Exam Preparation Deck Flashcards
How can any qubit state be represented by two angles, \phi and \theta?
How do you express matrix M into a linear sum of outer products?
How can you retrieve the (i,j)-th entry from matrix M?
Define the tensor product of two matrices A and B.
How do you change the basis of a vector from standard i to another orthonormal one, say u_i?
Suppose U is the change of basis matrix from i to u_i.
Suppose matrix A is in basis i. How do you change its basis to u_i?
How can you approximate any unitary operation?
Any unitary operation can be approximated to any required degree of accuracy using only gates from the set {CNOT, H, T}.
What is a quantum black box?
Describe Deutsch’s algorithm.
Maps x, y to x, y + f(x).
Describe BB84 protocol.
How can Alice generate a shared key with Bob securely?
Define Bell State \beta_{z,x}
How can you prepare a Bell State (z,x) from computational basis?
Illustrate how superdense coding works.
How can you get two bits of information from one entangled qubit?
Suppose Alice has a state \phi. How can she teleport the state to Bob, assuming that they share a EPR pair?
Draw out the circuit diagram for Grover’s algorithm.
Clearly define the gates used.
V is known as the phase oracle, which only flips basis vector a.
So it has form I - 2|a>
Describe a quantum routine that finds factors of number N.
Find a concise way of describing the n-bit Quantum Fourier Transform.