Exam Practice Flashcards
What is post-mortem hypostasis (livores)
Blood and lymph appears in lowest part of body and shine through the skin
In death from hypothermia, round-oval, small red hemorrhages in gastric mucosa are called
Vischnevsk’s gastric lesions
Male corpse found under collapsed wall at construction site, multiple rib fractures, cyanosis of face and neck, bruising of tongue. Likely cause?
Compressive Asphyxia
Pedestrian trauma mechanism in RTA injuries with a car?
bumper to lower limbs, body rotation, body pushed back on road surface
Skin abrasion, elevated scab (above level of surrounding skin), edges partially separated. How old is injury?
More than 9-14 days
Correct statements about immunohistochemical reactions…
Antigen antibody binding occurs during this reaction
Snap frozen micro sections applied to perform reactions
Correct statement about TNM
TNM determines extent of neoplasm
Tissue material for scheduled pathology testing is contained in:
cointainer with formalin solution
Tissue material for urgent intra-operative biopsy is contained in:
Empty container
Drunk woman falls onto knees, knee is painful on palpation and during active movements. Extent of health impairment?
Definition of forensic medicine
Independent science of medicine, analysing problems of medicine and biology in juridical practice
Incorrect statement about TNM
It is a constant, nonchanging classification
Who fills in death certificate in hospital setting 106/a
supervising doctor
Correct statements about subcutaneous hemorrhage?
Not always just in impact area, depends on many factors
What technical electric current depends on
All correct: thermal exposure, mechanical effects, special effects
Cause of death in ethanol intoxication
All correct: aspiration, respiratory centre paralysis/acute heart failure, various injuries
Objective morphological sign of strangular asphyxia
Strangulation mark
Typical colour for CO intoxication?
Bright red
Man involved in conflict and hit on the eye, nose broken, big purple bruise. Health impairment?
Morphological features of incised wounds
All correct, long wound on skin, linear shape, regular margins, V-shaped ends
Objective indication person was alive at time of fire is
Objects of medico-legal investigation
The dead, medical docs, the living, material and fluids from organism
Typical fracture in bumper impact
Wedge-shaped tibia bone fracture
Biopsy/surgical material testing duration can be prolonged as a result of these circumstances, except prolonged fixation when tissue material is kept in:
Physiological solution
Morphological features typical for EPIDURAL hemorrhage?
Hemorrhage on same side as skull fracture, injured meningial branches
TNM classification stages pTis, means
malignant neoplasm non-invasive
Which of the following pathology testing methods are not compulsory for all biopsy materials?
Immunohistochemical reactions
Decalcification procedure
Considering the Lithuanian legal system regulations, the most likely indication for forensic (legal) autopsy is:
Sudden or unexpected death
What are real early post-mortem changes
Post mortem hypostasis (livores), stagnation (rigor mortis), Pergamentatio
A linear wound is observed on left side of the chest, midline of the clavicle, level of IV rib. Transverse 1.5 cm long, the inner end is blunt, the outer end is pointed, the edges of the wound are smooth, not scratched, the depth of the wound canal is 8 cm, plural cavity. What kind of wound is this?
Perforating stub-cut wound
Which of presented testing methods is not applied in molecular pathology?
Direct immunofluorescence
Considering the Lithuanian legal healthcare system regulations, what are the indications for pathology (clinical) autopsy?
Death after interventions: surgery, diagnostic, treatment
Which of the presented histological testing methods require snap freezing in cryostat?
Detection of connective tissue fibers
Which of presented histological testing method require embedding into paraffin?
Detection of lipids
Morphological features are typical for traumatic SUBDURAL hemorrhage?
Maybe above one or both hemispheres, +/- skull fractures, bleeding from parasagittal vein or contusive focus in brain
Histochemical methods are helpful in determining:
type of connective tissue fibers
A wound consists of regular round oval skin defect with soiled edges, abrasion rim and radial skin cracks. What kind of wound is this?
Gunshot entrance wound in close range
Considering Lithuanian legal and health system recommendations, a post-mortem examination can be performed by: (select one or more)
Forensic medicine dr
Doctor pathologist
Occiput, level of the outer occipital tubercle and 4 cm to the right of the midline, a linear 5 cm long up to 1 cm deep wound is observed. The ends of which are blunt at 11 and 5 o’clock, the edges scratched 1 cm wide, crushed, with tissue bridges (bridging fibers). What kind of wound is this?
Patient with lung cancer, four pieces of affected tissue from left lower segment bronchial wall obtained. Biopsy SAMPLE type?
Endoscopic biopsy
Patient with lung cancer, when characterizing the object which is being sent, you will
fragments & where it was obtained from
Patient with lung cancer, consider paragraph of previous morphology testing history, you will send
all previous morphological test results
Patient with lung cancer, considering paragraph of essential clinical data, you will:
indicate about radiological test results
Recommendations in Lithuania, indicate likely chronological order of the legal actions presented above:
2 Fill info card: ID and attach to corpse.
3 Filling in clinical history (form no 003/a)
1 Inform relatives or representative of the deceased
4 Discussion about post-mortem examination