Exam Preps Flashcards
Install the Apache package. Allow it to get documents stored on NFS mounted directories.
# yum install -y httpd # firewall-cmd –permanent –add-service=http # firewall-cmd –reload # systemctl enable httpd # systemctl start httpd # getsebool -a | grep nfs | grep httpd # setsebool -P httpd_use_nfs on
Extend the existing xfs file system to a total size of 200MB and add a label called myFS.
# lvextend –size 200M -r /dev/vg/lv_xfs or # lvextend –size +100M -r /dev/vg/lv_xfs # umount /xfs # xfs_admin -L “myFS” /dev/vg/lv_xfs # mount /xfs
Create two users: john with uid/gid equal to 2000, password 12345678 and davis with uid/gid equal to 3000, password 87654321. Make davis‘ account validity stopping in one month.
# useradd -u 2000 john # passwd john New password: 12345678 # useradd -u 3000 davis # passwd davis New password: 87654321 # date -d “+1month” # usermod -e YYYY-MM-DD davis or # chage -E YYYY-MM-DD davis # chage -l davis
Allow davis (and only davis) to get full access to john‘s home directory.
setfacl -R -m u:davis:rwx /home/john
Create a directory named /common. Allow john and davis to share documents in the /common directory using a group called team. Both of them can read, write and remove documents from the other in this directory but any user not member of the group can’t.
# mkdir /common # groupadd -g 50000 team # chgrp team /common # chmod 2770 /common # usermod -aG team john # usermod -aG team davis
Create a xfs file system on a new logical volume of 100MB called lv_xfs. Mount it permanently with uuid under /xfs.
# lvcreate –size 100M –name lv_xfs /dev/vg # mkfs.xfs /dev/vg/lv_xfs # mkdir /xfs # blkid | grep lv_xfs >> /etc/fstab # vi /etc/fstab UUID=… /xfs xfs defaults 1 2 # mount -a
Write a Bash script called prog.sh in the /root directory that creates 40 files of 2MB each with the fallocate command in the mounted /xfs directory. Each file has got a name as follows: .file_N where N is a number from 1 to 40.
cd /root
vi prog.sh
cd /xfs N=40 while [ “$N” -gt 0 ] do fallocate -l 2M .file_$N N=`expr $N – 1` done ——————– # chmod u+x prog.sh # ./prog.sh
Create an ext4 file system on a new logical volume of 100MB called lv_ext4. Mount it permanently under the /ext4 directory. Copy the files previously created into this new space.
# lvcreate –size 100M –name lv_ext4 /dev/vg # mkfs.ext4 /dev/vg/lv_ext4 # mkdir /ext4 # vi /etc/fstab /dev/vg/lv_ext4 /ext4 ext4 defaults 1 2 # cp -p /xfs/.f* /ext4
Assign the same SELinux contexts used by the home directories to the /xfs directory permanently.
# yum install -y setroubleshoot-server # semanage fcontext -a -t user_home_t “/xfs(/.*)?” # restorecon -R /xfs
Configure a virtual console.
grubby –update-kernel=ALL –args=”console=ttyS0″
Create a logical volume of 200MB called lv_swap2 and add it permanently to the current swap space.
# lvcreate –size 200M –name lv_swap2 /dev/vg # mkswap /dev/vg/lv_swap2 # swapon /dev/vg/lv_swap2 vi /etc/fstab /dev/vg/lv_swap2 swap swap defaults 0 0
Create a cron job running as root, starting at 11PM every day and writing a report on daily system resource consumption in the /var/log/consumption.log file.
# crontab -e 00 23 * * * /usr/bin/sar -A > /var/log/consumption.log
Set the default target to boot into X Window level (previously level 5).
systemctl set-default graphical.target
Change the hostname to mycentos.example.com
hostnamectl set-hostname mycentos.example.com