exam questions Flashcards
what is quickening in pregnancy
when you can feel the baby moving in your stomach, can feel it kicking etc
what is Foetal heart beat auscultated with Doppler
A Doppler FHR monitor is a handheld ultrasound transducer used to detect the fetal heart beat during prenatal care
Which of the following statements can be used as a guideline for planning diets during
An increase of 300 calories per day at the beginning in the first trimester
recommended weight gain during pregnancy
Foetal movement is usually felt by the pregnant woman when the foetus is approximately
16 weeks
what is chadwick’s sign pregnancy
early sign of pregnancy that is typically characterized by a bluish discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and vulva. The Chadwick sign usually presents six to eight weeks after conception, and commonly disappears shortly after birth.
what is goodwells sign pregnancy
a clinical indication of early pregnancy. A positive Goodell sign is characterized by softening of the cervix, typically noticed in the first 4 to 8 weeks of pregnancy
what is homans sign pregnancy
A Thromboembolic Disorders in Pregnancy
It is the pain and tenderness elicited on compression of the calf muscles by squeezing the muscles or by dorsiflexion of the foot.
what does frequency of micturition mean pregnancy
When you urinate frequently. Often during pregnancy its more than 7 times a day
what is placenta previa
when the placenta attaches low in the uterus. The placenta might partially or completely cover the opening of the uterus
signs are:
Bright red bleeding from your vagina. The bleeding often starts near the second half of pregnancy. It can also start, stop, then start again a few days later.
Mild cramping or contractions in your abdomen, belly or back.
threatened abortion
A threatened abortion is defined as vaginal bleeding before 20 weeks gestational age
abruption placenta
Placental abruption is an uncommon yet serious complication of pregnancy. The placenta develops in the uterus during the third trimester pregnancy.
signs are:
The main symptom of placental abruption is vaginal bleeding. You also may have pain, contractions, discomfort and tenderness or sudden, ongoing belly or back pain.
what is amniocentesis
Amniocentesis (also called amnio) is a prenatal test that takes amniotic fluid from around your baby in the uterus. The fluid is tested to see if your baby has certain health conditions.
Usually carried out between the 15th and 20th weeks of pregnancy
cephalo-caudal and proximo-distal patterns of development
the cephalocaudal principle of development, the direction of growth occurs from the top (head) to the bottom (feet). However, according to the proximodistal principle, the direction of growth starts from the center of the body (torso, spine) and goes outward (to the arms and legs).
The cephalocaudal trend acknowledges a top-down growth trend. For example, infants may use their upper limbs before their lower limbs. The proximodistal trend, on the other hand, acknowledges growth from the center of the body outwards. For example, infants use their arms before they can use their fingers effectively.
what is digoxin
Digoxin is a medication used to manage and treat heart failure and certain arrhythmias, and abortion. It is in the cardiac glycoside class of drugs
To prevent irregularities in ventricular contractions