Exam Pearls Flashcards
Most common swallowed object?
Most common aspirated object?
Most common patient population to swallow foreign bodies?
Kids (80%)
Two common sites of esophageal obstruction?
Cricopharyngeus muscle (right chest) GE junction (left chest)
Most common cause of Boerhaave’s syndrome?
Retching from EtOH
Cap Medusa, dilated veins
Mallory Weiss tear
Most common cause of alkali esophageal injuries?
Most common in Asia, Africa, and Iran?
Esophageal cancer
Makes up 60% of esophageal cancer in the US?
Most common hiatal hernia?
Sliding Type 1 (85%)
Very very bad halitosis or regurgitation of undigested food?
Zenker’s Diverticulum
Pathogen that causes gastric ulcers?
H. pylori
Hypersecretion of gastric acid tumor?
Zollinger- Ellison Syndrome
Fasting pain in the epigastric region, better with food and antacids
Duodenal ulcer
Young infant, with hollow pit in stomach and projectile vomiting?
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
Olive pit in epigastrium
Pyloric stenosis
What are the Rule of 2s?
2% of the population
2 tissue types (gastric or pancreatic)
2 feet from the ileocecal valve
What does the Rule of 2’s apply to?
Meckels Diverticulum
If a person has “unusual dietary habits” they mostly can get ?
What the 3 types of bariatric surgeries?
Gastric banding
Sleeve gastrectomy
What is the most common type of gastric bypass?
sleeve gastrectomy
Most common cause of small bowel obstruction from prior surgery?
Most common cause of small bowel obstruction world wide?
incarcerated hernia
Uncommon source of obstruction in SB?
Small bowel cancer
Mouth to anus, Cobblestone, skip lesions, transmural
Crohn’s disease
Positive Psoas sign?
What scoring is used for appendicitis?
Alvarado’s score
What does MANTRELS stand for?
Migration to R iliac fossa Anorexia Nausea/Vomiting Tenderness in R illac fossa Rebound pain Elevated temp (fever) Leukocytosis Shift of leukocytes to left
McBurney incision?
appendicitis (open)
What is the most common risk associated with appendicitis?
What 3 rare pathologies are associated with appendicitis?
inflammation of the gall bladder
gall bladder removal
stone in the gall bladder
bile duct
stones in the bile duct
Fat, Fair, Forty, Female?
Most gallstones are made of?
Imaging of choice for gallstones?
A fracture through C2?
Necrosis around the umbilical cord?
A good prognosis factor in acute pancreatitis?
What vaccine should be given after a splenectomy?
When should OPSI vaccine be given in a elective splenectomy?
2 wks prior to surgery
Diagnostic and therapeutic for choledocholithaisis?
Most common cause of acute pancreatitis?
Persistent hypoglycemia and elevated insulin level?
What occurence is expected after a splenectomy?
A 4ym, admitted for grade 2 spleen injury remains HDS with benign exam overnight, what is preffered txt?
Pouch which involves all layers of the bowel wall
Pouch which only involves the outer layer?
Diverticula present
Inflammation of diverticula
What is a common complication of diverticulosis not found in acute diverticulitis?
diverticular bleeding
What is the most common cause of colonic hemorrhage?
Benign abdomen (asymptomatic) w/ massive bleeding?
How does the bleeding stop in diverticulosis?
stops spontaneously (90%)
What is the treatment for diverticulosis?
admit, resuscitate, NPO
What 3 things allows for a benign course of diverticulosis?
High fiber diet
Statin use
What causes the bleeding in diverticulosis?
vessels that perforate the bowel wall, intracolonic pressure pushes the mucosa out through where the vessels emerge
Patient presents with LLQ pain and tenderness, mass or phlegmon?
What imaging is done for diverticulitis?
KUB, CT with rectal and oral contrast
Which imaging should be AVOID! in diverticulitis?
What is the txt for diverticulitis?
admin, resuscitation, broad spectrum IV abx
What is the txt for outpatient diverticulitis
metronidazole + fluoroquinolone for 10-14 days
When can a colonoscopy be safely performed in diverticulitis?
6-8 weeks later for cancer screening
What are 2 complications of diverticulitis?
Diverticular abscess, colo-vesicle fistula
A patient with diverticulitis, now has fever, chills, sweats, and sepsis?
Diverticular abscess
What is the txt for diverticular abscess?
percutaneous drainage
A pt with diverticulitis, now has pneumouria, and recurrent UTI?
Colo-vesicle fistula
What is the txt for colo-vesicle fistula?
segmental colectomy and bladder repair
What is the 2 surgical txt for diverticulitis?
Segmental resection w/ anastomosis OR
Segmental colectomy with diversion (colostomy)
Where does lower GI bleeds start?
below Ligament of Treitz
T/F Lower GI bleeds are painful?
What diagnostic test are used for LGI bleeds?
Fecal Occult Blood (FOBT)
NGT suction/ EGD
What is the txt for Lower GI bleed?
admin, resuscitation
What are 3 surgical considerations for LGI bleed?
Patient deteriorates
Persistent bleeding (>3 U PRBC)
Recurrent bleeding
How can you determine where a LGI bleed is coming from prior to surgery?
Mesenteric angiogram
Most common colorectal cancer?
What are Risk factors for colorectal cancer?
Adenomatous polyp Villous polyp UC and Crohn's Hereditary non-polyposis Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
When does colorectal cancer screening start?
at 40 (50) or 10 years prior to dx in a first degree relative
Autosomal dominant, almost 100% risk of colorectal cancer lesions at 40yr
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
Most common cause of colon obstruction?
colorectal cancer
Most common side of colon cancer?
Pt has tenesmus the need to have a bm but can’t evacuate?
rectal cancer
Where does colon cancer commonly mets?
Iron deficiency anemia in patients is what until proven otherwise?
colon cancer
What is curative resection?
removes all tumor and nodes prior to mets
What is palliative resection?
remove tumor burden to avoid obstruction and bleeding
What prophylactic can be done in pts w/ familial polyposis?
a colectomy
What are the stages of colon cancer?
Stage 0- Stage IV
What is the most common cause of colon obstruction?
colon cancer
T/F a pt w/ a colon obstruction CAN’T pass stool but may pass flatus initially?
Can be both diagnostic and therapeutic for a colon obstruction?
Barium enema
Apple core lesion is highly suggestive for?
colon cancer
Twisting of cecal or sigmoid colon?
Presents in children, with massive amounts of stool in dilated colon?
Arthritis, iritis, erythema nodosum, liver dysfunction is associated with?
Ulcerative colitis
Limited to colon (cecum to rectum) and contiguous, with bloody diarrhea
Ulcerative colitis
Where are internal hemorrhoids located?
above dentate line are NOT innervated by sensory nerves (painless)
Where are external hemorrhoids located?
below dentate line and ARE innervated by sensory nerves (painful)
What can be used to identify internal hemorrhoids?
Txt for hemorrhoids?
stool softener (colace, metamuicil)
sitz bath
Topical anesthetic-lidocaine jelly 2%
What surgical procedure is contraindicated for external hemorrhoids?
rubber band ligation
What surgical txt can be used for thrombosed hemorrhoids?
incise and drain
Sentinel tag, painful ulcer or slit-like opening on anus?
anal fissure
Txt for anal fissure?
stool softener, sitz baths, topical anesthetics, surgery
Very sick pt, pelvic/posterior heaviness, and septic shock?
PeriRECTAL (ischio-rectal) abscess
Txt for perirectal abscess?
“Never let the sun go down on a ???
periRECTAL abscess
Tender, fluctuant mass on the anal verge?
perianal abscess
Txt for perianal abscess?
Truck driver, a pilot presents with a raised pit in the gluteal cleft that has tracts of hair?
pilonidal disease
Txt for pilonidal disease?
bascom cleft lift
Txt for rectal foreign body?
peri-anal block anesthesia
RLQ, Periumbilical pain, n/v?
pain may slightly improve, but it will not completely resolve and will soon become consistent with perionitis?
perforation of appendix
Imaging used for appendicitis?
MRI (children)
US (preggo)
What IV abx are used to treat appendicitis?
2nd or 3rd gen cephalosporin w/ Metronidazole
If a pregnant woman has appendicitis is a appendectomy still needed?
What are the 2 types of perforations?
Generalized peritonitis
Localized abscess
What is the treatment for a generalized perforated appendix?
Operate ASAP!!
What is the treatment for a localized perforated appendix?
abx and percutaneous drainage then appendectomy (after 6 wks)
What is the overall goal of treating appendicitis early?
prevent septic shock and perforation
Whom has a higher rate of appendix perforation due to a delay in diagnosis?
children, developmentally delayed and elderly
Inguinal hernia originates where?
above the inguinal ligament
Femoral hernia originates where?
below the inguinal ligament
Incarcerated hernia are?
Strangulated hernia’s are?
incarcerated and ischemic
Where are indirect inguinal hernia’s located?
internal inguinal ring and are lateral to the inferior epigastric artery
Where are direct inguinal hernia’s located?
through Hesselbach’s triangle
What makes up Hesselbach’s triangle?
inguinal ligament inferiorly, inferior epigastric vessel lateral and rectus muscle medially
Where is the femoral hernia located?
empty space at the medial aspect of femoral canal, inferior to inguinal ligament
What causes a congenital hernia?
patent processus vaginalis
Most common hernia in both sexes?
indirect inguinal (congental) hernia
What imaging confirms a hernia?
What is the first imaging done for a hernia?
What surgical repair i done for a bilateral hernia?
What surgical repair is doen for a unilateral hernia?
then Laparoscopic if failed
What causes a direct inguinal hernia?
Acquired weakened floor of inguinal canal
What is placed over the inguinal canal to reinforce the floor?
Hernia more common in women?
femoral hernia
What makes up the femoral triangle?
Inguinal ligament
Adductor longus
What symptom is seen in a femoral hernia as opposed to the others?
Not a true hernia?
Sports hernia and Diastasis recti
What are 3 indications for sport’s hernia?
lifestyle limiting pain
failure of conservative tx > 8wks
Exclusion of other dx
Fluid filled sac next to testis, and it transilluminates?
Acute onset testicular pain, associated w/ prostatitis or vasectomy?
Txt for epididymitis in young men?
scrotal support and abx for STI
TX for epididymitis in older men?
scrotal support, abx for gm neg rods
Fluid fill mass attached to epididymis, non tender?
Imaging and txt for a spermatocele?
US and surgery
“Bag of worms”?
Txt for varicocele?
surgery for infertility
solid painless firm non-tender mass on testicle?
Testicular cancer
Imaging for testicular cancer?
Extreme testicular pain, n/v, sweating after strenous activity?
testicular torsion
Imaging for testicular torsion?
Urgent US w/ Doppler
Txt for testicular torsion?
orchiopexy if viable
Orchiectomy if not
Protrusion through the linea alba above the umbilicus?
Epigastric hernia
Nontender mass, normally easily reducible, no ileus or obstruction?
Epigastric hernia
Txt for epigastric hernia?
routine surgery or abdominal corset
When does a umbilical hernia close in a newborn/child?
prior to school age
When is a umbilical hernia needed for surgery in a child?
at age 5 if it persists
T/F Children umbilical hernia are rare to incarcerate?
T/F Adults umbilical hernia may incarcerate?
Herniation through previous operative site?
incisional hernia
Dehiscence through the facial closure w/ intact skin?
incisional hernia
Yellow-pink (salmon) colored fluid indicates?
Wound dehiscence (peritoneal fluid)
Txt for a wound dehiscence?
Surgery ASAP for fascial closure
Txt for acute fascial dehiscence?
Urgent surgical evaluation
Txt for delayed fascial dehiscence?
routine surgery