Exam Qs Flashcards
Define angle of incident?
Chord line and fuselage reference datum
Which Newton’s law describes function of jet engine?
Bernoulli states
When dynamic pressure increases static pressure decreases.
Angle of incidence also known as
Rigging angle
Angle of attack is between
Chord line and relative airflow
Which airfoil should create more lift at the same speed?
In forces acting on an airfoil where is the total reaction assumed to act from?
To generate the same amount of lift as altitude is increased, an airplane will be flown at?
A higher true airspeed for any given angle of attack.
Aspect ratio is expressed as?
Wing span over mean chord
The axis around which an aircraft rolls is called?
On a graph which line is the highest aspect ratio?
The highest
Taper is?
Reduction on chord length from wing root to tip
Decrease in rigging angle from root to tip is called?
What has higher aspect ratio, glider or F35
When does airflow turn from laminar to turbulent?
Transition point
Lift is only perpendicular to the chord line in level flight. True or false?
The rho symbol (p) best describes what?
Induced drag is lower on a/c that carry wing tip tanks or ECM pods?
Interference drag is mainly reduced by?
Fairings & internal stowage
Reduced airflow over the wing can lead to?
The a/c to stall
If AoA is constant but airspeed is doubled, the lift produced at the higher speed will be…
4 times greater than at the lower speed
Drag is opposite to?
Lift acts perpendicular to the relative airflow… and drag acts parallel and opposite to …flight path
Relative airflow, flight path
Form drag is mainly reduced by?
In rudder or elevator what enhances manoeuvrability?
Size, p, airspeed, deflection angle
Zero lift drag is the combination of…
Form, interference, surface friction drag
4 methods to reduce wing tip vortices
Winglets, taper, higher aspect ratio, washout
Lift dependent drag is lowest at a speed … than VMD
Lift dependant drag is made up of increments of zero lift drag and also induced… drag
Strong wing tip vortices can form due to an increase in…
Weight, AoA, chord length
As speed decreases in level flight below the speed for best lift/drag ratio, the total drag of a plane will…
Increase because of increased induced drag.
Which AoA gives best lift/drag ratio for a general purpose aircraft?
Washout is used to reduce wing tip stalling and…?
Vortex drag
Pitching is movement around which axis?
Lowering flaps will also lower the critical angle?
Lowering flaps will also lower critical angle?
Further affect of roll is?
When lowering slats lift will increase. Why else is true?
Allows higher critical angle
Improves low speed handling
Improves airflow in boundary layer
Slats or slots are usually located in front of the what?
Trim tabs work by being deflected in the … opposite … direction as the corresponding control surface is deflected.
What aids trim but can’t be adjusted from outside the cockpit?
Fixed tabs
Highly manoeuvrable a/c require heavy stick forces to protect it from being over stressed by the pilot?
Climbing for obstacle clearance is best achieved at…
Lower speed and excess thrust
To maintain altitude during a turn, the angle of attack must be increased to compensate for the decrease in the…
Vertical component of lift
A max rate climb depends on …
Absolute ceiling is reached when?
Engine power and thrust can’t deliver a sustainable climb rate
A …tail… wind will increase your gliding range
Which speed would give you the best gliding range?
3500ft, decent at 240kts etc etc
An increase in power will …reduce… the decent angle, …increases… the distance travelled over the ground and as such …increase… the range from a given altitude.
Reduces, increases, increase
Max turning performance achieved
Near sea level At the light buffet With minimum wing loading With maximum power/thrust Max permissible g loading
If airspeed is increased from 120-150kts during a level 60 degree banked turn, the load factor will…
Remain the same but the radius of turn will increase
A plane will stall at the same…
Angle of attack regardless of the attitude with relation to the horizon
Lowering flaps will …decrease… the stalling speed and …decrease… the critical angle of attack
Decrease decrease
If the a/c radius of turn is 1500’ at 120kts, what would the radius of turn be if TAS increased to 240kts?
The basic stall speed is the speed for an aircraft …weight…, throttle closed, flaps up, level flight.
Weight, closed, up, level
Stalling speed at 4g does what?
A reduction in weight requires less lift and subsequently the stall speed will increase
Weight, stall, increase
Which stability requires little input from the pilot to recover to previous flight condition?
The motion of a damped phugoid dynamic looks like?
A wave with reducing amplitudes
Lateral stability is achieved by the following design features?
Large fin, dihedral, high wing, sweep back
Longitudinal stability deals with roll, true or false?
Range endurance flying in a turbo prop is based on VIMD?
Range flying benefits from flying high, cold, increased IAS?
Flying for range we consider what equation?
VIMD x 1.32
When flying for max range consider?
Optimum rpm
Why demand higher RPM when flying for range?
Reducing density when flying higher
When flying for endurance you want to fly near the tropopause for cold air?
What option does a multi engine a/c have to operate at lower levels?
Shut down engines to force other to run at higher RPMs
For takeoff and landing consider?
Flight path and obstacles
Runway length
Flap setting
Can boundary control methods augment lift?
Slats and slots allow for better manoeuvrability by mainly…?
Adding extra energy across the chord length
Flaps when extended …decrease… the stall speed and …decrease… the critical angle
Decrease, decrease
Why is a propeller blade twisted?
To maintain an efficient AoA along the blade length
Increasing number of propellor blades is called?
In a constant speed propeller fine pitch can be described as …low gear… and is best for …takeoff and climb…
Low gear, take off and climb
A reduction in weight will require less lift and subsequently the landing speed will increase
Weight, landing, decrease