given to emergency lighting or use of illuminated signs to improve fire safety as building occupants will be able to see the signs should there be a power failure.

At this level of qualification, it was disappointing that candidates could not properly answer
this question. Some candidates focused on the colour of signs, while others described
illuminated signage. Candidates who scored marks were able to describe:
* Prohibition signs that deter individuals from taking inappropriate / bad actions and / or
alerts them to dangers / hazards.
* Escape routes to enable individuals who are unfamiliar with the building to exit safely.
* Escape equipment signs to provide information for an emergency.
* Assembly point signs to provide information on meeting points in an emergency.
* Mandatory instructions provide information in relation to actions that must be taken to
ensure safety.
* Firefighting equipment location signs provide assistance to firefighting services in an
* Warning signs prevent accidents and/or alert people who may be unaware of dangers
that precautions are needed

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Identify two different types of sprinkler system and outline a typical building / situation where
each one would be installed. (4 marks)


Wet pipe
These are the most common systems and are used in buildings where there is no risk of freezing.
They are quick to react because water is always in the pipes above the sprinkler heads
Wet systems are required for multi-storey or high-rise buildings and for life safety as well as building
As the name suggest Alternate systems can have the pipes full of water for the summer and be
drained down and filled with air (under pressure) for the winter. This is important for buildings that
are not heated.

Dry pipe
Installed in situations where freezing temperatures may be deemed an issue, a dry pipe sprinkler
system will provide the coverage needed without the risk of burst pipes. The pipes are filled with air
under pressure at all times and the water is held back by the control valve.
When a sprinkler head opens, the drop in air pressure opens the valve and water flows into the
pipework and onto the fire.

This question appeared to confuse many candidates. Some candidates are not aware of the
difference between sprinklers and automatic fire detection systems. Other candidates
described how sprinklers were activated. Some candidates mentioned water mist which was
not what the question required.

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Describe the factors that affect the fire resistance of concrete frames and describe two
methods to add additional fire protection. (5 marks)


Generally, most concrete frames constructed within the built environment do not require additional
passive fire protection measures, as they are designed to achieve a specified fire resistance period.
In certain circumstances spalling of the concrete may be considered an issue (for example a road
tunnel), in which case additional passive fire protection measures may be required. Only products
intended and tested to provide the necessary protection for this type of application should be used.

Increasing the thickness of the concrete
Installing additional fire-resistant materials such as gypsum plasterboard.

Candidates did not perform well on this question which is disappointing given the common
use of concrete in buildings. Candidates were, however, able to describe that the thickness
of concrete affected the fire resistance and by increasing the thickness of concrete increased
the fire resistance. Some candidates wrote long answers on why concrete is bad for fire
resistance. Given that concrete is inherently fire resistant, this misunderstanding is worrying.

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Describe three passive fire protection measures that may be considered to improve the fire
resistance of timber frames. (6 marks)


This question was well answered by candidates with many scoring full marks.

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a) Explain how the thickness of a steel structure affects its fire resistance and the amount of
structural fire protection required. (2 marks)

b) Explain, using examples, how the shape of a steel structure can affect the performance
of fire protection systems. (3 marks)


a) The thickness of steel affects the fire resistance because the thicker the steel the longer it takes to heat up to a critical temperature of 550 degrees. The section factor of steel is used to determine the thickness of intumescent coatings to improve the fire protection. The section factor is A/V

b)The shape of the steel structure can affect the performance of fire protection systems because the intumescent coating will insulate less well on some sections, for example a circular hollow section. As the char expands it may crack due to the circular nature, these cracks will then allow the heat to reach the steel

Part a) was well answered with many candidates scoring full marks.
Part b) was less well answered and most candidates could not describe how the shape of
steel can affect its performance in a fire. Candidates who scored marks were able to
describe how intumescent coating cracked on cellular beams.

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Explain why it is considered best practice for sections of steel or structural elements to be
protected by the same fire protection intumescent paint system. (4 marks)


It is considered best practice to protect all sections of steel or structural elements using the same fire protection intumescent paint system for several key reasons:

  1. Uniform Performance in Fire:
    Intumescent paint swells when exposed to high temperatures, creating an insulating layer that protects the steel beneath from the intense heat of a fire. If different sections of steel are coated with different types of intumescent paints, they might expand and insulate at different rates or thicknesses, leading to unequal protection across the structure. Consistency ensures the same rate of expansion and thermal protection.
  2. Consistency in Application:
    Using the same intumescent system across all sections simplifies the application process. Different systems might require different application methods, thicknesses, or curing times, leading to potential errors in application if multiple systems are used. A uniform system ensures that applicators follow the same procedure across the entire structure, reducing the risk of uneven or inadequate protection.
  3. Compatibility and Certification:
    Most fire protection systems are tested and certified as part of a whole system for specific fire ratings. Mixing different systems may result in uncertainties about the overall fire resistance performance, as they haven’t been tested together. This could affect the ability to meet regulatory or certification requirements.
  4. Simplified Maintenance and Inspections:
    When all sections are coated with the same system, maintenance and future inspections become easier. If a building uses multiple intumescent systems, different products will have unique inspection criteria, and any future touch-up work may require identifying and sourcing the specific paint used on each section. Uniformity ensures that inspectors and maintenance teams can follow the same procedures for all parts of the structure.

In general, this question was not well answered although some candidates did demonstrate
an understanding of the principles of not mixing systems, especially as they are not tested
together, and their properties may vary

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One of the factors to be taken into account when determining the choice of fire protection
system for different purposes is the level of fire rating required.
State four other factors that would be taken into account. (4 marks


Guidance from manufacturers

The robustness required

Junctions between different fire protection systems

Potential future adaptations

Correct installation

Regulatory requirements


Whether it would be subject to environmental exposure such as humidity or temperature changes.

Although many candidates stated that aesthetics and robustness are two of the factors to be
taken into account, some candidates focussed on occupancy numbers and the use and
height of the building. Some candidates stated fire rating even though that factor was given
in the question.

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a) Explain how composite floors behave in a fire. (4 marks)
b) Describe the factors affecting the fire resistance of concrete. (2 marks)


a) Composite floors generally consist of a profiled metal deck with a poured concrete topping which can perform differently in fire, because the metal base will conduct heat from fire laterally, and in so doing the metal face will attempt to expand. The rate of temperature increase in the critical parts of the floor may be lessened compared to concrete alone, however the composite floor will also be fixed through shear connectors to the supporting steel structure. During the fire, steam formed in the concrete may force out the metal decking, distorting it and causing gaps and subsequent failure, and whilst the steel reinforcement will transfer the load and the heat from fire, the composite structure may ultimately deform under the heat and sag under the load of the concrete.

b) The fire resistance of concrete is affected by the following factors:

Concrete Composition: The type of aggregate (e.g., limestone, siliceous, or lightweight aggregates) and the cement content can influence how well concrete resists high temperatures. Denser aggregates tend to have better fire resistance properties.

Thickness and Density: The thickness of the concrete section plays a crucial role. Thicker concrete takes longer to heat up and lose its strength during a fire. Additionally, denser concrete generally provides better insulation, slowing down heat transmission and maintaining structural integrity for longer periods.

Part a) was not well answered, with many candidates stating that concrete exploded when
the water content expanded.
Candidates did not perform well in Part b) with many stating that only the thickness of
concrete affected its fire resistance.

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Describe four factors that influence the fire resistance of glazing systems when used as non-loadbearing compartment walls. (4 marks)


This question was very poorly answered with most candidates scoring no marks. Candidates
focussed their answers on the type of fire glass installed in buildings. Some candidates
stated that glazing systems would not be used as non-load bearing compartment walls.
Answers should have included any four of the following:
* Maximum pane area.
* Glass pane aspect ratio.
* Type of glazing seal.
* Frame material.
* Frame design and construction.
* Type and shape of beads.
* Extent of glass edge cover (for example, for modified toughened soda-lime glass).
* Type location and application of fixings for both frame and beads.
* Type of door materials and construction

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a) Explain how fire resisting ceilings contribute to the fire resistance of a building. (2 marks)
b) State the performance requirements of a fire resisting ceiling installed below a cavity. (3


A fire resisting ceiling may be defined as an interior surface that covers the upper limits of a room, and generally is not considered a structural element, but a finished surface concealing the underside of the roof structure or the floor of a storey above. Typically, such ceilings are suspended from the structural elements above, to enable pipework or ducts to be run in the gap above the ceiling. Such ceilings are generally constructed from gypsum, stone wool or calcium silicate-based products supported on a lightweight steel framework.

a) How Fire Resisting Ceilings Contribute to the Fire Resistance of a Building (2 marks): Fire-resisting ceilings play a key role in:

Compartmentation: They help prevent the spread of fire and smoke between different floors or areas within a building by acting as a fire-resistant barrier. This containment limits fire damage to a localized area.
Protecting Structural Elements: Fire-resisting ceilings provide protection to the structural elements above, such as steel beams or timber joists, by slowing down heat transfer and delaying structural failure during a fire.
b) Performance Requirements of a Fire Resisting Ceiling Installed Below a Cavity (3 marks):

Maintaining Integrity: The ceiling must be capable of preventing fire and smoke from penetrating through the ceiling into the cavity space above for a specified period, typically 30, 60, or 120 minutes.
Thermal Insulation: It should provide sufficient insulation to limit the temperature rise on the unexposed side of the ceiling, ensuring that the cavity remains a safe area and preventing heat transfer that could ignite materials within the cavity.
Durability and Stability: The ceiling must remain structurally stable during a fire, ensuring it does not collapse or deteriorate, thus continuing to function as a barrier throughout the designated fire resistance period.

Not break or collapse during the early stages of a fire when evacuation and rescue operations can still be carried out.
Prevent surface spread of flame
Provide a period of fire resistance to protect the services that are likely running above the ceiling.
Stop fire passing through them either by flames or by heat conduction.

Part a) was well answered with many candidates achieving full marks. Part b) was not well answered.

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State five performance factors that are taken into account when determining whether or not fire resisting partitions are fit for purpose. (5 marks)


Very few candidates scored any marks for this question. Candidates focussed on the fire
resistance of the partitions when answers should have included:
* Partition stiffness.
* Damage by impact from a large soft body.
* Surface damage by small body impact resistance.
* Perforation by small body impact resistance.
* Resistance to structural damage by multiple impacts from a large soft body.
* Effects of door slamming.
* Resistance to crowd pressure.
* Anchorage pull-out and pull down resistance.
* Heavyweight anchorage eccentric downward load resistance.

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a) Explain the purpose of fire stopping. (2 marks)
b) State four factors to be considered when selecting and installing fire stopping in a
building. (4 marks)


a) Purpose of Fire Stopping (2 marks): Fire stopping is used to seal gaps, joints, and openings in walls, floors, and ceilings to prevent the spread of fire, smoke, and toxic gases between compartments in a building. It ensures that fire does not pass through these penetrations, maintaining the integrity of fire-rated barriers and aiding in fire containment, which protects the structure and allows for safe evacuation.

b) Four Factors to be Considered When Selecting and Installing Fire Stopping (4 marks):

Compatibility with Building Materials: The fire-stopping material must be compatible with the surrounding materials, such as concrete, steel, or timber, to ensure proper adhesion and effectiveness.

Fire Resistance Rating: The selected fire stopping should match the fire resistance requirements of the compartment, ensuring that it provides the same duration of protection (e.g., 30, 60, 120 minutes).

Type of Penetrations: The nature of the penetrations (e.g., pipes, cables, ducts) and their size must be considered, as different fire stopping systems (e.g., sealants, intumescent materials) may be required for different types of openings.

Ease of Inspection and Maintenance: The system should allow for easy inspection and, if necessary, future maintenance, ensuring that the fire stopping remains effective throughout the building’s lifespan without causing significant disruption.

These factors ensure that fire stopping is properly installed and remains effective in maintaining compartmentation during a fire.

For Part a), most candidates were only able to score 1 mark for this question, stating fire
stopping is used between floors and walls. Part b) was not well answered and although
some candidates scored marks for stating fire resistance and the use of load bearing seals,
the remaining factors were not mentioned.

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In relation to the construction and design of the building envelope, describe how the use of
cladding can affect fire resistance. (4 marks)


The use of cladding in the construction and design of the building envelope can affect fire resistance in the following ways:

Flammability of Cladding Materials: The type of materials used in the cladding system significantly impacts fire resistance. Cladding made from non-combustible materials, such as certain types of metal or stone, will provide better fire resistance, while cladding made from combustible materials (e.g., certain plastic composites) can accelerate the spread of fire.

Fire Spread Between Building Levels: Poorly designed or installed cladding systems can create air gaps or cavities, which can act as a chimney, allowing fire to spread rapidly between different floors of the building. This compromises the compartmentation of the building.

Fire Protection Layer: Cladding systems can be designed to act as an additional fire protection layer by incorporating fire-resistant materials, such as fire-rated insulation or intumescent layers, that help to prevent fire from reaching the underlying structure.

Interaction with Fire Stopping: Cladding systems need to be designed to work effectively with fire-stopping measures at junctions, openings, and joints. If cladding systems do not allow for proper fire stopping, they can create weaknesses where fire can breach the building envelope.

In summary, the fire resistance of the building envelope is heavily influenced by the choice of cladding materials, their design, and how they interact with fire-stopping and compartmentation systems.

It was particularly disappointing that this question was very poorly answered especially
taking into account the high profile that the use of cladding has received in recent years. No
candidate achieved good marks and most scored no marks at all.

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Describe the factors to be considered when carrying out the installation of dampers. (4 marks


Manufacturers installation instructions should be followed
Details may differ depending on the wall/floor construction
It is important that the dampers are appropriately supported and restrained back to the building element or adjacent structure through which it penetrates in a manner that maintains the support and restraint function in a fire condition and accommodates thermal movement in the cold state.
Dampers must also be in line with the building element unless the manufacturer has test data to the relevant part of EN 1366 that permits an ‘out of line’ installation.
Ensure there is adequate access to the damper for future maintenance

Although there are a lot of factors to select from, this question was not well answered.
Candidates focused on fire resistance, fitted by a competent person. Answers should have
included fitted in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions, securely fitted, access and its
actuating mechanism and many others.

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Describe the differences between a fire damper and a smoke control damper. (6 marks)


Fire dampers and smoke control dampers serve different purposes in fire safety systems, and they have distinct characteristics:

  1. Purpose:
    Fire Damper: A fire damper is designed to prevent the spread of fire through ductwork and between compartments within a building. It automatically closes when it detects heat, thus isolating fire within a specific area.
    Smoke Control Damper: A smoke control damper is primarily used to manage the movement of smoke during a fire. It regulates smoke flow to maintain tenable conditions for evacuation and fire-fighting efforts, often working in conjunction with smoke control systems.
  2. Activation Mechanism:
    Fire Damper: Activated by heat (usually above a specified temperature) through a fusible link or an electronic control system. Once activated, the damper closes to contain fire and hot gases.
    Smoke Control Damper: May be activated by smoke detectors, manual controls, or building management systems that detect smoke presence. These dampers can open or close based on the smoke control strategy in place.
  3. Construction and Design:
    Fire Damper: Typically constructed with fire-resistant materials and includes a mechanism to close tightly against the duct, minimizing the passage of heat and flames. Fire dampers often have a fire resistance rating (e.g., 30, 60, or 90 minutes).
    Smoke Control Damper: While also built to withstand heat, smoke dampers may have greater flexibility in their design to allow for partial opening and closing, depending on the smoke management strategy. They may not necessarily have a fire rating like fire dampers.
  4. Location and Installation:
    Fire Damper: Installed at the intersections of ducts and fire-rated walls or floors to block fire from passing through these barriers. They are crucial for maintaining the integrity of fire-rated compartments.
    Smoke Control Damper: Installed in various locations within the duct system to direct and control smoke movement. They are often used in conjunction with smoke extraction or pressurization systems in specific areas, such as stairwells or atriums.
  5. Regulation and Testing:
    Fire Damper: Must comply with fire safety codes and standards, including regular testing to ensure that they function properly during a fire.
    Smoke Control Damper: Also regulated but may have different testing criteria focused on their ability to respond to smoke presence and ensure proper airflow management.
  6. Response to Fire Conditions:
    Fire Damper: Primarily concerned with stopping flames and heat from passing through ductwork; once closed, it remains closed to contain fire.
    Smoke Control Damper: Focuses on controlling smoke flow; it can open and close as needed to allow smoke to be vented out or contained, depending on the smoke control strategy in place.

The question was reasonably well answered and most candidates appeared to understand
the differences between fire dampers and smoke control dampers, although some
candidates got them the wrong way around and scored no marks.

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State two methods for providing fire resistance to a steel duct and give one example of each.
(4 marks)


two methods for providing fire resistance to a steel duct, along with examples for each, are:

Intumescent Coatings:

Description: Intumescent coatings are paint-like materials that swell when exposed to high temperatures, creating an insulating layer that protects the steel from heat.
Example: A water-based intumescent paint applied to the exterior of a steel duct to achieve a fire resistance rating of 60 minutes.
Fire-Resistant Board or Cladding:

Description: Installing fire-resistant boards or cladding around the duct can provide a physical barrier that protects the steel from fire exposure.
Example: The use of gypsum board or calcium silicate board to encase the steel duct, which can provide up to 120 minutes of fire resistance when installed properly.

Steel ductwork can either be coated in fire rated paint or not (for example intumescent, ablative or cementitious). Coated with fire rated paint will provide the duct with stability and integrity properties only. In order to provide insulation properties, the steel ductwork will need to be boxed in using fire rated materials such as calcium silicate or vermiculite boards. By applying both of the above will ensure it is fully fire resisting.
Fire dampers are used to prevent fire and smoke spreading from one compartment to another through the ductwork that penetrates walls and floors. Normally, the fire damper is open, but in a fire, it closes. Fire Dampers can be activated by a fusible link or can be intumescent dampers that expand and close the duct when exposed to heat.

This question was well answered with most candidates scoring full marks.

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Describe three situations when an automatic door hold open/closure device should operate.
(3 marks


In all cases, the automatic device should release the fire-resisting door allowing it to close effectively within its frame (latching securely if a latch is fitted) when any of the following conditions occur:
* The detection of smoke by an automatic detector
* The actuation of the fire detection/alarm system by manual means e.g. operation of break glass call point
* Any failure of the fire detection and alarm system
* Any electrical power failure

Three situations when an automatic door hold open/closure device should operate are:

Fire Alarm Activation: The device should release the door to close automatically when a fire alarm is activated. This ensures that fire-resisting doors seal off areas to contain smoke and fire, preventing them from spreading to other parts of the building.

Power Failure: In the event of a power failure, the automatic door hold open device should trigger the door to close. This is critical for maintaining safety and fire compartmentation in case of an emergency when electrical systems may fail.

Manual Release by Emergency Personnel: The device should be operable to close automatically if manually activated by emergency personnel (e.g., firefighters). This allows for quick compartmentalization of fire and smoke, ensuring that emergency responders can manage the situation effectively without risk of exposure to hazardous conditions.

This question was well answered. It appears some candidates misread this question and
described how fire doors operated and where fire doors should be located.

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Give three examples when an acoustically operated hold open device would not be
appropriate. (3 marks)


An acoustically-activated door release mechanism complying with BS EN 1155 may be installed in some cases. However, this type of hold-open device is not suitable for use where:
* The premises do not have a fire alarm system
* The door is a fire door serving the only escape staircase in the building (or the only escape staircase serving part of the building)
* The initial fire alarm warning signal is intended to alert staff only
* The fire alarm sounders may be muted, or the sound level reduced
* The fire alarm system incorporates a voice alarm.

This question was very poorly answered. Most candidates did not score any marks for this
question. Answers should have included in premises with no fire alarm, in conditions where
the fire alarm is muted. Many candidates incorrectly stated where acoustically operated hold
open devices should be located

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Not at all

Explain the purpose of air transfer grills in fore doors and explain how these would operate in
a fire situation. (3 marks)


In normal use, air transfer grills allow air to be circulated and moved throughout the building, however during a fire such grills are designed to close and provide a fire barrier to restrict the passage of fire and hot gases. Such grills may be constructed with an intumescent component that will expand under fire to restrict fire and hot gases, however such systems will not prevent the passage of cold smoke. In such situations, for example a fire door protecting a means of escape, the air transfer grille will also need to be of a type that can be linked to a suitable fire detection/alarm system to enable the grille to close thereby inhibiting the passage of cold smoke.

Purpose of Air Transfer Grills in Fire Doors (1 mark)
Air transfer grills are designed to allow controlled airflow between different compartments in a building while maintaining fire-resistance ratings. They facilitate ventilation and help balance air pressure, which can prevent the buildup of smoke and ensure comfort and safety for occupants.

Operation in a Fire Situation (2 marks)
Automatic Closure: In the event of a fire, air transfer grills are equipped with mechanisms (such as thermal links or smoke detectors) that cause them to automatically close. This closure prevents the passage of smoke and fire from one compartment to another, thereby maintaining the integrity of the fire barrier.

Smoke Containment: Once closed, the grills help contain smoke within the affected area, reducing its spread to escape routes and other compartments. This is crucial for protecting occupants and providing safe evacuation paths.

Overall, air transfer grills play a dual role: facilitating ventilation under normal conditions and enhancing fire safety during emergencies.

Many candidates scored only 2 marks for this question. Answers should have included the
grill allowed air to circulate and the intumescent swells to seal against fire spread.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

Describe three checks that would be carried out prior to installing the door frame for a fire
door. (3 marks)


The door frame should be free from damage

It should be suitable for the required fire rating

Should be compatible with the door assembly/doorset
BWF-Certificate label/s on frame (if applicable) undamaged

Check if relevant instructions for fitting are available

Ensure competent/trained staff are employed to carry out the fitting

Check the frame is suitable for the construction installation (masonry wall etc.)

Before installing the door frame for a fire door, the following three checks should be carried out:

Compliance with Fire Ratings: Verify that the door frame is certified and rated for fire resistance according to relevant standards (e.g., BS 476, EN 1634). Ensure that both the frame and the door itself have matching fire resistance ratings to maintain the integrity of the fire barrier.

Structural Integrity: Check the structural condition of the wall or opening where the fire door frame will be installed. Ensure that there are no cracks, damage, or signs of deterioration that could compromise the frame’s stability or the overall fire performance of the installation.

Correct Dimensions and Fit: Measure the dimensions of the door opening to confirm that the door frame is the appropriate size. Ensure that the frame will fit properly within the opening, allowing for the necessary clearances and space for intumescent seals or other fire protection measures. This ensures a proper seal when the door is closed, which is critical for fire resistance.

These checks are essential to ensure that the fire door frame is installed correctly and will function effectively in the event of a fire.

Most candidates attracted maximum marks for this question although there were some
whose answers related to fire doors and not the frame

How well did you know this?
Not at all

a) State the elements of the fire tetrahedron. (4 marks)
b) Explain the term ‘exothermic reaction’. (1 mark)


a) Many candidates were able to describe the 3 elements of oxygen, heat and fuel but
failed to describe the fourth element correctly as Chemical Chain Reaction.
b) Candidates struggled to explain the term ‘exothermic reaction correctly:
 Exothermic reactions are reactions that release energy into the environment in the form
of light or heat.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

Explain the dangers associated with smoke inhalation. (3 marks)


he dangers associated with smoke inhalation include:

Toxic Gas Exposure: Smoke contains a variety of toxic gases, such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and volatile organic compounds. Carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin in the blood more effectively than oxygen, reducing the blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity and leading to asphyxiation. Hydrogen cyanide is particularly deadly, as it interferes with cellular respiration.

Respiratory Damage: Inhalation of smoke can cause severe irritation and damage to the respiratory tract, including the throat, lungs, and airways. This can lead to symptoms such as coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. Prolonged exposure can result in conditions like acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or chronic lung diseases.

Most candidates scored good marks for this question.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

Describe two ways in which regular fire drills and alarm tests can affect behaviour in a fire. (2


Regular fire drills and alarm tests can affect behavior in a fire in the following ways:

Familiarization with Procedures: Conducting regular fire drills helps individuals become familiar with evacuation routes, assembly points, and emergency procedures. This familiarity can reduce panic and confusion during an actual fire, leading to a quicker and more organized response, as people know what actions to take and where to go.

Improved Response Time: Regular testing of fire alarms and participation in drills can enhance individuals’ confidence and responsiveness to fire alarms. Knowing that the alarms are functional and that drills are part of safety training encourages people to take alarms seriously and react promptly, rather than hesitating or ignoring the alarm during a real emergency.

Most candidates scored full marks for this question. A lot of candidates failed to state that
‘complacency can set in’ which can affect behaviour during fire alarm tests

How well did you know this?
Not at all

a) Define the term ‘means of escape’ (2 marks)
b) Define the term ‘travel distance’ (2 marks)


a) Many candidates could not define ‘means of escape’. Most candidates failed to answer:
 Structural means whereby a safe route is provided for people to travel from any location
in a building or structure to a place of safety without the need of outside assistance.
b) Many candidates could not define the term ‘travel distance’. A few candidates stated it was
the “time to travel to a place of safety”. Successful candidates stated:
* The actual distance a person needs to travel from any point within a building to the
nearest storey exit having regard to the layout of walls, partitions, and fittings.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

In relation to fire resistance, explain what is meant by the term ‘integrity’ and describe the
factors that affect integrity. (4 marks)


Meaning of ‘Integrity’ in Fire Resistance
In the context of fire resistance, the term ‘integrity’ refers to a fire-resisting element’s ability to prevent the passage of flames and hot gases through openings, joints, or gaps during a fire. A structure or component is said to maintain its integrity if it does not allow fire or smoke to breach fire barriers, thereby containing the fire within designated areas and providing safety for occupants and emergency responders.

Factors Affecting Integrity
Material Quality: The quality and type of materials used in fire-resisting elements play a crucial role in maintaining integrity. Materials that are specifically designed for fire resistance, such as fire-rated gypsum board or steel with intumescent coatings, contribute to the overall performance in preventing fire spread.

Construction and Installation: The way fire-resisting elements are constructed and installed can impact their integrity. Proper alignment, sealing of joints, and adherence to manufacturer specifications are vital. Poor installation, such as gaps or improper anchoring, can compromise the effectiveness of fire barriers.

Temperature and Duration of Exposure: The intensity of the fire and the duration of exposure to high temperatures can affect the integrity of fire-resisting elements. If exposed to extreme heat for an extended period, even well-designed elements may fail, leading to potential breaches in fire containment.

Maintenance and Condition: Regular maintenance is essential to ensure that fire-resisting elements remain effective over time. Damage, wear, or deterioration of materials (e.g., from water leaks or physical impact) can negatively affect their integrity, allowing smoke or flames to penetrate.

Understanding these factors is crucial for designing and maintaining effective fire protection systems in buildings, ensuring safety during fire incidents.

This question was not well answered by candidates. Most candidates were able to explain that
the integrity ensure no gaps appeared to allow the penetration of hot fire gases. The other
factors should have included penetrations through floors/walls, and methods of fire stopping

How well did you know this?
Not at all

Identify the factors that affect the way a material behaves in fire. (4 marks)


he way a material behaves in fire is influenced by several key factors:

Material Composition: The chemical composition of a material determines its flammability and combustion properties. For instance, materials with high organic content (like wood and plastics) are more likely to ignite and burn quickly, while non-combustible materials (like concrete and metal) are more resistant to fire.

Thickness and Density: The thickness and density of a material affect its ability to absorb heat and resist fire. Thicker and denser materials can provide better insulation and take longer to reach temperatures that lead to failure or combustion, thus enhancing fire resistance.

Moisture Content: The moisture content within a material can significantly influence its behavior in fire. Materials with higher moisture content (like certain types of wood) can require more heat energy to ignite, as the moisture must evaporate before the material can catch fire. Conversely, dry materials are more prone to ignition.

Thermal Properties: The thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity of a material determine how quickly it absorbs heat and how it conducts that heat throughout its structure. Materials with low thermal conductivity may resist the spread of heat, while those with high thermal conductivity can facilitate faster heat transfer, affecting how they respond in fire situations.

These factors collectively determine how materials react in a fire, influencing their combustion characteristics, integrity, and overall fire performance.

Some candidates were able to identify the factors which affect how a material behaves in a
fire. A few candidates’ answers were related to how concrete was affected by fire.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

Explain why it is important to consider passive fire protection as part of the initial design and
brief for a building. (4 marks)


This question was poorly answered. A number of candidates referred to the building’s fire
strategy, while some referred to the role of a fire engineer. The examiners were seeking
answers such as:
* To ensure means of protection/adequate escape time is built in.
* To ensure mechanism to protect content is built in.
* To make sure that work is carried out in the correct order.
* To make sure that the correct materials are purchased/used.
* To make sure correct checks are carried out at the right time.
* To ensure compliance with regulations.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

a) Explain what is meant by the term “active fire protection” (2 marks)
b) Describe two different types of fire suppression equipment available within a building
and give an example of where such systems might be used. (4 marks)


Explanation of “Active Fire Protection” (2 marks)
Active fire protection refers to systems and measures that actively engage to detect, control, or extinguish a fire once it occurs. These systems typically include fire detection (such as alarms), suppression systems (such as sprinklers), and fire extinguishers, which require activation either automatically or manually. The primary goal of active fire protection is to mitigate fire risks and protect lives and property by intervening during a fire incident.

Gaseous Fire Suppression

Inert gas suppression system
Such systems are designed to suppress a fire by reducing the oxygen concentration to below 15%, where most combustible materials will not burn. Life is sustainable at these levels and healthy people would not notice any adverse effects

Clean chemical gas suppression system

Synthetic or chemical agents are blended man-made gases, which work by absorbing heat rather than oxygen in the form of a cooling mechanism.

Water Suppression Systems
Wet, Dry and Combined Sprinkler Systems. All 3 sprinkler systems use water to suppress a fire. All have a network of pipes that spread throughout a building and are usually activated when an area reaches a certain temperature. Wet systems are constantly filled with water, so water is dispersed instantaneously. Dry systems are used when there is a risk of freezing as the water isn’t constantly in the network of pipes. Combined systems offers the flexibility of both wet and dry, wet usually used during summer months and dry in the winter when at risk of freezing.

Two Types of Fire Suppression Equipment (4 marks)
Sprinkler Systems:

Description: Automatic sprinkler systems are designed to detect heat from a fire and release water to suppress the flames. They consist of a network of pipes with sprinkler heads that activate based on temperature.
Example of Use: These systems are commonly used in commercial buildings, such as offices and shopping malls, where they can quickly suppress fires and minimize damage, allowing for safer evacuation and protection of property.
Fire Extinguishers:

Description: Fire extinguishers are portable devices filled with various agents (such as water, foam, dry powder, or CO2) that can be used to manually extinguish small fires. Different extinguishers are designed for specific types of fires (Class A, B, C, etc.).
Example of Use: Fire extinguishers are often placed in residential settings, such as kitchens or garages, where the risk of fire is higher due to cooking equipment or flammable materials. They allow occupants to respond quickly to small fires before they escalate.
These active fire protection measures are essential for enhancing safety and effectively managing fire risks in various environments.

a) Most candidates only received one mark for this question. Many candidates failed to
state that “active fire protection” was not built into the fabric of the building.
b) Some candidates were able to describe two types of fire suppression systems. A few
candidates appeared not to understand the term ‘fire suppression’, their answers
included fire alarms, smoke detection, and dampers.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

Explain how signage can be used to improve fire safety in a building. (4 marks)


Signage is crucial to improving fire safety in a building. Typically there are multiple types of signage and all will contribute. For example:

safe condition signs should be installed throughout the building, these will be green and will provide information on fire exit locations etc.

Prohibition signs should also be installed for example no smoking signs will warn people not to smoke and in turn improve fire safety as this will eliminate this risk.

Warning signs will notify building occupants of any specific risks, these could be risks that directly contribute to a fire.

Mandatory signs and fire fighting signs will provide building occupants with information of what to do in the event of a fire and provide locations of any portable fire fighting equipment such as fire extinguishers.

Consideration should be given to emergency lighting or use of illuminated signs to improve fire safety as building occupants will be able to see the signs should there be a power failure.

Overall, this question was not well answered. A few candidates struggled to explain how
signage can be used to improve fire safety in a building:
* Prohibition signs that prevent individuals taking inappropriate/bad actions and/or alerts
them to dangers/hazards.
* Escape routes to enable individuals who are unfamiliar with the building to exit safely.
* Escape equipment signs to provide information for an emergency.
* Assembly point signs to provide information on meeting points in an emergency.
* Mandatory instructions provide information in relation to actions that must be taken to
ensure safety.
* Firefighting equipment location signs provide assistance to firefighting services in an
* Warning signs prevent accidents and/or alert people who may be unaware of dangers
that precautions are needed.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

Explain what is meant by the term “responsible person” in the context of fire safety and state
three of the activities that a responsible person should carry out. (4 marks


Meaning of “Responsible Person” in Fire Safety
In the context of fire safety, the term “responsible person” refers to the individual designated to ensure that fire safety measures are implemented and maintained within a building or premises. This person is typically accountable for managing fire safety procedures, ensuring compliance with fire safety regulations, and protecting the safety of occupants. The responsible person may be an employer, building owner, manager, or designated safety officer.

Three Activities that a Responsible Person Should Carry Out (4 marks)
Conducting Fire Risk Assessments: The responsible person should regularly perform fire risk assessments to identify potential hazards, evaluate risks, and implement appropriate measures to mitigate those risks. This involves reviewing the building layout, materials, and any activities that could contribute to fire hazards.

Developing and Implementing Fire Safety Procedures: The responsible person should establish and communicate fire safety policies and procedures to ensure that all occupants are aware of their roles in the event of a fire. This includes creating evacuation plans, conducting drills, and ensuring that procedures are clearly documented and accessible.

Maintaining Fire Safety Equipment: The responsible person must ensure that all fire safety equipment (e.g., fire extinguishers, alarms, and sprinkler systems) is regularly inspected, maintained, and serviced according to regulatory requirements. This includes keeping records of inspections and any necessary repairs to ensure functionality during an emergency.

These activities are essential for creating a safe environment and ensuring compliance with fire safety legislation.

This question was poorly answered by many candidates. They appeared not to know who a
‘Responsible Person’ is in the terms of fire safety/legislation. Several candidates referred to
the duties of a Fire Marshal.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

Describe the passive fire protection measures that may be considered to improve the fire
resistance of timber frames. (4 marks


Surface preparations - Painted with intumescent coating that provides a layer of insulation to protect the material. Also know as char. Limits the surface spread of flame.

Impregnation - Pre-treated timber manufactured off site. The process involves driving the flame retardant into the timber. This type of timber shouldn’t be machined, planed or sanded on site during construction as it will remove the protection. Typically carried out in controlled environments within a vacuum.

Timber is know to have a measurable rate of char and this is used in order to design buildings that in most cases satisfy fire resistance requirements. The size and type of timber will dictate the level of resistance to fire of a timber element. In some circumstances timber structures can be further protected by the addition of appropriately fire tested products and systems

Exposed timber sections can be designed with additional ‘sacrificial’ timber to a section, so that the part exposed to fire can protect the inner material from fire damage while the outer part chars at a slow, predictable rate. Where this is not the case, structural elements, including mechanical fasteners, can be insulated from heat by covering them with one or more layers of fire resisting insulating material, for example gypsum plasterboard or a calcium silicate board, of a specified thickness. The thickness of the fire protective layer will be governed by the density and makeup of the structural element, e.g. solid timber, glulam, Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) etc

Many candidates were only able to describe 2 types of passive fire protection measures to
protect timber frames. Many candidates failed to identify impregnation and additional sacrificial
timber.Surface preparations.
Intumescent coatings applied to the surface that react to heat to form an insulating layer or “char”. By blocking heat and oxygen they limit the level of combustion and surface spread of flame.

Usually offsite/factory based treatments that are designed to drive the flame retardant into the timber often involving vacuum or pressurised application techniques. Impregnations can improve the surface spread of flame and general “reaction to fire” performance. Timber should not be machined, planed or sanded once the treatment has been added as this will remove the protection that is in the surface layer of the timber.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

a) Explain how the thickness of a steel structure affects its fire resistance and the
amount of structural fire protection required. (2 marks)
b) Explain, using examples, how the shape of a steel structure can affect the
performance of fire protection systems. (2 marks)
c) Explain what is meant by “section factor” and state the formula. (3 marks)


KP -
a) Thickness of Steel Structure and Fire Resistance
The thickness of a steel structure plays a crucial role in its fire resistance. Thicker steel sections have a greater thermal mass, which means they can absorb and dissipate heat more effectively than thinner sections. This allows the steel to maintain its structural integrity for a longer period during a fire. Consequently, thicker steel members may require less fire protection, as they can withstand higher temperatures without reaching critical failure points. Conversely, thinner steel sections heat up more quickly and may necessitate additional fireproofing measures to achieve the desired level of fire resistance.

b) Shape of Steel Structure and Fire Protection Performance
The shape of a steel structure can significantly influence the performance of fire protection systems. For instance, I-beams and H-beams provide larger surface areas for applying fireproofing materials, which can enhance their fire resistance. However, their geometry can also create areas that are harder to protect, such as the flanges and webs.

In contrast, tubular steel sections (like hollow steel columns) may have a smaller surface area exposed to fire, but their enclosed shape can trap heat, potentially leading to quicker failure. Additionally, irregularly shaped or complex structures may have difficulty distributing fire protection materials evenly, which can compromise their effectiveness.

c) Section Factor and Formula
The “section factor” is a measure that relates the exposed surface area of a steel member to its volume, influencing how quickly it heats up in a fire. It is defined as the ratio of the exposed surface area to the volume of the section, indicating how effectively the steel will lose its structural integrity under fire conditions.

The formula for calculating the section factor (often denoted as “h”) is:


As = Exposed surface area of the steel section (m²)

V = Volume of the steel section (m³)

A higher section factor implies that the steel member will heat up more rapidly in a fire, leading to a greater need for fire protection

a) Many candidates were only able to explain one example how thickness of steel affects fire
b) This question was not well answered by candidates as they were unable to provide
examples how the shape of steel can affect the performance of fire protection systems.
c) Many candidates were able to produce the formula for the section factor.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

Describe the stages and checks when applying intumescent coatings for fire protection of
structural steelwork. (5 marks)


Applying intumescent coatings for fire protection of structural steelwork involves several key stages and checks to ensure effectiveness and compliance with safety standards. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Surface Preparation
    Cleaning: Remove rust, mill scale, oil, and other contaminants from the steel surface. This can involve abrasive blasting or chemical cleaning.
    Inspection: Check for surface defects or irregularities. Ensure the substrate is sound and properly prepared for coating application.
  2. Priming
    Application of Primer: Apply a suitable primer to enhance adhesion of the intumescent coating. The primer type should be compatible with both the steel substrate and the intumescent product.
    Curing: Allow the primer to cure fully as per manufacturer specifications, ensuring a strong bond with the intumescent layer.
  3. Application of Intumescent Coating
    Mixing: Follow manufacturer guidelines to mix the intumescent coating properly, if required.
    Application Technique: Use appropriate methods (brush, roller, or spray) to apply the intumescent coating. Ensure even coverage and the correct film thickness.
    Multiple Coats: If multiple coats are needed, allow adequate drying time between applications as specified by the manufacturer.
  4. Thickness Verification
    Dry Film Thickness (DFT) Check: Use a thickness gauge to ensure that the applied intumescent coating meets the specified dry film thickness. This is critical for ensuring adequate fire protection.
    Quality Control: Conduct checks at various points on the coated surface to confirm consistency.
  5. Final Inspection and Documentation
    Visual Inspection: Conduct a final visual inspection to check for any defects, such as missed spots or uneven areas.
    Documentation: Record all application details, including environmental conditions (temperature and humidity), batch numbers, and DFT readings. This documentation is important for compliance and future reference.
    By following these stages and checks, you can ensure the intumescent coatings provide effective fire protection for structural steelwork.


Most candidates struggled to answer this question. Many candidates failed to mention that
the steel must be prepared prior to applying intumescent coatings. A few candidates were
able to describe the wet film thickness and dry thickness surveys of coatings. Some good
answers included some of the following:
* Surface preparation – should be in line with preparation standard.
* Check surface profile minimum and maximum as specified.
* Ensure dust and other contamination is removed.
* Air temperature, substrate temperature, relative humidity and dew point should be as
manufacturer’s data sheet.
* Batch numbers of all products used.
* Dates and times of application and compliance with recommended over-coating times
from manufacturer’s data sheets.
* Wet film thickness checks.
* Dry film thickness survey and records at primer stage, after application of intumescent
basecoat and on completion of coating.
* Visual appearance as specified and in accordance with agreed standard.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

a) Describe the role of fire- resistant boarding when protecting structural steel sections.
(1 mark)

b) Describe two factors to be taken into account when using board systems for the fire
protection of structural steel work. (2 marks)


a) Role of Fire-Resistant Boarding
Fire-resistant boarding serves as a protective barrier for structural steel sections, providing insulation against high temperatures during a fire. It helps to delay the heating of the steel, thereby maintaining its structural integrity for a longer duration. This is crucial for preventing premature failure of the steel, allowing for more time for evacuation and firefighting efforts.

b) Factors to Consider When Using Board Systems

Thickness and Density:

The thickness and density of the board material affect its fire resistance performance. Thicker boards typically provide better insulation and longer protection times. It’s essential to choose a board with adequate specifications that meet the required fire resistance ratings for the particular application.

Environmental Conditions:

Consideration of environmental factors such as humidity, temperature, and exposure to moisture is crucial. Boards must be suitable for the specific environment where they will be installed, as some materials may degrade or lose effectiveness when exposed to certain conditions, potentially compromising fire protection.


a) Most candidates were able to describe the role of fire resistance boardings protecting
steel sections.
b) Candidates struggled to answer this question with many not receiving any marks.
Answers should have included:
* Type of fixing and whether fixed by adhesive systems or mechanical means
* Joints and whether sealing is required.
* Board dimension required.
* Consider how the size and weight might affect working and compliance with H&S
* Confirm that no alternations to design are required.
* Regulatory requirements.
* Choice of installer.
* Durability of boards in different environments.
* Resistance to damage.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

Describe the limitations associated with the impregnation treatments used for timber and
wood-derived buildings materials. (5 marks)


Impregnation treatments for timber and wood-derived building materials involve applying chemical preservatives or fire retardants to enhance durability and fire resistance. However, these treatments come with several limitations:

  1. Limited Penetration Depth:

Impregnation treatments may not penetrate deeply into denser wood species or thick sections, leaving the inner core vulnerable to decay or fire. Effective protection relies heavily on the treatment reaching the necessary depth.

  1. Variability in Effectiveness:

The effectiveness of the treatment can vary based on wood species, moisture content, and the specific chemicals used. Some treatments may be more effective on certain types of wood, leading to inconsistent protection across different materials.

  1. Environmental Impact:

Many impregnating agents can be toxic to humans and the environment, raising concerns about health risks during application and potential leaching into the soil. Regulations may restrict the use of certain chemicals, complicating compliance.

  1. Maintenance Requirements:

Treated timber may require periodic maintenance and reapplication of the treatment to maintain its protective qualities, adding to lifecycle costs and efforts. Over time, exposure to weather and wear can diminish the treatment’s effectiveness.

  1. Cost Considerations:

The initial costs associated with high-quality impregnation treatments can be significant. Additionally, the need for specialized application techniques and equipment can increase overall project costs, making it less viable for budget-sensitive projects.
These limitations necessitate careful consideration when selecting and applying impregnation treatments for timber and wood-derived building materials.


Candidates appeared not to understand how impregnation treatments protected timber and
were, therefore, unable to provide answers to this question.


a) Describe three functions of fire resisting partitions. (3 marks)

b) Describe three types of boards that may be used in the construction of fire
resisting partitions. (3 marks)



a) Functions of Fire-Resisting Partitions

1)Fire Separation:

Fire-resisting partitions help to compartmentalize a building, preventing the spread of fire and smoke between different areas. This containment allows for safer evacuation and protects adjacent spaces from fire damage.

2) Structural Support:

In addition to their fire protection capabilities, fire-resisting partitions can provide structural support to the overall building framework. They can act as load-bearing elements, contributing to the stability and integrity of the structure.

3)Acoustic Insulation:

Fire-resisting partitions often also provide sound insulation, reducing noise transmission between different rooms or areas. This function is particularly important in buildings such as offices, hotels, and multi-family residences where privacy and comfort are essential.

b) Types of Boards Used in Fire-Resisting Partitions

1)Gypsum Board:

Gypsum board, often known as drywall, is a common material used in fire-resisting partitions. It contains gypsum, which has natural fire-resistant properties. Fire-rated gypsum boards are specifically designed to withstand high temperatures and are available in various thicknesses.

2)Cement Board:

Cement board is made from a mixture of cement and reinforcing fibers. It is highly resistant to fire and moisture, making it suitable for high-humidity environments. Cement boards are often used in areas requiring enhanced fire protection and durability.

3)Mineral Wool Board:

Mineral wool boards are made from natural or recycled materials, providing excellent thermal insulation and fire resistance. They can withstand high temperatures and are often used in conjunction with other materials to enhance the fire-resisting properties of partitions.


a) This question was well answered, and most candidates scored full marks for this part.
b) Many candidates listed just 3 types of boards, without describing them as required by the
question. Candidates could have chosen from the following:
* Calcium Silicate Boards - Calcium silicate boards are manufactured from lime, cement,
silica and fire protective fillers in combination with cellulose fibre.
* Cellulose reinforced cement-based boards - Cement based boards are made from a
mixture of cement and binders or reinforcing materials such as engineered wood
* Glass fibre reinforced cementitious boards - Cementitious boards are manufactured from
Portland cement, lightweight fillers and binders. The boards may also contain alkali
resistant glass fibre in the form of mesh or random strands.
* Glass reinforced gypsum boards - Boards manufactured from gypsum with glass wool
tissue facing membranes and glass core reinforcement may exhibit excellent fire
* Gypsum fibre board - Gypsum fibreboards are manufactured from calcined gypsum and
cellulose fibres produced from recycled paper, mixed with water but without the use of
* Gypsum plasterboard - Gypsum plasterboard consists of a gypsum core encased in and
firmly bonded to strong paper liners. Gypsum itself is non-combustible and contributes to
the fire resistance of the structure in which it is to be used.
* Steel faced boards - Steel faced boards are manufactured from a non-combustible core,
which is usually cementitious based, onto which steel sheets are mechanically bonded.


State and explain the three main criteria that materials are assessed against when
undergoing fire resistance testing as part of BS476. (6 marks)


When materials undergo fire resistance testing as part of BS 476, they are assessed against three main criteria:

  1. Load-Bearing Capacity (Structural Integrity)

Explanation: This criterion assesses the material’s ability to support loads during a fire. It measures whether the structure can maintain its load-bearing capabilities under elevated temperatures for a specified duration. If a material loses its structural integrity and collapses before the designated fire resistance time is reached, it fails this criterion.

  1. Integrity (Flame and Smoke Penetration)

Explanation: The integrity criterion evaluates whether the material can prevent flames and hot gases from passing through the partition or structure. This is crucial for limiting the spread of fire and smoke to adjacent areas, which can be life-threatening. A failure in integrity is marked by any cracks, openings, or breaches that allow fire or smoke to travel through the material.

  1. Insulation (Temperature Rise)

Explanation: The insulation criterion measures the ability of a material to limit the temperature rise on the unexposed side during a fire. This is important to protect the occupants and contents of adjacent spaces from excessive heat. If the temperature on the non-fire side exceeds a specified threshold within a given time frame, the material fails this criterion. The goal is to ensure that the material provides a barrier not only to flames but also to heat transfer.

Each of these criteria is essential for assessing the overall fire resistance of a material, ensuring it can effectively protect life and property during a fire scenario.

A small number of candidates were able to provide very good answers to this question and
scored full marks. Other candidates were able to name the criteria - stability, integrity and
insulation, but were unable to explain each criterion and lost marks.


Describe how non-fire rated glass behaves in fire. (4 marks)



Non-fire rated glass exhibits specific behaviors in fire conditions, which can compromise safety. Here’s a description of its behavior:

  1. Temperature Vulnerability

Non-fire rated glass is susceptible to thermal stress. When exposed to high temperatures, it heats up quickly, causing it to lose structural integrity and become brittle. This can lead to cracking or shattering, which can create hazardous situations as broken glass can fall or collapse.

  1. Limited Fire Resistance

Unlike fire-rated glass, non-fire rated glass does not provide any fire resistance. It will not withstand flames or the heat from a fire, allowing it to break and potentially allowing fire and smoke to pass through, compromising compartmentalization in a building.

  1. Smoke and Fume Transmission

As non-fire rated glass fails, it can allow smoke and toxic fumes to penetrate into other areas of a building. This increases the risk of smoke inhalation for occupants and can hinder evacuation efforts.

  1. Loss of Visibility

When subjected to fire, non-fire rated glass can become obscured due to the heat and subsequent cracking. This loss of visibility can impede the ability of occupants to find exits or navigate through smoke-filled environments.

Overall, non-fire rated glass lacks the protective qualities needed to contain fire and smoke, making it unsuitable for applications where fire resistance is critical.


Most candidates were able to provide descriptions of how non-fire rated glass behaves in


Explain the difference between “integrity rated glazing” and “insulation rated glazing”. (4



The difference between integrity rated glazing and insulation rated glazing lies in their specific functions and performance criteria in fire situations:

  1. Integrity Rated Glazing

Definition: Integrity rated glazing is designed to prevent the passage of flames and hot gases from one side to the other during a fire.

Performance: It focuses primarily on maintaining a barrier to fire and smoke for a specified duration. If the glass breaks or allows flames to pass through, it fails the integrity test. Integrity rated glazing is often used in areas where the spread of fire needs to be contained, such as in fire doors or partitions.

  1. Insulation Rated Glazing

Definition: Insulation rated glazing is designed not only to prevent the passage of flames but also to limit the temperature rise on the unexposed side during a fire.

Performance: This type of glazing ensures that the heat transfer is minimized, protecting occupants and materials behind the glass from excessive heat. Insulation rated glazing is used in locations where temperature control is critical, such as in exterior windows or adjacent to escape routes.

In summary, integrity rated glazing focuses on preventing fire and smoke from passing through, while insulation rated glazing also limits heat transfer, providing additional thermal protection. Both types are crucial in enhancing fire safety but serve different roles in fire protection strategies.


Most candidates were able to explain the difference between integrity and insulation rated
glass but lost marks as they were unable to classify the glass e.g., E or EI.


Explain the purpose and use of cavity barriers and describe the two different types of cavity
barriers. (6 marks)


Purpose of Cavity Barriers

Cavity barriers are crucial components in building fire safety, designed to prevent the spread of fire and smoke within concealed spaces, such as wall cavities or between floors. Their primary purposes include:

Fire Containment: Cavity barriers restrict the movement of smoke and flames, helping to compartmentalize a building and prevent fire from spreading through hidden voids.

Protection of Escape Routes: By limiting fire spread, cavity barriers help to ensure that escape routes remain accessible and safe for occupants during a fire emergency.

Compliance with Building Regulations: They assist in meeting fire safety regulations and standards, which require certain measures to be in place to protect buildings from fire hazards.

Types of Cavity Barriers

1) Rigid Cavity Barriers:

Description: These are typically made from non-combustible materials, such as mineral wool or fire-resistant boards. They are installed in vertical or horizontal positions within the cavity.

Use: Rigid cavity barriers are used in walls, ceilings, and floors to create a physical barrier against fire and smoke. They are effective in providing structural support while maintaining fire resistance.

2) Flexible Cavity Barriers:

Description: Flexible cavity barriers are made from materials like intumescent or fire-resistant fabrics that can expand when exposed to heat, filling gaps and preventing fire spread.

Use: They are often installed around service penetrations (such as pipes and ducts) or in areas where movement is expected. Flexible barriers adapt to changes in the building structure, providing a versatile solution for fire protection in complex or irregular spaces.

In summary, cavity barriers play a vital role in enhancing fire safety by containing smoke and flames within a building. Rigid and flexible cavity barriers serve different functions but work together to protect concealed spaces and ensure safe evacuation routes during a fire emergency.

Examiner: Candidates were able to explain the purpose and use of cavity barriers. A few candidates
failed to describe the two types of cavity barriers i.e., large and small cavity barriers.


Describe the factors to be taken into account when selecting and installing penetration seals.
(4 marks)



When selecting and installing penetration seals, several factors must be considered to ensure effective fire protection and compliance with safety standards:

  1. Type of Penetration
    Consideration: Identify the type of services (e.g., electrical cables, pipes, ducts) that will penetrate the fire-rated barrier. Different materials may require specific sealing solutions to maintain the fire resistance of the wall or floor.
    Impact: The characteristics of the penetration, such as size and number of services, will influence the choice of sealant or sealing system.
  2. Fire Resistance Rating
    Consideration: The penetration seal must match or exceed the fire resistance rating of the surrounding construction. Understanding the required fire rating helps in selecting appropriate materials and systems.
    Impact: Using seals with insufficient fire resistance can compromise the integrity of the fire barrier, allowing smoke and flames to spread.
  3. Material Compatibility
    Consideration: Ensure that the sealant or sealing system is compatible with the materials of both the penetration and the surrounding construction. This includes evaluating factors like thermal expansion, chemical resistance, and adhesion properties.
    Impact: Incompatible materials can lead to seal degradation over time, reducing effectiveness in a fire scenario.
  4. Installation Procedures
    Consideration: Follow manufacturer guidelines and industry best practices during installation. This includes ensuring proper application methods, curing times, and environmental conditions (temperature and humidity).
    Impact: Proper installation is critical for the effectiveness of penetration seals. Poor installation can result in gaps or weaknesses that may fail during a fire.
    By considering these factors, the effectiveness of penetration seals in maintaining fire resistance and ensuring safety can be maximized.


This question was poorly answered. Most candidates were able to describe the fire resistance
when selecting and installing penetration seal, but many failed to describe the other factors
such as providing suitable support/loadbearing seals; ensuring sealing will allow the
penetration to move/expand and ensure fully fire stopped with no gaps to enable fire spread.


State three methods to fire-stop and seal pipe penetrations through a fire resisting wall or
floor. (3 marks)



Here are three methods to fire-stop and seal pipe penetrations through a fire-resisting wall or floor:

  1. Intumescent Sealants

Description: Intumescent sealants expand when exposed to high temperatures, forming a char that seals the penetration and prevents the passage of flames and smoke.
Application: Applied around the pipe before installation or in gaps after the pipe is in place. They can accommodate movement and are suitable for various types of pipes.

  1. Fire-Resistant Collars

Description: Fire-resistant collars are mechanical devices that fit around pipes. They contain intumescent materials that activate during a fire.
Application: Installed around plastic pipes; when exposed to heat, the collar expands and compresses the pipe, sealing off the opening.

  1. Mortar or Cement-Based Systems

Description: Fire-rated mortars or cement-based products are used to fill the annular space around pipes.
Application: The mortar is applied around the pipe penetration in wall or floor assemblies to provide a solid barrier against fire, smoke, and heat. This method is often used for metal pipes.
Each method provides effective fire-stopping capabilities, helping to maintain the integrity of fire-resisting walls and floors.


Most candidates scored well on this question, with several getting full marks.


When air handling ducts pass through fire-separating elements, the load-bearing capacity,
integrity and insulation of the elements should be maintained. Describe the methods that can
be used to do this. (3 marks)


To maintain the load-bearing capacity, integrity, and insulation of fire-separating elements when air handling ducts pass through them, the following methods can be employed:

  1. Fire Dampers

Description: Fire dampers are installed within the ductwork at the point where it penetrates a fire-separating element. These devices automatically close upon detecting heat from a fire, preventing flames and smoke from spreading through the duct.
Function: By sealing the duct opening during a fire, fire dampers help maintain the integrity of the fire-separating element and prevent fire spread.

  1. Fire-Resistant Sleeves or Casings

Description: Fire-resistant sleeves or casings are used around ducts where they pass through fire-rated walls or floors. These sleeves are made from fire-resistant materials that provide thermal protection.
Function: They protect the duct and maintain the insulation of the surrounding fire-separating element, helping to prevent heat transfer and maintain the element’s performance during a fire.

  1. Sealing with Fire-Rated Materials

Description: The gaps around the duct penetrations can be sealed using fire-rated sealants or mortars. These materials are specifically designed to resist fire and prevent smoke and flames from passing through.
Function: By sealing these gaps, the integrity and insulation of the fire-separating element are preserved, preventing fire spread and maintaining overall fire safety.
These methods collectively ensure that the fire-resisting capabilities of walls and floors are upheld when ducts pass through them, enhancing overall building safety.


Candidates should have included thermally activated fire dampers, enclose in fire resisting
material, and protect using fire resisting ductwork


Explain the factors to be considered when selecting protection for ductwork used for kitchens.
(2 marks)


When selecting protection for ductwork used in kitchens, consider the following factors:

  1. Fire Resistance Rating
    Consideration: Kitchen ductwork often carries flammable materials and can be exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, selecting ductwork with an appropriate fire resistance rating is essential to prevent the spread of fire in the event of a kitchen fire.
    Impact: This ensures that the ductwork can contain any potential fire and protect adjacent areas, complying with building regulations.
  2. Grease Accumulation and Cleaning

Consideration: Kitchen ducts are prone to grease accumulation, which can pose a significant fire hazard. It’s important to choose duct materials and protection systems that are resistant to grease buildup and easy to clean.
Impact: Effective cleaning access and grease management reduce the risk of fire and ensure the longevity of the duct system, maintaining compliance with fire safety standards.

These factors help ensure the safety and efficiency of ductwork in kitchen environments.


Some candidates only scored one mark for this question. Many candidates failed to include in
their answers maintaining integrity, insulation and load bearing capacity


Identify and describe three different types of damper. (6 marks



Here are three different types of dampers used in building systems, each serving distinct purposes:

  1. Fire Dampers

Description: Fire dampers are designed to prevent the spread of fire and smoke through ductwork in fire-rated walls and floors. They automatically close when they detect heat from a fire, sealing off the duct.
Function: By closing off the duct, fire dampers help maintain the integrity of fire barriers and compartmentalize the building, protecting occupants and minimizing property damage during a fire.

  1. Smoke Dampers

Description: Smoke dampers are specifically designed to control the movement of smoke within a building’s ventilation system. They can be manually or automatically operated based on smoke detection systems.
Function: Smoke dampers help to limit smoke spread during a fire, directing it to designated smoke zones or exhaust points. This is crucial for maintaining safe evacuation routes and reducing smoke inhalation risks.

  1. Combination Fire and Smoke Dampers

Description: Combination dampers integrate the functions of both fire and smoke dampers into a single unit. They are designed to close in response to both heat (for fire) and smoke detection.
Function: These dampers provide comprehensive protection by preventing both fire and smoke from traveling through ductwork, ensuring that fire safety systems are effective in maintaining safe environments during emergencies.

Each type of damper plays a vital role in enhancing fire safety and air quality management in buildings.


Some candidates could not identify 3 types of dampers and other candidates kept referring
to fire dampers in their answers. A few candidates were only able to name one type of
damper. They could have chosen three of the following:
* Curtain fire dampers
* Intumescent fire dampers
* Multi-blade Fire Dampers
* Single Blade Fire Dampers
* Multi-section dampers
* Leakage classified fire dampers (S)
* Insulated Fire Dampers (I)
* Smoke Control Damper


Explain the advantages of using a doorset when compared to a door assembly. (4 marks


Using a doorset offers several advantages over a traditional door assembly:

  1. Ease of Installation

Advantage: Doorsets are pre-assembled units that include the door, frame, and hardware, allowing for quicker and more straightforward installation.
Impact: This reduces labor time and costs on-site, as the entire unit can be fitted in one step rather than assembling multiple components separately.

  1. Consistency and Quality Control

Advantage: Since doorsets are manufactured in a controlled environment, they typically maintain higher quality standards compared to individually sourced components.
Impact: This results in better fit and finish, reducing issues such as misalignment or gaps, which can occur with traditional door assemblies.

  1. Improved Performance

Advantage: Doorsets are designed as a complete unit, ensuring compatibility and performance of all components, such as thermal insulation, sound attenuation, and fire resistance.
Impact: This integrated approach often leads to enhanced performance characteristics compared to a door assembly, which may use mismatched components.

  1. Reduced Risk of Damage

Advantage: Doorsets often come with protective packaging and are designed for transport, minimizing the risk of damage during handling and installation.
Impact: This can lead to lower replacement or repair costs over time and a more aesthetically pleasing result upon completion.

Overall, doorsets provide a more efficient, reliable, and high-quality solution compared to traditional door assemblies.


A few candidates were able to describe the advantages of doorsets and scored good marks.
Some candidates stated that using doorsets saved time and, although that may be true, it
should not affect the reasoning behind the advantages


a) Describe four checks that would be carried out prior to installing the door frame for a
fire door. (4 marks)
b) Describe four checks that should be carried out in relation to the intumescent fire and
smoke seals used on a fire door. (4 marks)


a) Checks Prior to Installing the Door Frame for a Fire Door
Verification of Fire Rating:

Description: Ensure that the door frame is certified for the appropriate fire resistance rating as required by building regulations and fire safety standards.
Importance: This guarantees that the frame can support the fire door’s performance and maintain compartmentalization during a fire.

Structural Integrity:

Description: Inspect the wall or opening where the frame will be installed to confirm that it is structurally sound and free from defects, such as cracks or deterioration.
Importance: A stable and sound installation surface is crucial for the door frame to function correctly and maintain its fire-resisting properties.

Correct Size and Fit:

Description: Measure the door frame and the corresponding door to ensure they match in size and fit within the designated opening without excessive gaps.
Importance: Proper alignment is essential for the door to close securely and activate seals effectively, ensuring optimal fire protection.

Hardware Compatibility:

Description: Check that all necessary hardware (hinges, locks, etc.) is compatible with the fire door frame and meets fire safety standards.

Importance: Incompatible hardware may compromise the door’s functionality and fire-resistance capabilities, potentially leading to safety issues.

b) Checks for Intumescent Fire and Smoke Seals on a Fire Door

Correct Type and Rating:

Description: Verify that the intumescent seals used are suitable for the specific fire door and have the appropriate fire resistance rating.
Importance: Using the correct seals ensures compliance with fire safety standards and enhances the door’s effectiveness during a fire.

Proper Installation:

Description: Inspect the seals to ensure they are installed according to manufacturer instructions, including correct placement and adhesion.
Importance: Improperly installed seals may not function effectively, allowing smoke and flames to penetrate, compromising safety.

Condition of Seals:

Description: Check for any signs of damage, wear, or degradation on the intumescent seals, including cracks, peeling, or missing sections.
Importance: Damaged seals can fail to expand properly in a fire, reducing their effectiveness in preventing fire and smoke spread.

Compatibility with Door Movement:

Description: Ensure that the seals do not obstruct the normal operation of the door, allowing it to open and close freely without interference.
Importance: Proper functionality of the door is essential for both everyday use and during an emergency, ensuring safe evacuation routes.
These checks are critical for ensuring that both the door frame and the seals work together effectively to provide the required fire protection.


a) Candidates struggled to answer this question - some were only able to answer that
checks included suitable fire rating and free from damage. Better answers also included:
* Compatible with the door assembly/doorset
* BWF-Certificate label/s on frame (if applicable) undamaged
* Relevant instructions for fitting available
* Competent/Trained staff to carry out the fitting.
* Suitable for the construction installation
b) Most candidates were unable to answer this question. They were only able to answer
that checks for intumescent fire and smoke seals include suitable fire rating, free from
damage and were compatible. Better answers would have also included:
* Compatible with the door assembly or doorset
* Seals are full length indoor edge or frame.
* Seals are flush in grooves.
* All free from damage


In relation to the fire tetrahedron, explain how water and dry chemical powders work to
extinguish fire. (4 marks)


The fire tetrahedron consists of four elements necessary for combustion: heat, fuel, oxygen, and a chemical reaction. Both water and dry chemical powders work to extinguish fires by targeting these components.

  1. Water

Cooling Effect: Water works primarily by cooling the fire. When applied, it absorbs heat from the flames and the surrounding materials, lowering the temperature below the ignition point, thus disrupting the heat component of the tetrahedron.

Smothering Effect: Water also creates steam when it boils, which can displace oxygen around the fire. This reduction in available oxygen further inhibits combustion, aiding in extinguishment.

  1. Dry Chemical Powders
    Chemical Reaction

Interruption: Dry chemical powders, such as monoammonium phosphate, work by interrupting the chemical reactions in the fire. They create a barrier between the fuel and the oxygen, effectively breaking the combustion chain reaction.

Oxygen Displacement: Many dry chemical agents also release gases that can displace oxygen, further starving the fire of the oxygen needed to sustain combustion. This action directly targets the oxygen component of the tetrahedron.

In summary, water extinguishes fire primarily by cooling and smothering, while dry chemical powders disrupt the chemical reactions and reduce oxygen availability, effectively extinguishing the fire.


Many candidates provided the definition of the Fire Tetrahedron which was not asked for. It
was disappointing that many candidates did not have the underpinning knowledge how
water and dry chemical powders extinguish a fire.


Describe the process of smouldering combustion. (4 marks)


Smouldering combustion is a slow, flameless form of combustion that occurs in solid fuels. Here’s an overview of the process:

  1. Initiation

Description: Smouldering begins when a solid fuel, such as wood or coal, is heated to a point where it starts to oxidize without producing flames. This can occur due to an external heat source or the heat generated by the material itself as it decomposes.

  1. Heat Generation and Surface Reactions

Description: As the material smoulders, chemical reactions take place at the surface of the fuel. These reactions produce heat, which can lead to further decomposition of the fuel. This heat causes volatile gases to be released from the solid material.
Importance: The heat generated sustains the smouldering process and can eventually ignite nearby materials if they reach their ignition temperature.

  1. Oxygen Consumption

Description: Smouldering requires a limited amount of oxygen, usually from the surrounding air. The oxidation reactions consume oxygen and produce heat, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and other byproducts.
Impact: If the oxygen supply is sufficient, smouldering can continue for an extended period, sometimes smouldering for hours or even days, depending on the fuel and conditions.

  1. Potential for Transition to Flaming Combustion

Description: If the smouldering continues to generate enough heat and volatiles, it can transition to flaming combustion if additional oxygen becomes available or if the temperature increases sufficiently.
Risk: This transition can lead to rapid fire spread, making smouldering a significant concern in fire safety, particularly in materials like bedding, upholstered furniture, or piles of organic materials.
In summary, smouldering combustion is a slow, low-temperature process that relies on limited oxygen and can pose risks due to its potential to ignite surrounding materials if not properly managed.


Many candidates did not understand the process of smouldering combustion. Some
candidates described how to smother a fire. A limited number of candidates stated that a
smouldering combustion had no visible flame.


In relation to means of escape, explain what is meant by the following terms:
a) “evacuation time” (2 marks)
b) “travel distance” (2 marks)


a) Evacuation Time
Definition: Evacuation time refers to the total time required for all occupants of a building to safely exit in the event of an emergency. This includes the time taken for individuals to recognize the need to evacuate, navigate through the building, and reach a safe exit.

Importance: Understanding evacuation time is crucial for designing buildings with effective means of escape, as it helps to ensure that occupants can evacuate safely before conditions (such as smoke or fire) become life-threatening.

b) Travel Distance
Definition: Travel distance is the maximum distance an occupant must travel to reach a designated exit or a safe area from their location within a building. It is typically measured along the path of egress and can vary based on the building layout and occupancy type.

Importance: Travel distance is a critical factor in fire safety design. Regulations often specify maximum travel distances to ensure that occupants can quickly and safely reach an exit, reducing the risk of injury or fatalities during emergencies.


a) Most candidates were able to describe Evacuation Time.
b) Some candidates struggled to answer this question in full. Many candidates failed to
state that the travel distance included the layout of walls, partitions and fittings.


Explain how the use of fire retardants contributes to passive fire protection in a building. (4


The use of fire retardants contributes to passive fire protection in a building in several ways:

  1. Delay in Ignition

Explanation: Fire retardants are chemicals applied to materials to reduce their flammability. When treated, materials take longer to ignite when exposed to flames or heat, effectively delaying the onset of fire.
Impact: This delay provides occupants more time to evacuate and helps prevent the rapid spread of fire, which is crucial for safety.

  1. Reduction of Heat Release Rate

Explanation: Fire retardants can modify the combustion process, reducing the rate at which heat is released from burning materials. This leads to lower temperatures and less intense flames.
Impact: By controlling the heat release, fire retardants help limit the potential for fire to spread to adjacent areas, protecting the overall structure.

  1. Formation of Protective Char Layer

Explanation: Many fire retardants promote the formation of a char layer on the surface of combustible materials during combustion. This layer acts as a barrier that insulates the underlying material from further heat exposure.
Impact: The char layer helps maintain the structural integrity of the material for a longer duration, preventing structural collapse and allowing more time for evacuation.

  1. Compliance with Fire Safety Standards

Explanation: The application of fire retardants often helps buildings meet fire safety regulations and standards, ensuring that materials are treated to achieve required fire performance ratings.
Impact: Compliance with these standards enhances the overall safety of the building, providing reassurance to occupants and meeting legal requirements.

In summary, fire retardants play a vital role in passive fire protection by delaying ignition, reducing heat release, forming protective barriers, and ensuring compliance with fire safety regulations, all of which contribute to enhanced safety in buildings.


is question was often answered poorly with some candidates unable to explain that flameretardant coatings will slow down the rate of growth of fire and that this provides time to tackle
a small fire/escape. Good responses set out where fire retardants can be used and how this
can reduce intensity and spread of fire.


Describe steps that building managers can take to ensure that fire protection provisions in
their premises are maintained. (4 marks)


Building managers can take several proactive steps to ensure that fire protection provisions in their premises are effectively maintained:

  1. Regular Inspections and Maintenance

Description: Conduct routine inspections of all fire protection systems, including fire alarms, sprinklers, extinguishers, and emergency lighting. Schedule maintenance as per manufacturer recommendations and regulatory requirements.
Impact: Regular inspections help identify any issues or malfunctions early, ensuring that fire protection systems are always in working order.

  1. Fire Safety Training and Drills

Description: Provide regular fire safety training for staff and occupants, including how to use fire extinguishers, recognize fire hazards, and execute evacuation procedures. Conduct fire drills to practice these procedures.
Impact: Training ensures that everyone knows how to respond in an emergency, enhancing overall safety and preparedness.

  1. Updating Fire Safety Plans

Description: Maintain and regularly update fire safety plans, including evacuation routes, assembly points, and emergency contact information. Ensure that all occupants are aware of these plans.
Impact: An updated fire safety plan provides clear guidance during emergencies, facilitating efficient evacuations and minimizing confusion.

  1. Record Keeping and Compliance Checks

Description: Keep detailed records of inspections, maintenance, training sessions, and any fire incidents. Ensure compliance with local fire safety regulations and standards.
Impact: Thorough documentation helps track the effectiveness of fire protection measures and provides a reference for audits or inspections by regulatory bodies.

By implementing these steps, building managers can effectively maintain fire protection provisions, ensuring a safer environment for occupants and compliance with fire safety regulations.


The majority of candidates struggled to answer this question. Answers included Fire Risk
Assessments, the Fire Strategy, testing the fire alarm systems and training employees.


In relation to fire resistance, explain the term “insulation” and explain why this is important. (4


Definition of “Insulation” in Fire Resistance

In the context of fire resistance, insulation refers to the ability of a material or construction element to limit the temperature rise on its non-exposed side during a fire. Insulation is measured by how effectively a material can withstand heat transfer, preventing the temperature from exceeding a specified limit for a defined period.

Importance of Insulation
Protection of Occupants and Property:

Explanation: Effective insulation helps protect occupants and valuable assets located on the unexposed side of a fire-resisting barrier from excessive heat. This is critical for preventing heat-related injuries and damage.
Impact: By maintaining lower temperatures on the safe side of a barrier, insulation contributes to the safety and survivability of individuals and the integrity of property during a fire.

Extended Safe Evacuation Time:

Explanation: By limiting heat transfer, insulated fire-resisting elements provide more time for occupants to evacuate safely before conditions become life-threatening.
Impact: This extended time is crucial for facilitating safe evacuations, especially in larger buildings where the response time can significantly affect survival.

Preventing Structural Failure:

Explanation: Insulation helps maintain the structural integrity of building components during a fire by keeping the temperatures of critical structural elements (like beams and columns) below their failure thresholds.
Impact: By preventing premature structural collapse, effective insulation contributes to the overall stability of the building, allowing for safe evacuation and reducing the risk of secondary fires from falling debris.

Compliance with Building Regulations:

Explanation: Many building codes and fire safety regulations require specific insulation performance criteria to be met to ensure a minimum level of safety in case of fire.
Impact: Meeting these standards helps ensure that buildings are designed and constructed to minimize fire risks, providing confidence to occupants and regulatory bodies regarding safety measures.

In summary, insulation in fire resistance is essential for protecting lives and property, facilitating safe evacuations, maintaining structural integrity, and ensuring compliance with safety regulations.

This question was usually answered well.


Describe the content of a fire test report and explain the possible limitations of such a report.
(6 marks)


Content of a Fire Test Report
A fire test report typically includes the following key components:

1) Test Identification:

Details: Includes information such as the test method used (e.g., ASTM, ISO), the test number, and the date of the test.
Purpose: Establishes the context of the report and provides a reference for the specific test conducted.

2) Sample Description:

Details: Describes the materials or products tested, including their specifications, dimensions, and any relevant construction details.
Purpose: Provides insight into what was tested and under what conditions, which is crucial for understanding the results.

3) Testing Conditions:

Details: Outlines the environmental conditions during the test, including temperature, humidity, and any relevant modifications made to standard procedures.
Purpose: Ensures transparency about the conditions under which the test was conducted, which can affect outcomes.

4) Results:

Details: Summarizes the findings of the test, including critical measurements such as temperature rise, time to failure, and any observations made during the test (e.g., smoke production, flame spread).
Purpose: Provides quantitative data that can be compared against fire safety standards to evaluate performance.

5) Conclusions and Recommendations:

Details: Offers a summary of the performance of the tested material or assembly, often indicating whether it meets the relevant fire resistance rating.
Purpose: Helps stakeholders understand the implications of the results for safety and compliance.

6) Limitations and Disclaimers:

Details: May include notes on the scope of the testing, any assumptions made, and limitations of the test method.
Purpose: Ensures that readers are aware of any factors that could influence the applicability of the results.

Possible Limitations of a Fire Test Report

1) Specific Conditions:

Limitation: Test results are often specific to the conditions under which the test was conducted, including sample size, arrangement, and environmental factors.
Impact: This may not reflect real-world scenarios, where conditions can vary significantly, leading to different performance outcomes.

2) Limited Scope:

Limitation: A report may only address specific aspects of fire performance (e.g., fire resistance) without covering other critical factors like smoke production, toxicity, or structural integrity.
Impact: Users may not have a comprehensive understanding of the product’s overall fire safety performance.

3) Material Variability:

Limitation: The materials tested may not represent all potential variations (e.g., manufacturing differences, environmental aging).
Impact: Variations can affect performance in actual applications, making the test results less reliable for broader use.

4) Compliance with Standards:

Limitation: A test may adhere to specific standards that may not be universally recognized or applicable to all jurisdictions.
Impact: This can lead to confusion regarding compliance and acceptance of the results across different regions or industries.

5) Temporal Relevance:

Limitation: Fire test reports can become outdated as new materials and technologies emerge or as standards evolve.
Impact: Older reports may not reflect the latest safety practices or scientific understanding, potentially leading to unsafe reliance on outdated information.

6) Interpretation Variability:

Limitation: Different stakeholders may interpret the results differently based on their interests or expertise, leading to varied conclusions about the same data.
Impact: This can create inconsistencies in application and understanding of fire safety measures.

In summary, while fire test reports are essential for evaluating fire performance, understanding their content and recognizing their limitations is crucial for proper application in real-world settings.


This question was well answered by candidates, with some candidates scoring full marks.
There were a few candidates who tried to guess the answers. A few candidates’ answers
included the date, time of the test. Many candidates failed to state the “Test Results” in their


a) Explain the purpose and operation of “active fire protection” systems. (4 marks)
b) Explain state how passive fire protection differs from active fire protection. (2 marks)


a) Many candidates appeared not to have the underpinning knowledge to answer this
question. A few candidates were able to score 2 marks.
b) The candidates struggle to answer this question with many only scoring 1 mark for
stating that Passive Fire protection was “in built”.


Explain how signage can be used to improve fire safety in a building. (4 marks)


Candidates should have scored well in this question, but many struggled to answer the
question. Many candidates were solely focused on signage of fire doors, fire escape
signage. They did not include Prohibition signs or warning signs.


Describe each of the following methods of providing protection to structural timber:
a) Sacrificial timber (3 marks)
b) Insulating boards (3 marks)


a) Many candidates were able to score 2 marks for this question.
b) Many candidates struggled to answer this question and did not include gypsum
plasterboard or calcium silicate in their answer.


a) Explain how the thickness of a steel structure affects its fire resistance and the amount of
structural fire protection required. (2 marks)
b) Explain, using examples, how the shape of a steel structure can affect the performance
of fire protection systems. (4 marks)


a) Candidates scored well in this question with many scoring full marks.
b) Many candidates struggled to answer this question. Some candidates were able to describe
how Cellular beams and I & H sections reacted differently in fire conditions.


Sate the three main types of intumescent coatings used on steel structural designs and give
an example of a situation where each would be used. (6 marks)


A few candidates were able to score full marks in this question. Many candidates were able
to state where each intumescent coating could be found but could not state the type i.e.
Solvent borne, Water borne or Epoxy.


Describe the inspection processes to be applied during the installation of board systems. (6


Many candidates struggled to answer this question with many scoring 2-3 marks.


Describe how composite floors are constructed and explain how this effects how they
behave in fire. (4 marks)


Some candidates were unsure what a composite floor was. Some candidates gained marks
for stating a metal deck with concreted poured over it, the metal decking will expand due to


Explain why active fire curtains may be used to provide compartmentation and give two
examples of locations where they may be used. (4 marks)


Most candidates were not able to answer the first part of the question why active fire curtains
may be used to provide compartmentation, with the majority not scoring any marks. The
second part of the question most candidates scored 2 marks. There were a few candidates
who did not know where fire curtains could be located.


a) Explain the purpose of compartmentation. (2 marks)
b) Describe four factors to be taken into account when determining and installing fire
protection for compartment walls. (4 marks)


a) Many candidates answered this part well, with may scoring full marks.
b) Some candidates struggled to answer this question and did not have the underpinning
knowledge to score well with many only achieving 2-3 marks.


a) Describe how non-fire rated glass behaves in fire. (2 marks)
b) Explain what is meant by “integrity only glazing” and give two examples of this type of
glass. (3 marks)


a) It was disappointing that a few candidates did not know how non-fire glass behaves in a fire
situation. Some candidates stated that the non-fire glass explodes, which is incorrect.
b) This part of the question was well answered by the majority of candidates with a few
candidates scoring full marks. A few candidates only gave 1 example of the type of fire


Describe open cavity barriers and state two locations where they would be used. (4 marks)


Many candidates struggled to answer this question with many taking guesses at the answer.
Some candidates could not provide a location where cavity barriers would be used.


Describe the factors to be taken into account when selecting and installing penetration seals
(4 marks)


Candidates did not have the underpinning knowledge to answer this question with many only
scoring 1 mark for fire resistance.


Describe the composition and use of sealants/mastics. (5 marks)


This question was well answered by candidates with a few candidates scoring full marks.
Some candidates did not know that sealants were composed of silicone or acrylic.


Stone wool mineral products are supplied in a number of forms when used as firestopping.
State the forms that such products take and state the factors to take into account when
installing these products. (3 marks)


The majority of candidates failed to provide the correct answer this question with most just
trying to guess the answer. Many candidates did not score any marks for this question.


Explain the purpose and operation of an intumescent damper. (5 marks)


Some candidates struggled to answer this question as they did not have the underpinning
knowledge to answer the question. A few candidates appeared to confuse a fire damper with
a fire rated door vent. Most candidates scored 2-3 marks for this question.


In relation to the construction and design of the building envelope, describe how the use of
cladding can affect fire resistance. (3 marks)


Many candidates appeared to misread or misunderstand this question. Many candidates
were unsure about cladding. A few candidates provided the specification for cladding but did
not answer the question. Many candidates stated that cladding must be fire resistant, the
question asked to describe how the use of cladding can affect fire resistance i.e. poorly
fitted. Gaps providing a route for fire to travel, and cladding can increase fire load.


Describe the purpose and the operational features of fire resisting rolling shutters. (6 marks)


Many candidates struggled to answer this question. Most answers included that they were
activated by the fire alarm or fusible link, they descended in a control manner, with a few
stating that they had an audible/visual warning system. Some candidates described the
construction of roller shutters.


Describe the checks that you would carry out when inspecting the installation of ironmongery
fixed to fire doors. (6 marks)


This question was poorly answered with many candidates only scoring 1-2 marks. Many
candidates tried to guess answers for this question. Many candidates failed to stated that fire
doors should have a minimum of 3 hinges, are fitted with a self-closing device. Very few
candidates mentioned that letter boxes should have additional fire resistance built into them
to prevent fire spread or arson attacks.


a) Describe the fire tetrahedron and explain the implications for fire. (4 marks)
b) Explain the term “exothermic reaction”. (2 marks)


In responding to part a), many candidates mentioned only fuel, heat and oxygen and omitted
to consider that the fourth component of the fire tetrahedron is chemical reaction.
In responding to part b), some candidates were unable to explain that an exothermic
reaction is a reaction that releases energy into the environment in the form of light or heat.


Explain the risks to human health associated with the inhalation of smoke. (4 marks


Some candidates appeared to guess at answers to this question with many failing to explain
the risks. However, most candidates scored at least 50% of the marks available.


Describe four factors that affect human behaviour when faced with a threat of fire in a
building. (4 marks)


This question was generally answered well with most appearing to have an appreciation of
the issues involved. Many candidates scored full marks for their response.


a) Define the term “means of escape”. (3 marks)
b) Explain the role of passive fire protection in relation to means of escape. (4 marks


Candidates often appeared to guess when composing their response to part a). Candidates
should be aware that means of escape is the structural means whereby a safe route is
provided for people to travel from any location in a building or structure to a place of safety
without the need of outside assistance.
Responses to part b) were often poor with candidates failing to appreciate factors such as
the role of compartmentation in controlling the spread of fire and smoke or the use of fire
doors, particularly those with smoke seals, in protecting escape routes.


In relation to fire resistance, explain what is meant by the term “stability” and explain how
passive fire protection contributes to maintaining stability. (4 marks)


Many candidates were unable to provide full responses to this question with some providing
only a reference to loadbearing capacity.


Explain the issues and limitations that need to be taken into consideration when interpreting
fire testing and assessments. (5 marks


Candidates often appeared to guess at answers to this question with most referencing only
the fact that reports could be complex and difficult to understand. Good responses included
points such as:
* Test relates only to the item tested and not to any variation of the item
* Variations of materials may be available eg different thickness, densities or dimensions
* It is not possible to test every possible fire option so only a limited number of
tests/contexts may have been completed
* The context of the testing may be simulation of a situation which does not reflect reality.


Passive fire protections measures should be taken into account when developing plans for
building projects. One reason for this is to ensure that the correct materials are purchased
in time. Identify and explain two other reasons. (4 marks


Responses varied with some candidates scoring well but others unable to provide two valid


identify and briefly describe three different types of fire suppression equipment available
within a building. (6 marks)


This question was usually answered well with many candidates able to achieve all of the
marks available.


Concrete framed buildings are usually designed and constructed in a way that is deemed to
satisfy from a fire resistance perspective.
a) State, with an example, the circumstances when it would it be necessary to provide
added fire resistance to the concrete frame of a building. (2 marks)
b) Describe how additional fire resistance could be achieved. (2 marks)


Part a) was often answered well but few candidates scored both marks for part b). In
responding to part b), few candidates considered over- cladding with appropriately tested
fire-resistant board systems or increasing the thickness of concrete.


a) Explain what is meant by “section factor” and state the formula. (4 marks)
b) Explain how section factor affects the required thickness of applied fire protection. (2


Most candidates were able to score at least half of the marks for this question. A few
candidates were unable to state the formula correctly when responding to part a).


In relation to structural steel, explain the purpose and use of cladding systems made from
fire-resisting boards or stone wool products and describe the situations where they may be
used. (4 marks)


This question was often answered poorly with few candidates scoring more than two marks.
Some candidates appeared to miss the final part of the question and did not give examples
of use.


One of the factors to be taken into account when determining the choice of fire protection
system for different purposes is the level of fire rating required. State four other factors that
would be taken into account. (4 marks)


Some candidates were able to score full marks for this question but others failed to consider
factors such as:
* Guidance from manufacturers
* The robustness required
* Junctions between different fire protection systems
* Potential future adaptations
* Correct installation
* Regulatory requirements
* Aesthetics
* Whether it would be subject to environmental exposure


Describe the following types of fire-retardant treatments used for timber and wood-derived
building materials. For each type of treatment, identify one factor that affects effectiveness:
a) surface coating (3 marks)
b) impregnation (3 marks)


Candidates were often able to provide some information about each of the treatments.
However, few provided sufficient details to secure all of the marks available. It was common
to omit part b) of the question.


Describe the purpose and uses of fire resisting partitions. (6 marks


This question was not always answered well and candidates rarely provided sufficient detail
to score high marks.
Candidates often omitted to include the fact that the main purpose of a fire resisting partition
is to provide a fire-resisting division of space. Fire resisting partitions can contain a fire
within a space or provide a corridor for means of escape. They are frequently designed to
provide a fire resisting division from one structural element to another. They may also be
used as an independent lining to an external wall or for additional protection for high risks.


Describe how timber joist floors behave in fire and explain how this affects the type of fire
resistance provided. (4 marks)


Candidates often provided good responses in relation to the way that wood chars and the
use of sacrificial timber. Few referenced the fact that the floor would be ultimately be
consumed by fire.


Explain the purpose of compartmentation and give two examples of places within a building
where this would be found. (4 marks)


This question was usually answered well as compartmentation appears to be well
understood. However, some candidates failed to provide two examples as required by the
question and lost the opportunity to achieve the marks available for this


There are three different types of glazing. One type is “integrity only fire glazing, E”. Name
and briefly describe the other two types. (6 marks)


This question was usually answered well although candidates often failed to expand their
responses sufficiently to secure all of the marks available.


a) Explain the purpose and use of cavity barriers. (3 marks)
b) Describe the difference in use and construction between small cavity barriers and large
cavity barriers. (5 marks)


This question was often answered well although some candidates appeared to have limited
understanding of the use of small cavity barriers.


In relation to fire-stopping and sealing systems:
a) describe the composition and use of mortars. (4 marks)
b) state two examples of places where mortars would be used. (2 marks)


Part a) was often answered well with most candidates able to explain the composition of
mortars and most familiar with examples of its use.


State two methods for providing fire resistance to a steel duct and give one example of each.
(4 mark


Most candidates were able to gain marks for this question.
The two methods were coatings (with a mark available for an example such as intumescent,
ablative or cementitious) and boards (with a mark available for an example such as mineral
wool (Rockwool), Calcium Silicate or Metal composite (Durasteel)).
Some candidates confused ducts with dampers and provided responses with a focus on


Explain the purpose and operation of a smoke control damper. (6 marks


Most candidates appeared to be familiar with this type of damper and were able to score
marks. As with previous responses, the lack of detail provided in responses meant that
some candidates failed to capitalise on the marks available.


Describe the purpose and operation of automatic door hold-open/release devices for selfclosing fire doors. (6 marks)


This question was usually answered well with many candidates scoring five or six of the
marks available. A few candidates stated that door open/release devices are operated by a
fusible link.


State the checks that you would carry out when completing the installation of fire and smoke
seals on fire doors. (6 marks


There were some excellent responses to this question. However, some candidates failed to
focus on fire and smoke seals as required by the question and others failed to start from the
point that the checks were at the completion stage and were about ensuring that the fitting
was correct and safe