Exam prep Flashcards
What is the difference between Orchestrion and Choreography?
Orchestrion is the coordination of multiple services through a mediator. On the other hand with Choreography the services talk to each other.
What is a sidecar in microservices?
Its a tool for upgrading multiple components at ones. If you update the sidecar all these components update based on the sidecar.
What are the two primary topologies in event driven architecture?
Broker and Mediator.
What is “Information Hiding” in SA design principles?
An external part has no access directly to a models data. It can only be accessed through an API(getters and setters). Also called encapsulation.
What is “Cohesion” in SA design principles?
It relates to the degree which the elements inside a module belong together.
They can be ranked.
What is “Separation of Concern” in SA design principles?
Separating features into distinct artifacts to make it easier for developers to find the code and maintain it. Also called Cohesion.
What is “Single Responsibility” in SA design principles?
It states that objects should have only one responsibility and that they should have only one reason to change. It is a principle from OOP. Adding new classes are safer than changing existing. It is a special case of Separation of Concern.
What is “Reusability” in SA design principles and how do you make it more reusable?
Modularization, Visible variable features, cohesion and loose coupling
What is ADD?
Attribute-Driven Design is an iterative method and is supposed to help with:
-Choose a part to design
-Rationalize the ASRs for that part.
-Create and test a design for that part
What is ATAM?
Architecture Trade-Off Analysis Method is a method for evaluating software architectures relative to quality attribute goals.
What is the most important way to measure software complexity?
CC: Cyclomatic Complexity, a metric measurement of the number of linearly independant paths through a programs spurce code. Not need to know but formula is CC=E-N+2, edges minus nodes +2
What are the four steps of ATAM?
Gather scenarios and requirements.
Architectural views and scenario realization
Model Building and analyzes
What is a sensitivity point?
A parameter of the architecture to which some quality attribute is highly related.
What is a trade-off point?
An architecture decision that affects multiple quality attributes in opposite direction.
What is the ATAM conceptual flow of business?
Identify Business drivers, get quality attributes from drivers, write scenarios from attributes.
What is the ATAM conceptual flow of architecture?
Identify architectural plan, find architectural approaches, make architectural decisions.
What is blockchain technology?
A P2P architecture style.
What are the three levels of p2p architectures mentioned in blockchains?
Mediated: uses one central server for rules and control but also p2p
Pure: No server, only p2p
Hybrid: uses servers for rules and control but also p2p