Scientists began exporing Psychology in the
When did the focus of Psychology shift to fundamental Questions
Established first lab of Psychology in Leipzig 1879, Studied Reaction time to sounds and movement speed
Willhelm Wundt
Student of Wundt, Founded Structuralism at Cornell in 1892, focused on introspection
Edward Titchener
Known for functionalism. purpose over function of mental process. Principles of Psychology was a book that he published in 1890
William James
Popularized Psychology, subconscious, repression, and psychoanalysis. Made Psychology mainstream
Sigmund Freud
Movement that made Psychology a more scientific process by focusing on observable behaviors. Research (1920s)
Movement that led to the new tools like EEGs, and fMRIS. (1970s)
The Cognitive Revolution
Name the 4 levels of Psychology
Biological, Individual, Group, Societal
What was Phlegm Associated with
What was Sanguine Associated with
Hydraulic Theories of the Brain
Changes in pressure led to communication
Early theory was that the soul had___
“Are the mind and body separate, or are they the same
Mind body problem
Who named Neurons
Heinrich Wilhelm Waldeyer
Who proposed that neurons had gaps in between them and that the mind is directed through individual cells
Santiago Ramon y Cajal
What technique made Neurons visible for the first time (1873)
Golgi Staining Technique
How many Neurons does the human body have
80-100 Billion
What part of the neuron receives signals
What part of the Neuron has the signal travel down it
Chemicals that can either excite of inhibit another nueron
signal goes to the next neuron
reduce likelyhood of signal
Signals that are propagated along the axon and transmit information
Action potential
Resting membrane potential is around
-70 millivolts
what pumps the ions across the channel
the sodium potassium pump
Channel that is open when a neurotransmitter bind to them
Ligand-Gated Channels
Channel that opens in response to physical touch
Mechanically gated channels
minimum change for action potential to occur
-55 millivolts
Are some neurotransmitters recycled
The heroes of the nervous system, remove waste, synch neuron activity, and insulate the neurons
Gilal Cells
Neurotransmitters involved in reward systems
Schizophrenia and Hallucinations
Excessive Dopamine
Can cause Parkinson’s disease
Dopamine Deficiency
Neurotransmitter that deals with mood regulation, emotional stability, and is used by many antidepressants
What is the CNS composed of
the brain and the spinal cord
What is the PNS supposed to do
communication between the brain, organs and limbs
Lobe of the brain that processes sense of touch
Parietal Lobe
Lobe that Plays a key role in decision making and problem solving
Frontal Lobe
Lobe of the brain that is associated with creativity
Right Temporal Lobe
Lobe of the brain that is associated with more logical thought
Left Temporal Lobe
Why was Phineas gage famous
survived an accident where a rod went through his prefrontal cortex
Speech: area assocated with language comprehension
Speech, involved in motor processes for speech production
Broca’s area
Who attemped to map out the brian by electically stimulating parts of it searching for the location of memory
Wilder Penfield
Involves brief electrical stimulation of the brain to treat certain mental disorders, such as severe depression.
Electro Convulsive Therapy
Scan that uses radioactive isotopes to track where blood is pooling in the brain
PET Scan