Exam Prep GP Flashcards
Evolução da GP
1º Admnistrativa
2º Técnica da gestão
3º dimensão / formatação estratégica
Transformações na empresa que tem impacto na GP
- mudanças organizacionais como internacionalização, pressões para sustentabilidade, intensificação da competição
- Gestão inclusiva de diversidades ex. mudanças geracionais, envelhecimento da forma de trabalho, internacionalização e multiculturidade
- mudanças e revoluções tecnológicas
- pandemia
Qual a função da GP
A função da GP é atrair, manter, dinamizar e desenvolver as pessoas de acordo com as suas competÊncias e alinhado com os objetivos da empresa.
Boa gestão das pessoas
São as práticas que são congruentes com a estratégia da organização (ambição, missão e valores)
É definir a missão, a nossa função, quais os valores que queremos incutir, seguir e alcançar .
Deve se atrair as pessoas que se adquam aos objetivos e estratégia da empresa.
Atitudes que se deve ter:
Attitude to risk & failure
Open conversation
Atitudes que se deve ter:
Attitude to risk & failure
Open conversation
Willingness to help
Inclusivity & diversity
5 Dinâmicas dentro da empresa
1 Segurança Psicológica ( a mais importante )
2 Confiabilidade
3 Estrutura e Clareza
4 Importância - o trabalho é importante para os membros da equipa
5 Impacto - acreditam que o seu trabalho importa e criam a mudança
psychological safety
“the assurance that one
can speak up, offer ideas, point out problems,
or deliver bad news without fear of
retribution can lead to disastrous results.”
Relação entre Segurança psicológica e
Responsabilidade pelo cumprimento de metas exigentes
Confort Zone
Apathy zone
Anxiety Zone
Learning zone - most important
Confort Zone
SP Alta e R Baixa
Gostam de trabalhar uns com os outros mas não se sentem desafiados. Nem trabalhar really hard work.
ex. Empresas familiares e pequenas consultorias
Apathy zone
Low, Low
As pessoas tendem a ser apáticas e passam maioria do tempo a disputar pela posição.
Tipical on grandes empresas, não há muita partilha de ideas
Learning Zone +++
High, High
O focus é colaboração e aprendizagem para que haja High performance outcomes. Melhores resultados.
Anxiety Zone
Segurança psicológica é baixa, R alta
Pessoas tem medo de contribuir com ideias, de falar a sua opinião,…
Bancos de investimento, altas consultoras.
Gig Workers
“gig workers are mostly working on a part-time basis as a way to earn supplementary income”
Workforce system
A local workforce system is a set of organizations and activities that prepares people for employment, helps workers advance in their careers, and seeks to build a skilled workforce to support employers and the local economy.
analise e design da função
work analisys, job design, job descriptions
Recrutamento e Seleção
Recrutar, job postings, entrevistas, testing, coordinating use of temporary labor
Tranning and development
orientar, skill trainning, career development programs
performance management
Performance measures, avalisações de performance, discipline
compensation and benefits
wage and salary, pag incentivos, insurance, vacations, retirement plans, profit sharing, stock plans
employee relations
atittude surveys, labor relations, employee handbooks, company publications, labor law, relocations and … services
Personnel policies
policy creation, policy communication
employee data and information systems
record keeping, HR information systems, workforce analytics
Support for strategy
human resource for planning and and forecasting, talent management, change management
Job analysis VS job design
Job Analysis (≠Job description)
The process of getting detailed information about jobs.
Descrever detalhadamente.
Útil para: Recruitment, Selection, Training & development
Anúncio na net.
Job Design
The process of defining the way work will be performed and the tasks that a given job requires.
Definir as tarefas de cada job.
Job analysis Vs Person Specification VS Job description
Person spef.
- skills que a pessoa percisa de ter para o cargo
Job análise
- o que a pessoa faz, para que, com quem trabalha, … toda a descrição do seu trabalho
Job description
- funções que a pessoa tem de desempenhar no cargo, ex. build and maintain relationships w customers, or hire, motivate,…
Job analysis onde se usa?
- Processo de recrutamento e seleção
- training and development: precisamos de saber o que a pessoa tem de fazer para saber qual o tranning que ela deve de ter, para que seja useful no exercício da função.
Job Design - challenge?
Como Desenhar jobs motivadores e importantes?
Teste de: Hackman & Oldham’s
Job Characteristics Model
Hackman & Oldham’s
Job Characteristics Model
Psychological states:
- Sense of meaningful work
- Responsibility for outcomes
- Knowledge of results
* High intrinsic motivation
* High job performance
* High job satisfaction
* Low absenteeism & turnover
Job advertisement?
The process through which the
organization seeks applicants for
potential employment.
Personality test?
Recommendation letter?
The process by which the organization
attempts to identify applicants with the
necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, and
other characteristics that will help the
organization achieve its goals.
A planned effort to enable employees
to learn job related knowledge, skills,
and behavior
Aprender a desenvolver a sua função
The acquisition of knowledge, skills,
and behaviors that improve an
employee’s ability to meet changes in
job requirements and in customer
alterações nas requisitos da função
What skills and competencies must
a HR manager have?
Práticas Éticas - confidencialidade
Aceitar a inclusão - culturas diversas
comunicação eficiente; promover feedback constructivo
Organizational Leadership - Comportamentos de acordo com a cultura da empresa
Consultoria - develops consultation and coaching skills
relationships management - gerir as relações dentro da empresa para garantir o alinhamento entre as ações do RH com os objetivos da empresa. garantir o sucesso organizacional.
HR expertise and practice - Aplicar os conhecimentos de GRH para o sucesso da organização
- law and regulations
Business - capaz de perceber as funções e as métricas da empresa e ao nível da indústria
critical evaluation - avaliar a eficácia das decisões
All managers, not just human resource
professionals, participate in the activities
related to human resource management
Gallups 12Q
Nível de workers who are actively engaged
Dimensões de RH
Behavior of Human Capital (motivation, effort)
Organizational performance
- quality
- profitability
- customer satisfaction
Type of human capital
- training
- experience
- judgment
- intelligence
- relationships
- insight
Why are exit interviews important?
Why are “stay” interviews (to long tenured employees) important?
Why does promoting from within contribute to retain employees?
Why is it important to communicate the business’s mission?
Why is it important to make sure employees know what it is expect from them?
Who does carry out these activities?
Culture fit
why is flexible work importante
Two approaches (among others) underpinning
- Resource based view
(Penrose, 1959; Wernerfelt , 1984; Barney, 1991; Boxall & Purcell, - Strategic fit
Two approaches (among others) underpinning
- Resource based view
(Penrose, 1959; Wernerfelt , 1984; Barney, 1991; Boxall & Purcell, - Strategic fit
- Resource based view
A company has competitive advantage when it is implementing a strategy not
adopted by other (current or potential) companies and that those companies are
not able to duplicate.
This happens when resources are valuable, rare, inimitable and non substitutable.
implmenta uma estrategia não usada por outras e as outras não conseguem duplicar.
Rare - unico
Inimitable - fonte de vantagem competitiva se outras firms não conseguirem usar
Non substitutable - should not be able to be
replaced by any other strategically equivalent valuable resources resources.
Managing HR (people) today means developing
- Intelectual / human capital
Experiência, skills, educação, conhecimento, ideias - Social capital
Networking, relações, amigos - Capital psicológico
confiança, esperança, otimismo
Tradicional economic capital
- finanças
- ativos tangíveis
como desenvolver o Psycap Capital Psicológico
Give the employee opportunities to experience success.
Help the employee to set challenging, achievable, concrete and specific goals.
Provide the employee with a mentor.
Help the employee to learn with relevant role models.
Tell success stories about how goals were attained.
Help the employee to develop ‘imaginal experiences’ (the employee imagines him/herself succeeding in effectively dealing with difficult situations and challenges).
Provide positive feedback.
Help the employee to set challenging, achievable, concrete and specific goals.
Break down complex, difficult or long term goals into
manageable sub goals (i.e., ‘stepping’) →‘small
Provide opportunities for the employee to participate in decision making.
Show confidence in employees and treat them ‘as if they are going to succeed’.
Help the employee to ‘re goal’ when he/she faces absolute goal blockages, thus helping him/her to avoid the trap of ‘false hope’.
- Healthcare benefits
- training and development
- Provide ‘human moments’ to the employee.
- Create conditions for people to rest and ‘recharge’.
- strategic fit
Congruence between HRM and business strategy within the context of its internal and external environment
The strategic HR planning process
- Assessing the current HR capacity (individuals; teams; units; organization)
- Forecasting HR requirements
- Gap analysis
- Developing HR strategies to support organizational strategies
Gap analysis
Analisar a atual situação da capacidade dos RH VS Previsão dos RH requisitos
= GAP -> Desenvolver estratégia de RH que apoiem as estratégias organizacionais (alinhamento)
Análise das corrente capacidade dos RH
Necessidade de identificar o conhecimento, skills e abilidades do staff atual.
Desenvolver um inventário de skills que precisam de ser desenvolvidas, com base nos resultados, por cada funcionário, equipa…
The knowledge, skills and abilities of your current staff need to be identified.
Developing a skills inventory for each employee, team, unit…
forecasting HR requirements
How many staff will be required to achieve the strategic goals of the organization?
What jobs will need to be filled?
What skill sets will people need?
How does the current economy affect our ability to attract new employees?
How do current technological or cultural shifts impact the way we work and the
skilled labor we need?
What changes are occurring in the labor market?
How is our community changing or expected to change in the near future?
O estado atual da empresa e análise do queue precisa de ser desenvolvido / trabalhado?
- Gap analysis
What new jobs will we need?
What new skills will be required?
Have our current employees the required skills?
Are employees currently in positions that use their strengths?
Have we enough managers/supervisors? With the required skills?
Are current HR management practices adequate for future needs?
Perceber se as lacunas atuais se encontram preenchidas. Perceber se o GAP diminui ou aumentou e reajustar a estratégia.
- Developing HR strategies to support organizational
4.1. Restructuring strategies
4.2. Training and development strategies
4.3. Outsourcing strategies
4.4. Collaboration strategies
4.5. Recruitment strategies
- Flexibilidade is the key!