Exam prep Flashcards
Personal property
Anything that can be picked up and moved under ownership
Real property
Anything that cannot be moved and is a part of the land. (Cannot be moved without modifying parcel)
The term for the written document that is being transferred from one party to another
The measurement of distance between 2 objects. Measured with straight lines regardless of what’s in between them
Less specific than metes, bounds is a measurement between noN permanent objects such as a rock or tree
An area defined by the intersection of parallel and perpendicular lines. An individual plat of survey.
is an individual piece of land which is intended to be conveyed in its entirety to a buyer
Government survey
a survey made by a governmental entity of tracts of land including townships, sections and quarter sections of land
Rentable space
The measurement of square footage in 1 unit also including the square footage of commons areas
Common areas
Areas in a multi family dwelling that allows usage of all tenants (laundry, lobby, etc)
Usable space
the entire home or apartment. This space is wall to wall with all interior spaces included.
The (English) acre is a unit of area equal to 43,560 square feet, or 10 square chains, or 160 square poles. A square mile is 640 acres.
Unit of length and area used in France, Louisiana and Canada. As a unit of length, an arpent is approximately 191.8 feet.
Gunter’s Chain
Unit of length equal to 66 feet, or four poles.
Metric unit of area equal to 10,000 square meters, or 2.471 acres.
Unit of length and area. Also known as a perch or rod. As a unit of length, equal to 16.5 feet. As a unit of area, equal to a square with sides one pole long. An acre is 160 square poles.
Water right
Land that’s adjacent to a body of water normally carries with it certain rights relative to that body of water
Littoral rights
the rights commonly granted to owners of property that border a bay, a large lake, the ocean, or a sea. Owners of property abutting such bodies of water have an unrestricted right to use the water and ownership of the land up to the average or mean high water mark.
Riparian rights
the rights of property owners who own land abutting rivers and streams.
Watering rights
In agricultural areas, rights to water may be controlled by special agreement between property owners. In addition, where water is scarce, the doctrine of prior appropriation may apply.
doctrine of prior appropriation
state-specific and may be used in states where water resources are limited. It basically places the right to control water resources in the hands of the state rather than individual property owners. (California. )
Air rights
unlimited right of ownership of the airspace above her land up to infinity; however, these rights may not interfere with aircraft traffic.