exam/paper questions Flashcards
Do you need to round the amount of template DNA in determining volumes for PCR?
During denaturation what is the temperature used and the state of DNA?
Temperature- 94 or 95ºC
DNA- single stranded
During annealing what is the temperature used and the state of DNA?
Temperature- 52-65ºC
DNA- ds/ss hybrid
During elongation what is the temperature used and the state of DNA?
Temperature- 72ºC
DNA- double stranded
When performing dilutions what glassware do you use for mixing/dissolving?
Beaker or e. flask
When performing dilutions which glassware do you use to fill to final volume?
Graduates cylinder
Do you need to round GC content?
What is the function of the positive control in PCR?
To ensure that the assay components are working, tap, primers.
If you had a restriction enzyme that cut at 2 positions how many bands would present on homozygous D/R and heterozygous individuals in PCR?
Homozygous dominant- both strands have cut positions - 3 bands
Homozygous recessive- neither strand has a cut position - 1 band
Heterozygous- one band has cut positions, other doesn’t - 4 bands
What are two consequences of increasing degeneracy in primers?
Increased chance of non specific binding and a decrease in overall amplification
What are three consequences of having a run of the same nucleotide longer than 4 bases?
Increase secondary structures, increase non specific binding, increase mis-priming
What are two potential reasons as to why a PCR would not work?
Human error and remaining protein or secondary metabolite contamination
Why did Wendell et al., 2016 authors need to “further refine the position of the anl gene”? What other evidence did they use to confirm this?
It is an inverted repeat making it difficult to use insert specific primers on since amplification is not possible. Used phenotypic evidence from other plants.
How do you determine the most probably ancestral amino acid sequence using parsimony?
Looking at all sequences and seeing which amino acid is most common
What is the equation used for chi squared analysis?
How did rbcL contribute to universality and discrimination?
okay discrimination and high universality
How did matK contribute to universality and discrimination?
high discrimination, mixed universality