exam questions Flashcards
Which factors combined define risk?
Probability of events and consequences of events
What is asymmetrical risk vs reward?
It is an imbalance between risk and reward. Either, a low risk/standard deviation with a high return/reward - which would be a good investment, or a high risk/standard deviation with a low return/reward - which would be a bad investment
Rank the following options from best to worst for a risk averse investor
A. Low standard deviation, low reward
B. High standard deviation, low Reward
C. High standard deviation, high reward
D. Low standard deviation, high reward
E. Medium standard deviation, medium reward
As a risk averse inverstor would want the lowest risk with the highest return. And if risk has to be taken, let it be as low as possible
What are the 4 steps of risk management
- Identification of hazards (identify the key potential sources of risk in the operation)
- Risk assessment (assess the degree of risk associated with each hazard, then prioritize hazards and summarize their total impact into overall risk level of the operation)
- Tactical risk decisions (appropriate decisions to be taken when a hazard is likely to occur soon, or already occurred (high risk levels decisions are called crisis management))
- Implement strategic risk mitigation or hedging (involves structuring the operational system to reduce future risk exposure)
Which situation is most important to hedge a risk
A. A hazard with critical effect and frequent probability
B. A hazard with negligible and likely probability
C. A hazard with moderate effect and occasional probability
D. A hazard with catastrophic effect and seldom (rare) probability
A. has an extremely high priority while the other priorities are lower
An example of Market risk is…
A. An energy outage takes out the production line
B. The value of an investment decreases due to moves in market factors
C. Profit of a company depends on the amount of customers that will buy their products
D. A chance on high costs due to sick leave of workers
Market risk is risk that the value of an investment will decrease due to moves in market factors (e.g. changes in stock prices, interest rates, currency exchange etc)
What is operational risk?
Operational risk is risks that stem from operations, i.e. from activities and resources (e.g. supply chian disruptions, employee errors, fraud, etc)
What is Credit risk?
Credit risk is risk of loss due to a counterparty’s non-payment of a loan
Indicate for each event which risk-type it is (credit, operational, or market) A. Credit-card fraud B. Falling stock prices C. Failure of IT-systems D. Late payments of loans in a portfolio
A. Operational
B. Market
C. Operational
D. Credit
Given a supply chain, what can you say about the influence of risk on the chain due to uncertainty/ variance in the chain?
A. The presence of variation in deliveries within the supply chain will on average never decrease the number of lost sales
B. A safety stock can compensate variation in deliveries within the supply chain
C. When adding variation in customer demand, a higher profit can be made in some trials
D. The presence of variation cancels out when enough simulations are used
A, B and C
What is the efficient frontier?
The efficient frontier is the set of optimal portfolios that offer the highest expected return for a defined level of risk (the lowest risk for a given level of expected return)
What is simulation?
Simulation is the process of designing a model of a system and conducting experiments with this model for the purpose either of understanding the behaviour of the system or of evaluating various strategies
What are KPI’s?
Key performance Indicators, statistics/indicators to measure the performance of a certain system/scenario
How to simulate random variable X with the probability density function f(x) and the (cumulative) distribution function F(x)?
Draw u_Unif(0,1), a random number from an uniform distribution between 0 and 1, and calculate F-1(u)
From a simulation we obtain n realizations, x1,...,xn, of some KPI X. What is the (approximated) distribution of Mn = (x1+...+xn)/n for large n? A. Normally distributed B. Uniformly distributed C. Binomial distributed D. Poisson distributed
A - by the Central Limit Theorem (CLT), Mn converges to a normal distribution with n–>oo
With n simulations one got a standard error of sigma. How many simulations are needed to get a new standard error sigma' that is twice as small, sigma'=sigma/2 ? A. 2n B. 4n C. SQRT(n) D. 10n E. n*n
Let X denote the number of times that the event occurs when you run a simulation. If X happens 5% of the time, what is the minimum number of simulation trials you need to get a standard deviation of 1%? A. 475 B. 500 C. 525 D. 550 E. 600
What is the appropriate way to report results from a simulation with sample mean 42 042.42111 and standard error 5.5555, given a significance of two digits? A. 42 042.42111 +-= 5.5555 B. 42 042.4 +-= 5.6 C. 42 042 +-= 5 D. 42 000 +-= 5.5 E. 42 042.42 +-= 5.56
Describe five factors used to determine a potential borrower’s creditworthiness.
History: how many loans did this borrower take previously and were those payed on time or defaulted?
Capacity: current debt versus income ratio and how persistent the income stream is previous years, describes the ability to repay the loan
Collateral: assets that are pledged, like a home or bonds, to repay the loan in case of default (secured loans have collateral, unsecured don’t)
Capital: the borrower’s savings, investments, and assets, can be used as additional security/ collateral in case of default
Conditions: for which purpose is the loan used and what is the current state of the business/economy or other outside factors
What is the probability of default (PD) ?
A. The likelihood that a loan will not be repaid and, thus, will fall into default
B. The economic value of the loan at the time of default
C. Fraction of economic value at default that will not be recovered after default
D. Mean of the loss (given default) distribution
E. Amount of capital a firm requires to cover a risk at default
B –> Exposure at default (EAD)
C –> Loss given default (LGD)
D –> Expected loss (EL)
Given are PD = 15%, EAD = €30 000, LGD = 40%, what is the EL?
Put the following ratings in order of highest to lowest PD: