EXAM QUES for Topic 1: Hazardous Earth Flashcards
Suggest two ways that global circulation patterns affect rainfall distribution in West Africa. (4 marks)
Explain how global circulation influences the location of the world’s arid regions. (4 marks)
Cooler air is sinking (1) making a belt of high pressure (1).
Little rising air (1) so few clouds forming (1) and hence little rainfall (1).
Explain how one type of evidence can help reconstruct past climates. (2 marks)
- Ice cores (1) can be analysed to determine the amount of CO2 in them (1)
- Tree rings (1) can be examined with greater thickness indicating better growing periods/ higher temperatures (1)
Accept any other appropriate response.
Suggest two reasons how the greenhouse effect is enhanced. (4 marks)
‘Most global warming is caused by carbon dioxide from a few rich, developed countries’. Assess this
statement. (8 marks)
Explain two reasons why the predictions of future global temperatures are uncertain. (4 marks)
Award one mark for each correctly identified reason explaining the
range in the predictions and a further mark for explanation up to a
maximum of two marks each.
Award one mark for the idea that sea levels are rising as a
consequence of global warming / ice sheet melt / thermal expansion
/ climate change.
● Humans may adopt more renewable energy sources (1) which will
lead to less global warming and less sea ice melt (1).
● Future rates of economic development are difficult to predict (1)as
countries develop they may either reduce or increase their emissions
● Future rates of population growth are uncertain (1) so a reduced
rate of growth may lead to less global warming and lower sea level
rise (1)
● There could be an increased volcanic activity (1) which may result in
lower sea level rise nearer the 20cm lowest projection. (1)
● A rapid increase in fossil fuel use (1) could cause a 200 cm increase
● The process of climate modelling may have inaccuracies (1), it is
difficult to make accurate future projections as there are so many
variables (1).
1) why tropical storms bring heavy rain
2) why tropical storms bring very high winds
(4 marks)
1 Tropical storms form over oceans (1), so are moisture-laden (1) caused by evaporation (1),
2 High winds caused by updrafts of warm air (1), which spin because of the Coriolis Effect (1) and increase in speed as more air is drawn in (1).
State two conditions necessary for the formation of a tropical storm (2 marks)
Warm water (above 27°C) (1). High temperatures making the air unstable (1)
and warm air rises rapidly (1).
Assess the social and economic impacts of tropical cyclones on developing countries. (8 marks)
Evaluate the effectiveness of the methods of response to a tropical cyclone in a named developed country. (8 marks)
AO2 (4 marks) / AO3 (4 marks)
AO2 (4 marks)
● Developed nations governments are able to provide large amounts of
monetary assistance and rapidly mobilise the military to assist the area.
E.g. the US government had mobilised 58000 National Guard troops and
provided $62.3bn aid for victims.
● Due to higher levels of development, governments are often able to
mobilise medical experts, search and rescue equipment and staff
trained in emergency disaster management to aid those affected.
● Accurate tracking of cyclones in developed nations enables a
coordinated evacuation programme.
● Emergency accommodation can be rapidly deployed to aid victims
although often not enough is supplied by government authorities.
● The international community often responds rapidly to such events.
Over 70 countries pledged monetary assistance to the USA following
Katrina with NGO’s such as the Red Cross providing assistance.
● Following accurate tracking of a cyclone, governments are able to
action such as raising sluice gates.
Expect students to make the distinction between the short-term
and long-term responses of a tropical cyclone to access 4 marks in
AO3 (4 marks)
● Judgement regarding the effectiveness of the evacuation procedures.
For example, the evacuation order of New Orleans was not passed until
less than 24 hours before Hurricane Katrina made landfall.
● Judgement regarding the speed of the government response.
● Judgement regarding the effectiveness of restoring basic needs for
the population.
● Judgement regarding the effectiveness of disaster management
procedures e.g. The New Orleans Superdome was designed to
accommodate 800 people whereas over 20,000 arrived).
● Judgement regarding the effectiveness of technology to predict
cyclone landfall – developed nations often have many satellites
although the US did have many older satellites, some of which had
stopped working.
● Judgement about the effectiveness of subsequent preparation
measures put in place following a cyclone event e.g. levee height has
been raised around New Orleans to protect from a future storm surge.
● Judgement about the effectiveness/ineffectiveness of other response
strategies put in place.
Assess the reasons why some countries are more vulnerable than other to the impacts of tropical cyclones. (8 marks)
AO2 (4 marks) / AO3 (4 marks)
Vulnerability can be interpreted to be physical or socio-economic
AO2 (4 marks)
● Developed nations governments are able to provide large amounts
of monetary assistance and rapidly mobilise emergency services. For
example, in Hurricane Michael in 2018, air ambulance emergency
services were ready to be deployed from Miami to help those in need.
● Low lying nations are particularly at risk. Much of Bangladesh is
very close to sea level meaning that storm surges often have a
devastating impact as was the case in Cyclone Alia in 2009.
● The strength of the storm and accompanying storm surge impact
vulnerability. Hurricane Katrina produced a 6m high storm surge with
wind speeds over 120mph which caused flooding in many districts of
New Orleans.
● The ability of the government to effectively reduce vulnerability is
important. Educating the population as to what to do in the event of
a tropical storm as well as preparing storm defences can help to
reduce vulnerability.
● Areas in multi-hazard zones such as the Philippines are very
vulnerable to the impacts of tropical storms. Heavy rain can cause
landslides as was the case in Typhoon Mangkhut in 2018 which buried
entire villages.
● Some countries are not in the path of tropical cyclones. Surrounding
sea areas are too cool for the formation of tropical cyclones or they
may be inland locations, far away from a sea of 26.5 degrees and
above which provides tropical cyclones with their source of energy.
AO3 (4 marks)
● Judgement about the most significant social factors contributing to
vulnerability. For example, although the fact that much of Bangladesh
is very low-lying made a significant contribution to 750,000 people
made homeless in Cyclone Aila in 2009, the overall lack of economic development was a more significant factor. Of those affected 90% were from low-income groups living in areas of high population density close to the coastline.
● Judgement about the most significant physical factors contributing
to vulnerability. For example, Hurricane Katrina was a category 4
tropical storm with wind speeds over 120mph which made landfall in
New Orleans. Significantly, much of New Orleans is below sea level and its inadequate system of levees were flooded by the 6m high storm surge.
● Judgement regarding the importance of systems of prediction and
preparation. For example, a significant factor which reduced the vulnerability of the population of Florida to the impacts of Hurricane
Michael was the warnings given by the National Weather Centre as
the storm approached. This reduced injuries and the overall death toll.
● Judgement regarding the increasing ability of developing
economies to prepare effectively for tropical storms. For example, although 190 people were killed in Cyclone Alia, vulnerability of the population was significantly reduced by the creation of a network of
cyclone shelters
Explain one reason why most tropical storms develop between 5 and 15 degrees north ans south of the equator. (2 marks)
There are warm seas with temperatures above 27°C (1). Any closer to the Equator there is not enough ‘spin’ (1) from the rotation of the Earth (1) to create the spinning mass of clouds (1).
Evaluate the view that ‘the world’s developed countries are more effective than developing and emerging countries in their planning and preparation from tropical storms’. (8 marks)
Expect a range of prediction and planning strategies and consideration of the effectiveness of the response, particularly long-term response, in a minimum of two contrasting countries at different levels of development, e.g. a developing country and a developed country. Specific case study information is not a requirement of the question but examples should be credited as it is more likely to give the greater detail and understanding required for access to the higher levels.
* Monitoring and prediction – use of satellites and aircraft to give early
* Protection and planning – providing disaster reports; ensuring fuel
supplies. Awareness of location of evacuation shelters, storing loose,
heavy objects, reinforcing weakness in buildings, restricting development
in most susceptible areas, i.e. low lying coastal areas, storm drains, sea
walls, houses on stilts, cyclone shelters.
* Raising awareness.
* Developed country likely to have more technological know-how and
sufficient funds to develop a range of prediction and planning strategies.
* Developing countries are likely to be more dependent on foreign aid and
* Poorly developed infrastructure in developing countries means that
responses may be slow.
* Political instability in some countries means the help and development of
preventative methods may not be put in place.
* The physical geography of the country, particularly the relief, may
decrease the effectiveness of preventative measures.
* Countries where there is a regularity of tropical storms may be more
prepared than areas of the world where they are a less frequent and an
unexpected occurrence.
* The density of population may impact on effectiveness of response.
* There are examples of developed countries, e.g. Hurricane Katrina
in USA, where evidence of lack of preparedness and effectiveness of
response is less than would be expected. Bangladesh has proved to be a
success story where cyclone shelters and the use of radio TV and social
media means that there is a greater awareness. This has resulted in a
100% decrease in the number of deaths from tropical storms in the last
40 years.
State two effects of the earth’s revolution around the Sun on the pressure and wind belts. (2 marks)
The pressure belts move with the passage of the overhead sun (1). As the
wind belts move, places may experience a seasonal change in wind direction
Name two primary and two secondary effects of a tropical storm. (4 marks)
Primary – heavy rainfall causing flash flooding (1). Strong winds damaging
buildings (1). People drown or killed by falling debris (1) crops ruined (1).
Maximum of 2 marks.
Secondary – people are without essential services, e.g. water, electricity, for a long time (1). Transport disrupted with roads being blocked and flights cancelled (1). Emotional loss if a friend or family member died (1).
Maximum of 2 marks.
Explain two natural causes of climate change. (4 marks)
Changes in the Earth’s orbit, variations in the heat output of the sun, volcanic
For example: Changes in the Earth’s orbit (1). Earth’s passage around the sun changes from circular to elliptical, so the distance from the sun changes – when further away it is colder (1). The tilt of the sun in space changes over a long period changing the distance from the sun (1). The Earth can wobble in space causing changes to the Earth’s climate (1)
Evaluate the potential effects of climate change on people and the environment. (12 marks)
The command word ‘evaluate ‘ means that the answer needs to pick out the
good and bad effects of climate change and make a judgement based on the evidence presented. The effects on both people and the environment must be covered. The effects can be considered in either global or more localised
* The effects of rising sea levels can lead to population movement as
people are forced to move from their homes. Some islands will become
* Climate change causes more extreme weather. The warmer oceans make
tropical storms more frequent and extreme. Drought will become more
common, which affects agriculture and food supplies.
* When coupled with higher temperatures, heatwaves can harm peoples’
health. Droughts can lead to greater water insecurity.
* Coastal flooding becomes more common and could affect up to 30% of
the UK’s population that lie within 10 miles of the coast.
* New crops, which would have been impossible to grow in the past, can
now survive in the UK.
* There will be islands in the Pacific that could be drowned.
* Large stretches of coastline along the eastern side of North America and
east Asia will suffer from the threat of extreme weather.
* The area around Lake Chad in Africa and in central Asia will become
exposed to desertification and drought.
* Tropical storms will be a problem in the eastern Atlantic and Pacific
Oceans and neighbouring countries like USA and Japan.
* Large areas of ice in the Arctic will melt.
* Applies understanding to deconstruct information and provide logical connections
between concepts throughout. A balanced, well-developed argument that
synthesises relevant understanding coherently, leading to judgements that are
supported by evidence throughout. (AO3)
* Uses geographical skills to obtain accurate information that supports all aspects of
the argument. (AO4)
Explain one way in which GAC determines the location of high rainfall (low pressure) areas. (3 marks)
MARK 1: for identification of an area of low pressure eg ITCZ
MARK 2: for the mechanism of air rising eg warm/ cool air convergence at Ferrel/polar boundary
MARK 3: for the mechanism that created rain ( rising air= condensation= clouds)
Example answer:
The ITCZ is an area of low pressure with high rainfall totals (1). Here, warm air rises (1), cools and condenses to create clouds( 1).
Explain two reasons why tropical cyclones lose their energy. (4 marks)
- When they reach land (1), because they don’t have access to warm water anymore which was their power source (1)
- When they move into cooler water (1) cause they need temps of more than 2.5 C (1)
Describe how social media could be used to record the impact of a tropical
cyclone. (2 marks)
Identifies a type of item uploaded to social media, for example photos / videos. (1)
Identifies one or more social media platform(s), for example Facebook. (1)
Has idea of sharing information (1)
Explains how social media could be used to record the impact of cyclone damage (1)
Assess the view that coastal flooding is the main physical hazard caused by
tropical cyclones. (8 marks)